The Phoenicians, Oprah, The God Harpocrates and the Lahaina, Phoenix Ritual
A Crucial Trip to Ancient Phoenicia Makes Sense of All This.
One of Oprah’s many episodes of signaling for the cameras that she is a member in good standing of what Hugo Talks has dubbed the “Peek-a-boo Club”. Works for me. Here she gives double 666 signs in a late 80’s photo. One wouldn’t want to be ambiguous…….
If readers have not read my previous report on the 88, Antichrist ritual at Lahaina as well as my Sunday Memes #5 post, where I began to focus in on Oprah, it would be good to take the short, about, 10 minutes to read both of those now before you proceed here. Otherwise, you are going to be lost and not get the full understanding of what I’m writing today.
On Sunday afternoon, as I was attentively monitoring and answering comments under the Memes post, a commentor going by Golden SW10 put up a link to the Wicked-pedo page for a little-known, Greco-Egyptian God known as Harpocrates in Greece and Harpa-Kruti in Egypt. This was one of those pry your lower jaw off the floor moments for me. And perfectly timed as is so often the case with me. Thankyou Golden SW10!
I will be coming full circle back to our friend, Oprah, but first it is important to understand the Phoenicians. Not Oprah, not Bill Gates or any of their ilk can be properly understood outside the cultural history and evidence I’m about to briefly go over.
This, late, Hellenistic period, Greek Frieze depicts Isis and her consort Serapis/Osiris/Dionysus with their young son Harpocrates in between them.
So, now I know many readers are probably baffled to see this depiction of Isis, Osiris, and an apparent juvenile Horus on sculpture from Greece. I was surprised too, at first, but am going to clear things up nicely, I hope, and also impart some real history about the Phoenicians along the way. This will be along the way to tying all this back to Oprah Winfrey and her apparent, celebrity omnipresence around the Maui, fire ritual.
Harpa-Kruti, who was adopted in Greece as Harpocrates, had been a creation of the Ptolemy Dynasty of Egypt which ruled from about 300 BCE to 30 BCE. A very late addition to the pantheon of classical, pagan Gods indeed! The Ptolemies were a Macedonian, Greek family that had been installed by Alexander the Great upon his conquest of Egypt and, at first, held nothing but apparent contempt for the people they were chosen to rule over. It is said that it was only Cleopatra VII, right at the end, that finally took a real interest in Egyptian culture and actually learned to speak Egyptian, among many other ancient languages she allegedly mastered.
Harpocrates or “Horus the Child” was said to represent the newborn or rising sun. A daily symbol of renewal. Harpocrates was also said to be the God of silence, secrets and confidentiality. This is why he was almost always depicted like this:
The vast majority of images of this Deity show him with the index finger touching his lips. Where have we seen this before?
Barbara Bush was particularly fond of this Illuminati hand sign but there are countless examples of other celebs and politicians flashing it.
It is speculated that the Ptolemies created this new version of Horus, and it appears quite successfully sold him to their counterparts in actual Greek, Hellenistic culture, as a way to help reunite the two ancient sides of the same elite families. I and others, in addition, believe those families were actually Phoenician Shemites, as ruling classes around the Mediterranean almost invariably were. Researcher, Miles Mathis began floating this theory years ago and I have seen no reason to believe it isn’t true and every reason to believe it is. Take a look at two different busts of the renowned, Cleopatra VII………….
Cleopatra was said to be the most beautiful woman in the world, but this is one of two known busts that show something a little different. She was also said to be immensely intelligent which there is no reason to doubt.
I strongly suspect her nose got a little bit of a pruning in the first bust, with the very prominent, shemitic arch taken down but the, beak-like, downturned tip left in both versions. The truth may be something in between. This is the face of 300 years of inbreeding. 300 years of brothers marrying sisters and cousins. 300 years of doubling down on family traits. That was the Ptolemy way. So, who were the Phoenicians?
In this map of the ancient world we see that the Phoenician civilization originated from people living on the coasts of what is now Lebanon and Northern Israel. This map tells part of the truth but not all of it. Miles Mathis believes you could draw an arrow straight over to Rome as well and DNA evidence is beginning to back up that idea. There are other issues as well. As an example, readers take note of the ancient City of Dor, located NW of Jerusalem. It was once common knowledge in the ancient world that the elite families of Sparta originated in and migrated from the City of Dor. Early on they were known as the Dorians before they became the Spartans. This is where the supposedly Greek, Doric style columns originated…..
The other, fancier, styles like Corinthian and Ionic came much later. Doric columns have the much simpler, cleaner lines seen often in many, much older, Egyptian columns from across the pond……..
Columns at the ancient City of Luxor in Egypt. The stylistic influence is quite obvious. The differences being, basically, surface decoration.
So, again, who were the Phoenicians and where all did these sea faring people actually end up when all was said and done? One question at a time………
The answer begins to be made quite clear when you have a look at the documented evolution of linguistics in the region. From Wikipedia:
“The family of Canaanite languages, spoken by the Israelites, Phoenicians, Amorites, Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites was the first historically attested group of languages to use an alphabet to record their writings, based on the proto-Canaanite script.”
It then goes on to say that this proto-Canaanite script was in turn based on Egyptian hieroglyphs. Finally, it states as fact that the Greek alphabet was derived from all this as well. Remember what I just told you about the Spartans? It has taken centuries for academia to finally admit that the Greek alphabet was clearly derived from the Hebrew alphabet.
The text ends with the statement that before 1050 BCE Phoenician, Hebrew and all other Canaanite languages were virtually indistinguishable! No one now really doubts that these were all Shemitic peoples. All descendants of Noah’s son Shem, according to the Torah.
This is the Nora Stone which was found on Sardinia, south of France, and is believed to date from around 900 BCE. It is the oldest tablet with Phoenician script ever found outside of the Phoenician homeland in the far eastern Mediterranean, nearly 3000 miles away! This object predates the founding of Rome by 150 years or more and is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of these people. You really have to hand it to them. No one else was traveling such great distances at sea at that time.
So, I believe I have answered WHO these people really were but the far more interesting question, of course, is where exactly did they go and where are they now?
To even begin to answer this question we have to begin to face all of the lies and intentional misdirection that has occurred over millennia regarding the subject of these people. According to mainstream historical narratives this civilization, people and their distinctive culture just faded away after Carthage was sacked and destroyed by Rome in 146 BCE. It is also alleged by historians that there is little evidence that Phoenician ships ever traveled far beyond the Straights of Gibraltar. I am here to tell you that narrative is a flat out lie and there has been a concerted effort to cover up, erase or de-emphasize any evidence to the contrary.
I have actually witnessed how this works because I happen to live near what is known as the Gault Archeological Site in Central Texas. I always see what I need to so this is just another example.
So, about 20 years ago archeologists were working the Gault dig, which has presently been dated to at least 15,000 years and counting, and brought out a bronze, plate-like artifact that had Phoenician script and was quickly attributed to the Iberian Peninsula about 3000 years ago. This is close to both the time frame and location of the Nora Stone, above. This news made the front page of my local paper along with an actual, clear photo of this amazing find.
Now it is like this never occurred. There is not a single trace of this discovery online and I and others have looked exhaustively. Below are two more examples I know of that have not disappeared, but every effort has been made by “fact checkers” to debunk them.
This tablet was found, many years ago, when a New Hampshire property owner discovered a small, stone chamber at what is now known as Mystery Hill. The inscription, in Proto-Canaanite characters, reads “To Baal of the Canaanites, this in dedication”.
This rock is known as the Las Lunas Decalogue Stone and was discovered outside of Las Lunas NM in 1933. Locals claimed it had always been there and eyewitness testimony confirmed it all the way back to 1880. When first brought to light the inscription was so encrusted in lichens and oxidation that it was just barely readable. This photo was taken after a 2006 vandalizing and defacement of the stone, visible at the top. Neatly carved in the same Proto-Canaanite, early Phoenician script as above, it contains the Ten Commandments of the Torah.
Discoveries like this have occurred all over North and Central America over the centuries and have mostly been made to disappear without a trace when possible. There is also now clear evidence that the vast copper deposits that were so plentiful in the northern Great Lakes region were what fueled much of the Bronze Age on the Mediterranean. All materials like this, from different regions, have their own chemical signatures. Like fingerprints in the impurities. This would account for so many, out of place, old world artifacts having come from along the Mississippi River.
There were, in fact, so many instances of Egyptian finds along the river in the 19th century that Cairo and other nearby towns were named to honor this fact. Today’s “historians” would like us to forget this.
So, now readers have a much clearer understanding of what the reach of these people actually were. Do the claims that these people likely never traveled around the Iberian Peninsula and up toward Britain and Scandinavia hold any water now?
I’m here to tell you they did, possibly 800 years or more before the Romans finally arrived there. There is tantalizing evidence of this in the names of places as well as in pure linguistics, which never lies. The Welsh language, when spoken, is so similar to Hebrew, in fact, that speakers of these two languages can often partially understand one another!
One can well imagine that when these travelers arrived in their magnificent ships, with bright purple sails, in what was then a very primitive, tribal northern Europe, they might almost have been viewed as Gods. They would have taken full advantage of this.
The Phoenicians had perfected a very costly dying process that involved some sort of pigment from a water snail species. All of their ships could be spotted from miles away and this worked as sort of reverse camouflage in the same way that very poisonous frogs and lizards are often brightly colored! These sails said, “These people are not to be screwed with”. Interestingly, Cleopatra VII’s fleet had these very same, purple sails………..
Here we see the finished product using the Tyrian Purple dye process. Also shown is the sea creature this dye comes from. The sails dyed using this exclusive process must have been quite breathtaking at the time.
Everywhere these people went they ended up becoming the elites of that society and melding in. This is why purple was always the color of choice with these families. It was often even outlawed for commoners to be caught wearing it. To this day the descendants of these people still signal using this color.
Bill and Hillary work the purple power for her 2016 concession speech. The same could also be seen at Biden’s Inauguration festivities………
These are just three of multiple purple outfits worn by people like Jill Biden, Michel Obama, Kamala Harris, as well as others during days of inauguration activities in 2020. Win or “lose”, THEY always win………..
Don’t think for a second THEY weren’t signaling when Oprah Winfrey was just handed a part in this film, having never acted before, and won an Oscar for it. But I’m getting ahead…………
Purple signaling has gone logarithmic in the psychopathic character of Ms. Wilhelmina Venable, terrifyingly played by Sarah Paulson in American Horror Story: Apocalypse. This was, perhaps, the most truly frightening performance of the entire series. Doomsday has arrived and the nobility have retreated into a series of underground, luxury bunkers. Some, very unlucky elite, have unfortunately ended up in the facility being run by Ms. Venable. Everyone is required to wear purple, according to their elite status, eat gourmet meals and live in luxury suites but Venable has other plans. These people become toys for her amusement, including surreptitiously serving them cannibal meals comprised of resident gentry she has already, horrifyingly and cruelly, disposed of. Only the Antichrist himself and a coven of time traveling witches can save the day………... You get the picture. Predictive programming on steroids with an Oh, so Phoenician twist!
Another telltale sign that the European elite are descended from these shemitic peoples is, of course, their ubiquitous use of Double Eagle symbolism in much their heraldry. I demonstrated in a recent post that the Double Eagle first appeared in Sumer 5000 years ago, was the family crest of Nimrod, and must mean these people consider themselves descended from the Annunaki. Low and behold I found this:
When he says “Ashkenazim” he might as well include their close cousins, the Phoenicians, also. All shemitic people share these characteristics to one degree or another. The Phoenician aristocracy of Europe have both out-bred into the gentile populations and also married into elite Jewish lines like Mr. Cohen, above represents. This is why the Royalty and Aristocracy of Europe, and many actual Jews, are in complete accord on all the wicked agendas that are now moving forward. THEY have always known they were really one people in the end.
The Cohens come in all the flavors of the rainbow. The Cowans of England, The Coons and Coens of Dutch aristocracy, The Khans, Kohens and Kohns of Germanic countries. It goes on and on. The Cohens were always an elite Jewish line of the Rabbinical class. I found out yesterday that the King Ranch, “Kings” of south Texas fame are actually Kuhns. I wasn’t surprised.
As I move toward the conclusion of this piece, I think it’s the right time to tell the story of one of my own Phoenician family lines, the Bennett/Benoit’s who originated in what is now the area at the base of the Pyrénées in southern France but was once the Post-Phoenician, Kingdom of Occitania. Occitania was obliterated by the French and Vatican armies during the Cathar Wars of the 13th century. My reason will become clear for including this here.
The elite families of Occitania eventually found themselves with their backs against the waters of the Mediterranean as the Vatican led armies slowly advanced on the coastal cities. They had no choice but to flee in their, no doubt, very fine ships. The armies were killing everyone, indiscriminately. Women, children, poor, rich, even Catholics were being taken out. Occitania was among the most cosmopolitan locations in Europe at this time. It was considered on par with Venice and was the same kind of wealthy, Phoenician stronghold.
Trade from the entire known world arrived daily at its fine ports. Factories producing every kind of luxury goods imaginable hummed away. Occitania was particularly known for its fine textiles. One of the most Phoenician of all endeavors!
The point of this is that when my Benoit ancestors finally loaded their entire extended families on ships, and watched the Pyrénées disappear over the horizon for the last time, they knew exactly where they would be welcome. The ship convoys of Occitanian elite families headed straight for Britain.
The British Aristocracy was family. When the Occitanian families arrived in Britain they were indeed welcomed with open arms by the British. Records clearly show that the name Benoit was quickly being flipped to Bennett and they were marrying into the highest levels of British society. The Benoit’s and other families, of course, over time, began producing the same fine textiles and other goods they had been known for in Occitania.
In time the Bennett clan was handed the plum task by the Crown of embarking on and leading the founding of the Jamestown Colony, in what is now Virginia, in 1607. These are my Bennett ancestors. My research shows the Bennett family was well rewarded for this with vast land holdings all over the area. Some of this land is still owned by Bennett’s to this day.
It is my own theory that this mass migration from Occitania is how the genetics for RH negative blood became so prominent in the lines of the British Aristocracy. Former Occitania, now called Languedoc by the French, is still at the edge of the epicenter of RH negative blood types in all the world. My mother was an RH negative Bennett. Today more than 6 million people in this region still speak Occitanian despite all efforts by the French to wipe both this language and the Occitanian culture from the face of the earth. A stubborn people they are!
Actual proposed boundaries for a new European state and flag based on what is clearly the legacy of ancient Phoenician culture and language in this region.
The Occitania region was really a complex of several, related, Post-Phoenician cultures stretching across the coasts of eastern Spain, across the Pyrénées, and encompassing what is now SW France. Valencia, Catalonia and Occitania had, and still have, more in common, culturally, than either Spain or France have with any of them. The Valencian, Catalonian and Occitanian languages are all very closely related as well.
So now I think I’ve made it pretty clear where the Phoenician cultures went. They are still with us today in the form of cities and regions all the way from Egypt to Greece, to Venice and other very old Italian city states, and then across to France and Spain. The elite of this ancient culture are still running everything in Europe and the West, masquerading as white Europeans, and attempting to conceal, for the most part, their actual Phoenician and Jewish heritage.
Now, finally, let’s move on to OPRAH and “Horus the Child”, HARPOcrates! I have set the stage with the needed historical background for readers to fully grasp all the implications of what I’m about to say about not only Oprah Winfrey but all of these shitty, monstrous people.
It was researcher Miles Mathis that pioneered using genealogy to unravel the intrigues and real identities of many of the major players in global thinktanks, politics, entertainment and the arts. This lineage also extends into the players involved in all staged events, hoaxes and psyops. In pursuing these connections, over the years, an invisible spider’s web was laid bare. It becomes beyond clear, examining his mountains of genealogical data and those of other contributors on his site, that everything, every agenda we see now comes down to families and loyalty to those families. This all begins and ends in apparent, inbred and trained, Psychopathy and loyalty within these family hierarchies.
My hat is off to Miles Mathis. His work in many areas, including real science, has been a service to humanity. I don’t think he is correct 100% of the time but darn close! I hope and pray for his continued good health and wellbeing.
So, what I’m going to quickly do now is just briefly summarize what Mathis discovered on digging into Oprah’s genealogy. He was able to positively confirm the long-standing rumor that the Presley’s that start just two generations up in Oprah’s family tree are the same Presley’s that gave rise to Elvis Presley. There was more than one connection actually. Elvis Presley himself has been shown to be the 34th grandson of Charlemagne and cousins with nearly every US president. He was also able to show that the Presley’s in Oprah’s tree are related to the Spencer’s and Princess Diana.
There were several Jewish sir names that cropped up and a possible but unconfirmable connection to Bill Gates. Mathis was also able to determine that her ancestry appears to be about 20% Caucasian or more. She has always denied this. It actually even looks like Winfrey and Stedman may be cousins! Finally, it appears she is descended from the Robert E. Lee, Lee’s. There was much more but this is enough. Readers get the picture.
Mathis was able to dig up an interview where these two actually admitted they are cousins! This only confirmed what he’d already uncovered.
This is one of two known bronze statues of the Greco-Egyptian God Harpocrates. It should come as no surprise that it is attributed to the Phoenicians.
I could believe that it was just strange coincidences that Oprah is Harpo backwards and that the very God were talking about here is the same Horus/Antichrist being signaled in the Lahaina ritual except for this:
OPRAH, herself, flipped her name backwards into HARPO when she named her studio back in the 80’s. Combine all this with her very presence in all the brouhaha surrounding this and I smell a great, big, Phoenician ship rat.
I believe all of this has been planned for a very, very long time. It’s how these people operate. She was chosen to be part of this and possibly even named in honor of it. She recently spoke in terms of the Phoenix in relation to events in Lahaina. And that not only refers to the rising of Lahaina, in some form or other, from the ashes, but the rising or reawakening of these Gods like Osiris, Isis and Horus as well, as I was reminded by GoldenSW10.
Oprah, allegedly, was exactly 69 years, 191 days old on 8/8/2023 (allegedly is me taking solipsism into account). This fairly screams: “Look at the really gnarly occult numerology!!”
In Greek mythology it was decided that Dionysus was the best counterpart for the Egyptian Osiris, father of Horus, and I find that VERY telling. Dionysus is the closest counterpart, in Greek mythology, to what we know, in turn, as Satan. He was the God of debauchery, drunkenness, and pleasure seeking as well as being identified with Satyrs and Pan.
The cult of Dionysus, in the old world, was one of violence and bizarre extremes even by pagan standards. He was celebrated by adherents of this cult for 11 days in December by bouts of rampaging through the county side, in a drunken rage, and killing everything that moved. This orgy of insane, senseless debauchery, known as Bacchanalia in Rome, always began on December 25th. Let that sink in………. Merry Christmas!
Such is our world. All we can do is be watchful, prayerful and aware. I will be watching this Oprah/Lahaina ritual mess like a hawk for future developments. And like Golden SW10, don’t be shy. You may have the key to something important as well.
I also want to continue to ask that folks hit that like button if you think what I do is valuable. I don’t make any money from this, and never will, but I clearly saw last week that your likes resulted in a big bump in subscriber growth here and more people viewing my posts. Thank you and God Bless!
The fiery head wound and heart of Horus, the Antichrist? We are living in strange times.
Revelation 13:3
“And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.”
Very interesting! I too have followed the language to uncover the Khan/Caan/Cohn.Kohn/Cohen=PRIEST connection. I found this language breakdown with the word ANKH being an anagram of KHAN.
All of the obelisks and domes prominently displayed around the world clued me into what I call the reLIgion of the castrated gods. I imagine that to be a god you certainly cannot procreate the same way we do because then we would all be gods. Tracking these people phonetically you can add another city to the mix of Phoenicia, Venetia and that is Benecia, CA. This city was the capital of CA for 13=M months if I remember correctly. Look at those city names, they all end with "CIA" which just happens to be an acronym that we all know.
Skin color of these THings that rule cannot be a consideration. If you go to the Medici family, you will find a supposed black slave as the mother of a famous Medici. Medici means doctor. Let's add a couple of letters, MEDICINE. Hidden in plain sight.
Back to the reLIgion, cut off body parts ERECTED everywhere, so I started going down the rat hole of castration throughout the ages. Imperial China had a lot of information still available. In order to work in the Imperial Palaces, one had to be castrated, male or female, it mattered not. The stories are horrific and many died during the process. I found information that told me that the barbers were the cutters (times before doctor was an occupation). Symbology made me dig a little deeper, so I looked into the history of barbering. There I found that the original cutters were the PRIESTS which takes me back to the second sentence in this little story.
Fascinating stuff! This explains why purple was worn by all the kings/royals all over Europe for centuries and deserves to be mentioned here, although you nicely document this color associated with rulers to this day.
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
Kudos to ET's Cinema Psychomasonica's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf: