#72, The Deep Roots of Ancient Kabbalism & Their Amazing World Reach, Part 1
As trade moved around the ancient world courtesy of the Phoenicians, they were carrying something more than just luxury goods........
As I was looking for the perfect header image for this piece this beauty fell in my lap and it perfectly illustrates where I am eventually headed with all this. This is the Kabbalist, Tree of Life with a pastiche of images from other global spiritual and occult traditions just thrown all over it. Like technicolor projectile vomiting of references to nearly every belief system that’s ever existed on the planet. This is as good an illustration as you could ever find of where things are currently headed as well as, surprisingly, where we have already been………… Maybe this would make a good template design for a New Age, Kabbalah Witch themed pinball game machine?
I was watching one of Patrick Jordan’s old vids the other day on his Stack and it was one of his usual genius rants about the predicament we now find ourselves in courtesy of the Kabbalah Witch Shemites. He did a wonderful recitation of a portion of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and stated some basics about his long held theory regarding the 72 entities of Mystical Judaism and how they might represent actual plagues and diseases. I am hoping Patrick will give us a short, cliffs notes run down of this in the comments. I will pin it if he does. It sounds like he equates disease causing organisms with actually being possessed by these entities on some level. Like this was set forth in harnessing spells long ago.
As soon as he mentioned 72 diseases and vaccines in this vid I knew exactly where Patrick was headed with this line of reasoning without needing to hear anything else……….
What you are looking at is a very old graphic rendering of the concept of the Shemhamphorash or Shem HaMephorash of Kabbalah. I have also christened this the Shem Hell for Ash which I think will meet Patrick’s approval! This rendering lists the 72 names of either God or Demonic Entities, depending on who you ask, using a 4 character system. The word Shemhamphorash means “explicit names”. The names are stated around the outside edge of this Sun Wheel in the form of what is called the Tetragrammaton. The Tetragrammaton is usually known as the name of God written in the four characters spelling YHWH or Yahweh as we know it.
This graphic depicts the evolution of Hebrew script through the ages with the oldest versions having the additional meaning of Behold Nail Behold Hand.
So let’s go to the horse’s mouth, so to speak, and see what Chabad.org has to say about the origin of these 72 names…….
“Exodus 14: 19-21 each contain 72 letters, an obviously rare phenomenon. The letters of these verses can be arranged as 72 triplets of letters. But we are taught in the Kabbala that if we reverse the order of the letters in the middle set the 72 triplets become 72 “names” of G-D.”
It then goes on to explain that these lines of 72 letters are then stacked one on top of another, in order, and then each group of 3, up and down, reveal these “names of G-D”. This site is the official face the Kabbalists show to the public and they spell God, G-D. There is no explanation given for this but Patrick or someone else may know.
These are the allegedly, original versions of the 72 names as they were derived using the above formula from Chabad.org.
When I did a search for the Shemhamphorash Sun Wheel or flower above it was on the page 3 or 4 times and all the rest of the hundreds of images were all very decidedly of the dark occult persuasion. If I were to believe these were the “names of God” then it was like one of those “which of these don’t belong” games on Sesame Street. In this case Google’s AI placed the Shemhamphorash exactly in the context it belonged. Even the infernal, effing AI knows those are not the names of God.
This is the name and logo of a hardcore, death metal band from Spain back in the 90’s and early 2000’s. The search page was filled with things in this vein including pentagrams. Ditto on the search I did for the Tetragrammaton. Another Sesame Street game with Pentagrams done up with 4 letter cryptograms.
So how far back does all this go? Well no one knows for sure but there are some tantalizing clues in a book called The Lemegeton or The Lesser Keys of Solomon. The Lemegeton is a grimoire that gives instructions for the evocation of 72 spirits and was compiled in the 1600’s from much older material. It is actually clearly based on the pre first millennium book called The Testament of Solomon. This was originally written in Greek and the origins of it are lost in the mists of the early 100’s. 20th century scholarship has come to the consensus that “much of its content reflects the first century Judaism of Israel”, and includes content known to be much older than that. The text basically describes how Solomon was enabled to build his Temple by commanding demons he had harnessed using a “magical ring” he had been given by the Arch Angel Michael.
In my opinion this piece of writing provides a clear window into the spiritual paradigms and mindsets of the culture it came out of. One has to remember that handwritten and costly early literature like this would have come from the Rabbinic classes in society, the movers and shakers, not the everyday people on the street. What the New Testament books had to say about these classes of Jews, at that time, is, of course, in complete accord with what we find in The Testament of Solomon.
These are the 72 individual sigils used in calling forth or evoking the Demonic Entity of your choice and appear much as they looked in the original Ars Goetia chapter of the Lemegeton or Lesser Keys of Solomon.
To be clear, I hate even looking at these things but sometimes you have to look at things you find abhorrent to clearly understand the truth. So now it’s time to blow away the smoke of intentional obfuscations and try and see all of the above in the light and clarity of actual truth.
In reading up on this subject I saw that back in the 1600’s, and long before, magick was divided into two overarching categories of Magia Naturalis and Theurgy. This is “natural magic” and the “evocation of Dieties”. Goetia was considered a sub-category of Theurgy and referred to the evocation of evil spirits. If you wanted to end up burned at the stake, in this time period, Goetia was your ticket to ride! It was considered, by far, the most egregious form of any of this.
So these things were normally, mostly not confused with names for God or G-D (whatever that actually means), angels or anything else going all the way back to this time. I did find reference to later editions of the Lemegeton, from the mid to late 1600’s, where the subject of using or evoking 72 complimentary “angels” was introduced. It was thought that these good angels could assist in the harnessing and taming of the 72 bad angels. This is, of course, a classic example of the duality doctrines of Kabbalah, and other occult traditions influenced by it, coming out to play. They mention the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash specifically for this purpose. And I thought those were supposed to be the 72 names for G-D! All of this, every bit of it, I hope my readers have deduced has been a shell game being played by THEM, likely for millennia.
I know many of the subs to this stack are some of the smartest and most aware people on this platform so I know I don’t need to beat this to death. I will conclude this half of what will be two parts by saying that my research, as well as others like Patrick, has shown that all of this goes back thousands of years to what are obviously the root cultures of first Sumer and then Assyria in the upper watershed of the Tigris Euphrates Valley. This and points north appear to be the land of Abraham before even these civilizations existed. This was the landing zone of Noah and his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth. Sound familiar? I don’t know why Japheth was left out of the Shemhamphorash.
It is my opinion, based on what I have learned about Sumer, and its cultural descendant Assyria, that this penchant for seeking the company of Demonic Entities was passed down through the family let’s say……… The religions of Sumer and Assyria were centered on this very concept as much as actually worshipping Gods. It was believed that all bad or good luck was attributable to the influence of these entities and that one could harness one demon to combat the influence of another.
In the next installment things are going to get even more interesting because it appears that this penchant for the number 72, whatever it’s really about, has left a mark on many other world cultures and is proof of how culturally interconnected the ancient world actually was. I believe the Crypto Jewish, Phoenicians and their marvelous ships and trade with the entire known, and even unknown world, at that time, may be the key to it all. Will see you in the comments I hope or catching the next installment……...
Citizens should be Vaccinated to Regain Their Rights!
• We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services. Henry Kissinger, WHO 2009
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"
Sesame Street is probably steeped in occult.
there’s also the rule of 72 in finance.