Lahaina and the Lion's Gate: The White Lion Brings Us Full Circle
All Roads Lead to Sol Invictus
The breathtaking and majestic White Lion is native to a small region of South Africa called Timbavati. They are actually not albinos but the result of a very recessive gene present in that local population. Both parent lions must possess this gene for the trait to actually be expressed.
I was chatting with fellow Stacker, Lawrence Flynn recently after reading his excellent piece on the film ‘Leave The World Behind’. Because he actually watched the entire, miserable thing he had noticed even more of the references to race and slavery, clearly present in the film, than I did.
I opined that the film had been filled with these references to act as a smoke screen for what it was really about. This also served as an avenue for the mainstream press to gaslight the viewers who thought they were seeing something more in these references as “conspiracy theorists”.
The centerpiece of this apparent, racial themed symbolism in the film is when a massive oil tanker called the White Lion actually crashes into a Long Island beach filled with weekend holiday revelers. The clear and obvious reference here would appear to be to the 1619 arrival at the James Town colony of a slave ship of the same name. It was the first of many such arrivals and to make sure viewers made this already obvious connection they even gave the fictional beach community in the film the name of Point Comfort. The same name of the area where the 1619 ship actually dropped anchor.
Here is the link to Lawrence’s very good decode of the film which has many additional details I didn’t cover. He clearly shows how this film was intended as a clumsily veiled warning by highlighting instances in the laughably prosaic and obvious script.
Yesterday I was looking at a YouTube link that Jeanette had shot me and was stunned by something I saw in the comment section below that video. Often the comments are better under vids than the vids themselves. All content creators should value their commentors who take the time to leave amazing connections and insights.
The commentor was aware of a connection between the existence of white lions and their connection to the concept of a Sun God in African shamanism! I quickly did a search combining these terms and up this came:
In Mystery of the White Lions author Linda Tucker delves deep into both the spiritual beliefs in African shamanism regarding these majestic, endangered animals and her own journey in eventually becoming their fierce protector and advocate.
From the book’s page on Amazon:
“After being rescued from a life-threatening encounter with lions in the Timbavati game region by a Sangoma (female shaman) known as the ‘Lion Queen’, Linda Tucker embarks on a journey into the mysteries of the most sacred animal on the African continent: the legendary White Lion. It is a mystical journey into the knowledge and ceremonies of Old Africa, in which humans and lions are able to cross the species barrier - in accordance with the most guarded secrets of Ancient Egypt and humankinds’ greatest riddle, the sphinx. It is also a real living journey.
Scientists in our day have established that humankinds’ most significant evolutionary leap occurred as a result of our ancestors’ interaction with great cats. The White Lion is a genetic rarity of Panthera leo and occurs only in one region on earth: Timbavati. Today White Lions form the center of the notorious ‘canned’ trophy hunting industry - hand reared captive lions, shot in enclosures for gross money. By contrast, shamans believe that killing a Lion-Sun God is the ultimate sacrilege. How the Human species treats such precious symbols of God in nature may determine how nature treats the human species.”
Before I go on, just to set the record straight, I agree whole heartedly with the conservation part of the author’s message. There is almost no bigger lover of all big cats than me. I think it is beyond appalling that there has been something like a 90% reduction in the population of African Lions over the last century. The very real specter of future extinction in the wild now hangs over these animals. Actually deifying any animal is another thing entirely, however.
The biblical Tribe of Judah has always been traditionally symbolized by a lion according to repeated references in the Torah. This reference reappears in the Christian, Book of Revelation in this verse:
Rev. 5:5
“Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and it’s seven seals.”
This verse is universally interpreted as meaning Christ is the only one found worthy either on earth or in heaven to breach the seals of the apocalypse and begin the process of removing evil from the world.
It does not surprise me in the least that this symbolism is now being appropriated by this coming cult of the Sun God or Sol Invictus, the roots of all of that already being provably pan-Shemitic going back into the ancient world. I believe this is the actual meaning that remains when you strip away or deemphasize the other layers of symbolism present in the use of the White Lion in Leave The World Behind.
It isn’t just the inevitability of future enslavement that is symbolically on a collision course with this beach and all of its holiday revelers, symbolizing all Americans, but the system that will precipitate that enslavement with Sol Invictus at its center.
I don’t believe there is any chance that the Obama’s weren’t fully aware of this connection between actual White Lions, the Sun God worship in African Paganism, and its likely further connection to the Sun God lore of ancient Egypt and beyond.
Everywhere I turn I am now being confronted with the reality of the underlying presence of this Sol Invictus system. Whatever all of this ends up being it is now inbound like a speeding freight train while most are blithely unaware or only have a vague intuition something is coming.
Jeanette and I were emailing back and forth as I was digging into all of this the other day, and she just threw out the possibility of the Lion’s Gate of astrology having something to do with all of this. This became one of those amazing moments of revelation we have now shared several times over the last few months. I only knew vaguely that it had something to do with stars in the sign of Leo.
I immediately started searching and up popped two very crucial links that together about knocked me out of my seat. I will cover both of these separately here. First, we are headed back in time to the ritual immolation of Lahaina on 8/8/2023. I now only refer to this as the Lahaina Phoenix Ritual. So, what does Lahaina have to do with the Lion’s Gate?
The first link at the top of the search page was to an article published on 8/8/2023 in the New York Post called “What is the Lions Gate Portal 2023 and will it help your Zodiac Sign get lucky”. The above illustration was staring me in the face, and I immediately recognized the infamous publication date. It was the day Lahaina was burned to the ground. I quote from this article in part:
“Healing and mane shaking, the mythic Lion’s Gate Portal opens on August 8th, 2023, a date observed by ancient astrologers and numerologists alike. The portal widens its jaws from July 28th - August 12th but its powers are thought to peak on the 8th.”
“The power of the Lion’s Gate lies in the cosmic synergy between stars, signs and numbers but the term itself refers to the annual alignment between the Sun in Leo and Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, also known as Alpha Canis Majoris or the Dog Star.”
“Predictably, the double dose of 8/8, the eighth day of the month, offers opportunity for spirit to make the intangible, tangible and our intentions our actualities.”
The Post article then delved into some of the numerology and arcane symbolism surrounding the number 8. This was the usual infinity, rebirth, and renewal symbolism surrounding this “power number”.
So, I had been saying I was sure Lahaina marked a major occult threshold since the middle of August and now I find out about this “Lion’s Gate Portal” that was allegedly wide open on the day it burned. I have long understood about the occult numerology and symbolism surrounding 8 and 88 and called this aspect of all this out in a paper a week after the fire. I went into deeper detail than the surface grazing of the above article. The paper is a quick read if you haven’t and my most popular to date:
When I read that this “Lions Gate Portal” was about an alignment involving Sirius then everything about this began to become familiar for me. I was already aware of the overarching importance of Sirius in the cosmology and mythology of ancient Egypt and of the continuing obsession by the Masons and other elites with this brightest star in the night sky.
The above telescopic photo shows Sirius in the lower left corner and it’s close proximity in Earth’s night skies to the constellation of Orion in the upper right. The bright orange star on the left is the red giant, Betelgeuse and the three close stars in the middle of the constellation are known as Orion’s Belt.
Of all the countless stars and many constellations visible in the very dark night skies of ancient Egypt it was this small grouping that attained the highest importance in Egyptian cosmology as well the occult machinations of today’s elite. Irrefutable proof of this exists in the presence of sacred landscapes both ancient and new.
This is an illustration of what is today known as Orion Correlation Theory that I pulled off of Wicked-pedos. It shows the three large pyramids of the Giza Plateau superimposed over a matching scale photograph of Orion’s Belt. On top of this obvious correlation in the layout at Giza there is also a Fall Equinox alignment of the pyramids, with the actual rising Dog Star, that exactly matches how these stars all line up in the night sky.
And then there is this:
The 9/11 memorial footprint combined with the newly constructed “Freedom Tower” combine to repeat the ratios of Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza.
Without going into huge detail here, all of this cosmology appears to have been associated with Egyptian beliefs about Isis, Osiris, Sun God Horus and the concepts of renewal and rebirth. Just like the number 8 is now. The real kicker upon reading the above article was that the Egyptian New Year was timed to coincide with this concept of the Lion’s Gate alignment with Sirius in Leo in what we now call August on our own calendar.
So, it appears that Lahaina also marked the New Year’s threshold from the ancient culture most revered by the occultist elites of today. For people who have been regular readers here this should ring an alarm bell. I have been presenting evidence for weeks on this blog that the next probable threshold will occur on 2/10/2024 with the arrival of both the Chinese New Year of the Dragon and the Hebrew month of Adar. The timing between 8/8/2023 and 2/11/2024 is 6 months, 3 days.
I currently opine we have been on a final ritual countdown to the New Age of Sol Invictus or Anti-Christ since 8/8.
All of these lion references along with the matching cosmology are pointing toward this inevitability.
I have believed since mid-August that the above extremely anthropomorphic geography of Maui was used on 8/8 to ritually symbolize the apparent flaming head wound of the “Beast” written about in the Book of Revelation.
Some of you may have already guessed that the second link that caught my attention the other day was to an article about the ancient Lion’s Gate of Jerusalem. It is one of seven original gates into the old city and is believed to be where Christ passed on his walk from prison to eventual crucifixion. More potent and uncanny symbolism to bring into play………..
If you have not read the last 5 or so posts since late December, then you are behind the curve and need to catch up. The most recent post I’m linking below will fill in many of the most important details, but this is a very convoluted story you are only going to fully understand by going back to the December posts and moving forward.
As always, your comments, likes and restacks are most appreciated. The growth of this blog and dissemination of this information is in reader’s hands.
Excellent analysis Et:
"The three large pyramids of the Giza Plateau superimposed over a matching scale photograph of Orion’s Belt. On top of this obvious correlation in the layout at Giza there is also a Fall Equinox alignment of the pyramids, with the actual rising Dog Star, that exactly matches how these stars all line up in the night sky.
And then there is this:
The 9/11 memorial footprint combined with the newly constructed “Freedom Tower” combine to repeat the ratios of Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza."
Thanks for the mention, ET! Watch out for False Flag February!