Citizens should be Vaccinated to Regain Their Rights!
• We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services. Henry Kissinger, WHO 2009
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"
I’ve seen this quote and other frightening ones allegedly coming from Henry the Great. Would like to get some kind of confirmation of the validity but doubt it’s available since it would be scrapped from the Net long ago.
Thank you. It’s true that someone doesn’t need to be a genius to spot the devious ways of this band of psychopaths. But I guess all the toxic chemicals in the food, air, water, soil, drugs and thoughts appear sufficient to turn many people into subservient compliant gullible believers. Just hope that an antidote becomes available soon. And even it there is some will refuse it because it’s not approved but the FDA.
The Covid-19 hoax has proved to me that the Fraud and Death Association (FDA) has no value. It works for the Big Pharma and shouldn't be called a regulatory agency. In fact, anything approved by the FDA has no meaning since it's fake. Pfizer asked them to hide the documents that they submitted for the approval of their bioweapons for 75 years, meaning that the FDA had approved bioweapons without any testing and knew that they were not safe.
I fought this guy back in 1992 in vain after I discovered the declassified memo NSSM-200 (Kissinger Report 1974) where he instructed the US government to depopulate 13 countries under the cover of the USDAID that the Global South considers a genuine humanitarian organization. For him, it was imperative to reduce the population of 13 countries to allow the US access to their natural resources. As simple as 123!
"Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200)"
He's not alone on that path. Find bellow what Attalli wrote in 1981. The exact same script!
1981 Depopulation Agenda: Jacques Attalli - BilderBerger
Kissinger is very high in the hierarchy. He is probably as high as it goes before you get to the no-seeums at the very top that actually call the shots. Thanks for posting this!
Kissinger is a P1 Freemason (Italian lodge) and is the messenger of the US Deep State and "The City of London". When he utters anything in public, take it seriously because he's just repeating what has been decided by his handlers. He's the incarnation of evil and has the blood of millions of people on his hands: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Chile, etc.....
The Italian journalist who unmasked him and other Vatican cardinals was found dead in the 80s after publishing the mapping of the catholic church clergy to their respective lodges.
You've done a stellar job of this and I must compliment your aversion to it, since I have the warning of the teacher of Special Education at my highschool in the early 1970s who pulled me aside for no apparent reason and said with the sad look of a hound dog on his face: "You know the more you're around These People" [meaning the special ed kids] "the more you become like them."
When I look at the sigils, I, like you and other people see circuit diagrams: Induction coils, switches, resistors, diodes, capacitors and transistors. Makes you really wonder what the SOURCE of their Magicks was/is?
My personal view on the culling of those who dabbled in Goetia was not because of some moral highground (the Vatican has the greatest collection of first edition Grimoires on the planet) but to elminate the competition, just like a male tiger will eat the cubs he did not father of his current mate.
that is exactly what they look like, printed electrical circuit diagrams.
And there is a passage in one of the book of the OT when entering in the Yaweh tent a high priest has to wear a particular cloth made of linen with specific design of Ezeckiel I will find it and share it.
........Yaweh HAS A TENT!!!!????? when this passage was skipped (on purpose) during pulpit reading? ;)
I've been saying since the 1990s that the Breastplate of the high priest made out of gold (conductor) has a series of 12 semiconductors embedded in it that reminds me of a circuit board. One of them being a Betyl which means a meteorite which is also the thing that Yakob slept on where he had the dream of the ladder to heaven.
Voice to skull? Superman data crystals? Or just ET infection that got into his brain like the TV show Brain Dead?
So, dude. When I saw that graphic of the 72 Names of the Hive mind in an occult encyclopedia it changed everything for me. When I saw it here in your Stack, I thought: ET's been doggin' me that whole time I was in the University of ILL Annoyed occult section. The school actually had a grant/deposit of books that was the entire occult collection of a single donor. He stipulated that he didn't want any texts on Black Magicks but the simple stuff was enough to kickstart anything you wanted to get a handle on. Like when that same encyclopedia explained that The Old Ones - The Forgotten Ones - from the Mesopotamian Valley were the progenitor gods like The Ancient of Days aka: ASH. Imagine my surprise when I see you post on Ash! Indeed meets my approval.
It's said that MENSA looks for those who have Pattern Recognition not the merely vomitus of facts.
We MUST have the ability to discern the patterns otherwise those stripes will still look like long grass when we get too close to the tiger and we become it's snack.
That Tree of Life/Death (there's 2 - there's always dualism) is a perfect example of what I call: Same Pig Different Liptick, which arose from my earlier concept of The Babylonian Name Change.
You have a good eye - hey! waitaminute! Is that YOUR eye on the doll ear bill?
So it goes like this:
Mesopotamian Trinity: Ea, Ba, Anu.
Ea = Yah
Yahveh = Yahweh = YHVH = Yod Heh Vav Heh = Jehovah, except there was no "J" in the english language until around 1600 A.D. so Jehovah = Yahoovah.
Ba = Bah. As in bah, bah, Black Magick Sheep have you pulled any wool over our eyes as Bel, or Beelzebub, or Ba'AL?
Anu = An = On (OnStar) + Ki = Anunnaki = 7 female + 7 male children of the progenitor Sky Gods.
Egyptian Trinity: Amon, Aten, Ra
Amon = Amen (end of christian prayers) = A Moon
Aten = Atum = Atom
Ra = Rah = Re = Ray
A Moon Atom Ray.
The patterns repeat because the gods of Egypt are the gods of Babylon with just a name tweak to sell the idea to different people in different places at different times. Terah the Mage in the court of Nimrod was a Fashioner of Gods so this putting the lipstick on the pig to sell it to the next customer was actually the Family Business.
Therefore when I see the hodge podge of all of the SUPPOSED separate religions all showcased in the same place I think: Someone gets it.
Absolutely yes. They created an illusion of some separation in the past but are now signaling that all of the veils between all of these beliefs are coming down. It is all to be one belief system very soon. That will be the crowning achievement of the hive and the ultimate form of control.
Great Book on Kabbalism : Kabbalism secrets every christian ( Every decent person!)should know : Deanne Loper uncovers the deception by giving a detailed description of what Kabbalah is and equips believers to recognize it in its morphed form of Christianity. The evidence shows that the god of today's Babylonian and kabbalistic Judaism is NOT the God of the Bible and that the current convergence of Christians coming under rabbinic authority will bring them, not to the one true God of the Bible, but to the subservience of the god of Kabbalah - Ein Sof - and to its hierarchy of gods.
This is what I love about collaborating with genius-level thinkers. I never noticed the missing Noetic descendent in the Shemhamphorash. Where indeed is Yaphet? Not Yaphet Koto (loved him in ALIEN though.) Remember that there was no "J" so there was never a Jah Fet (Bobba Fet, maybe) also there is no Book of J in the apocrypha. It would be "Y" or Yah. It unoccults things that they let us decieve ourselves with because we're missing small subtle parts of the lethal puzzle they scattered across the whirled.
Patrick, will get more into this tomorrow. Going to bed now. The only thing I can figure about the third brother is that he was supposed to have been the root of the gentiles....... They couldn't have that in their nasty hive thingy.
I have one final comment: if you want some detail on the 72 "names" then I recommend Practical Kabbalah by R. Ambelain (trans. Piers A. Vaughan), especially section I. Theurgy V. Shemhamporash (p. 127 f.). It's really weird stuff and includes actual invocations so I don't recommend this be read aloud at all.
JP, Because of things I experienced back in the 80's when both I and friends of mine were dabbling in the occult I wouldn't go near a book like that. We summoned a powerful entity and it was terrifying. Cured me of any more interest in going near this crap. I threw my Crowley Tarot deck in the trash.
I have edited my comment to remove the link so no-one else is tempted.
I have not personally ever dabbled. My interest in these matters stems primarily from two major concerns of mine:
1. My Christian faith, and thus a desire to understand the nature and weapons of our enemy;
2. My exploration of ritual-abuse mind control, so often tightly interwoven with occult, satanic/luciferian ideology, so that I may more easily detect both its practitioners and victims.
I have subbed. You'll be hearing more from me in your comments section in the future. Keep up this great stack and much needed expose of the satanic empire rising.
JP, Nothing is coming up in searches on this. Can you tell me what you know? It would be much appreciated! I will credit you in my blog. I have long believed CERN is critical in whatever plans THEY have. I believe it was actually named for the Gaulish horned God, Cernunos. I think it may even represent the bottomless pit in Revelations that Apollyon is the Lord of.
I had an image of it but I can't find it in my archive. I'll get back to you... one of the detectors at CERN at 72 panels, I can't remember which one it is now.
This is what got me in Gematria and esoteric readings. Unfortunately is not one of those subject matter easy to share because it requires exploring kabbalistic literature on your own. And you end up moving in a different direction and further from others. What is shocking, and nearly impossible to get it through people, is that our lives are run by this dense intricate weave of occult knowledge.
Aftermix, I was in the middle of posting a reply when all of Substack went down. This is just in case there is no notice for it in your box........ I always deeply appreciate when people take the time to comment.
Artermix, Yes, this stuff has been an endless source of fascination for me for a long time but, as you say, getting people to listen and understand how foundational all of this is to where we now find ourselves is another thing. It is my goal with this blog to explain all this in terms that are as simple as possible and in manageable portions. I am a very visual person so am going to be presenting as much visual evidence and symbolism as possible to get my points across. A picture really is worth a thousand words. After the next couple of presentations I have planned I am going to be going back in time 6000 years to ancient Sumer and the mythology surrounding the Anunnaki, Gilgamesh, Nimrod etc. This is ground zero for all advanced civilizations that came after and why we are where we are now. Everything now has been 6000 years in the making.
I am very interested in your take. I am from a place that was a Phoenician base in mediterranean and also has connection with Sumerians. For that I always think I could have a genetic connection as well.
As I told Patrick ....I think the Anunaki created the "Adam"....Atom.....that is how we got type A blood.... that got mixed with type 0 the Original ones whatever that was in lab or a live event (fallen angels having sex see genesis tale).....
The Anunnaki called the "dark headed people" they found themselves ruling over the Adamah. The Garden of Eden story appears in a different form in this mythology but it's there without a doubt. Their version, when properly translated, had Enlil as the God of Agriculture teaching the Adamah how to farm. Eve is there, in this Mythology, as the Temple Prostitute who lures the "wildman" into the city to give him knowledge.
So: training one's self in the three'ss-uni-on/trivium/treenighet/three-in-one-named..
The base grammar: who*, what*, where*, when* (our names of the world in the world).
The middleman relations logic: how*.
The top layered rethoric and value choice decided: why*.
*They are all but tools casting a view with percieving sensors sensing a perviewed scape shaped scape shaping shapes as ship and shape/gestalt in some languages almost with same words denotes:
Words are but words pointing towards reality and existance that but just is. Selfevidence just is - as it is - with or without words..
The wierd thing though is that the world and the word word itself is like "Wyrd"..
Lets try it:
Just now I saw a horse lying in the meadows beautifully lit in the sunshine.
Who: I did. What: See A horse. Where: In the meadows. When; Just this moment in now.
To how and why a bit about above is great but even greater is to spend a lot of time in the base "grammarly joyfully inquisitivaly living childrens mindset of asking base questions" : who, what, where, when and just go to explore..
It is even a just presice super layout of any minute but perfectly instructed super training set up of any science lesson for students any age in instructing to pin pointing the students into just observing the who, what, where and when's and have the real glory of inquisitive learning moments grip a full class if a teaching moment is designed around it..
When I myself took a day viewing these tools of "who/what/where/when" to practice my skills of observation and awareness ox any topic or phenomena I would come closer and closer into "classes of words" finally arriving at the word "word"..
They all came as "words"..
So from "tiger" one can do a lot of who, what, where and when's and find viewpoints still "making sense" in all the variables possible to fill with a "tag word".. (who/what/where/when)
A tiger. Who? Well a being of sorts as those we call tigers. What? Well, tigers do things or appear at locations specific to observations relating to these beings called tigers. Where? Locations relating to tigers and descriptions of them. When? Time frames and references used around observations or events, in this case related to the beings of tigers.
To try out base level reasoning and saturate onself into these grammar ground pillars is a great exercise to work through regarding ones "tool box" and sharpening these tools such to drill into core expressions of being as a being in the beingness of existance and its appearance through the tools of senses available dressing our awareness with the input stimuli and our mental frames for its pattern and recognition mapping;
Entering a crisis moment.
I found it okey to sift through a bunch of excercises tchewing through a bunch of test areas but finding myself drawn to a dilemma: Everything I went through had a "top hinge" nailed down as "words"..
So I went to examine the word 'word' and filled some what/where/when's but got fully stuck on the who!!!
A who!!!
Can a word be a who!!!!!!
Enter crisis opus magnum!!!!!!!!!!
I fumbled for a bit and then cracked up in laughter once I opened "the pandora's box" to the selfapparent:"Well, what do you know! Maybe, actually really much; words are who's of really majorly importent kind of beings. Like in: Hey: You actually do call a something to a word!!! Like in "summoning it into existance". At a bare minimum it is a calling it into becoming "la iving being of sorts beyond object-subject-orientation but grasping something akin to its "third unseen side" of a "meta beingness" in an other-worldly beyond the normal sensory registered "apparitions"..
I relaxed in a realisation so not new but old as like from time immemorial in it even being the "divine notions above the powers of the Gods!"
In Norse mythology the "three Norns" is the first of them (actually the ancient three birth maidens!) "Wyrd/Urd" is cursory said to represent the "past (tense)" but in its core dress a Wyrd/word is from the past stretching our language into history arriving to now for us to use through from past carried words evolving/carrying its presence clearly as traceable as Wyrd is "called/summoned" to carry the meaning of "words"..
Wierd, world and word in English is derived from "Wyrd" and is in its being the core/history/past..
The Norse mythology puts is overtly clear: By the world tree's root next to its well sits Urd/Wyrd guarding Urðaberunni..
I ventured to muse Patrick Jordan in one of his stacks a comment revealing the super powers of the acroamatic cipher drillid into the genious of Urðab(e)runni but will take only Urða/Urð/Urd/Wyrd apart in a fast and dirty; Urd in its base pair logic bits dressed as "Ur" + "da".. A bit of study and high level thinking easily decodes what our Norse languages still today can grasp: Urð means "Ur/out (from) da/då/then..
Urd/Wyrd/"word" = (comes) out (from) then (past times oral traditions)!!!
Wyrd/words most definitely in some senses clearly are a bunch of who's and called or "summond so" in order to "live a life in its (cloaked but still yet so) form" draped with its beingness-shape and acting with and around us..
Summon the good or the evil* is up to the intentions of the "living beings" calling a summon of the different "Wyrd's" asked for..
*(live backwards)
So.. Daemon* is the actual first binary machine code for base level running of electrically binary data computing computors!
Wouldn't you know!
Actuakly Demon is in ots bits and pieces "De/the mon(o)" as is "the mono eye=money".. .. or "summoned called beings" - at your service.
Go dervish!
*In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon (/ˈdiːmən/ or /ˈdeɪmən/)[1] is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. Traditionally, the process names of a daemon end with the letter d, for clarification that the process is in fact a daemon, and for differentiation between a daemon and a normal computer program. For example, syslogd is a daemon that implements system logging facility, and sshd is a daemon that serves incoming SSH connections.
"The term was coined by the programmers at MIT's Project MAC. According to Fernando J. Corbató, who worked on Project MAC in 1963, his team was the first to use the term daemon, inspired by Maxwell's demon, an imaginary agent in physics and thermodynamics that helped to sort molecules, stating, "We fancifully began to use the word daemon to describe background processes that worked tirelessly to perform system chores".[2] Unix systems inherited this terminology. Maxwell's demon is consistent with Greek mythology's interpretation of a daemon as a supernatural being working in the background".
"In the general sense, daemon is an older form of the word "demon", from the Greek δαίμων. In the Unix System Administration Handbook Evi Nemeth states the following about daemons:"
"Many people equate the word "daemon" with the word "demon", implying some kind of satanic connection between UNIX and the underworld. This is an egregious misunderstanding. "Daemon" is actually a much older form of "demon"; daemons have no particular bias towards good or evil, but rather serve to help define a person's character or personality. The ancient Greeks' concept of a "personal daemon" was similar to the modern concept of a "guardian angel"—eudaemonia is the state of being helped or protected by a kindly spirit. As a rule, UNIX systems seem to be infested with both daemons and demons".
The part at the end about Daemons was particularly interesting. All of this is just more fuel for the theory that all of these ideas about Daemons/Demons we see moving down through the centuries, and then millennia, had their beginnings in the time and location of Sumer, thousands of years ago. They are the primary root culture for all of the mythology regarding these entities in Mesopotamia and every other culture the region influenced. Both they and later Assyria had worked these ideas about good and bad Daemons/Demons into the primary belief systems they lived by. If you were ill or just having ill fortune in ancient Assyria you would visit your friendly local conjuring professional and he would determine what Demon was causing your problem and prescribe what you might call a Daemon to control the Demon. He could also bind the Demon or harness another bad Demon to counteract the first Demon. The Greeks had the ideas they believed about all of this passed down the line to them from the foundational cultures. And the line was direct because the Spartans and likely other Greek peoples were just another branch of the greater Abrahamic tribe. The Spartans were originally known as the Dorians because they had originally arrived from the City of Dorr in what was and still is Israel. This is why scholars believe Hebrew was the obvious foundation for the Greek language. The similarities are too great to ignore. It doesn't surprise me that there is language and almost, it sounds like, a mythology about Daemons/Demons at the foundation of computer tech. Very interesting comment. Thanks a bunch!
She commented once on one of my stacks with her typical twisted humor so I presume that all is well. I have a way of burning people out with endless barage of data. I used to send 20 emails a day until GMAIL tagged me as a Nigerian Spammer. Data fatigue for some folks.
The only things I will add are that, kabbalism came out of the babylonian exile along with the evil talmudic writings , and these jews are not jews at all, "as revelation says "... I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Thats Jesus talking so He knows, and the Phariseas of his day are those that were practising this craft , despised Him, and are those that are there leading the whole show today.
Have just found this as a start, I dont have a mind like PJ or yours but I know Ive heard this...72 connection so Digging......more later!
For some reason they bumped your reply down to the bottom. I don't know if you saw but I speculated last night under another comment you made regarding Yapheth being left out of the hive. The only thing I saw was that he was supposed to have been the progenitor of the Gentiles. That would be enough I think probably.
According to Lenormant Keturah was relocated to Troglodytes which I take to mean the cave dwellers of Cappadocia.
Clint Richardson says that Gentile means Of The Nations. I've taken that to mean what Josephus wrote about post-flood enclaves of people being left to where the demarcation was My Three Sons of Noea vs. Everyone Else. So the INTERNATIONALS claimed the planet because everyone else was too devastated to fight, thus setting up those Of The Nations vs. the dogs of war who were pissing on territory and claiming it for themselves.
But if you take that pattern and add internecene war (fighting among family) then Arabs and 'Jews' have been in perpetual war. "Jews" (Edomites) and Israelites have been in perpetual war. England vascillated between Catholic and Protest Ants (same icecream different flavor) retaking the world as Empire. China = most populous nation on the planet followed by India as the second with Han Chinese being Yahoodim and Brahmins being from Abraham.
So it's like that melding of religions as having a central origin to where 'race' 'nationality' is merely a choice of icecream from Baskin Robbins or Ben & Jerry's.
Therefore: Gentiles (Hobbit = halflings) don't even enter into the equation since icecream is icecream and subhuman animal servants called Goy aren't even on the inventory.
Citizens should be Vaccinated to Regain Their Rights!
• We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services. Henry Kissinger, WHO 2009
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services",c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
I’ve seen this quote and other frightening ones allegedly coming from Henry the Great. Would like to get some kind of confirmation of the validity but doubt it’s available since it would be scrapped from the Net long ago.
Related events in 2009:
“Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population”: Secret Gathering Sponsored by Bill Gates, 2009 Meeting of “The Good Club”
Thank you. It’s true that someone doesn’t need to be a genius to spot the devious ways of this band of psychopaths. But I guess all the toxic chemicals in the food, air, water, soil, drugs and thoughts appear sufficient to turn many people into subservient compliant gullible believers. Just hope that an antidote becomes available soon. And even it there is some will refuse it because it’s not approved but the FDA.
The Covid-19 hoax has proved to me that the Fraud and Death Association (FDA) has no value. It works for the Big Pharma and shouldn't be called a regulatory agency. In fact, anything approved by the FDA has no meaning since it's fake. Pfizer asked them to hide the documents that they submitted for the approval of their bioweapons for 75 years, meaning that the FDA had approved bioweapons without any testing and knew that they were not safe.
Believe me, those quotes are genuine.
I fought this guy back in 1992 in vain after I discovered the declassified memo NSSM-200 (Kissinger Report 1974) where he instructed the US government to depopulate 13 countries under the cover of the USDAID that the Global South considers a genuine humanitarian organization. For him, it was imperative to reduce the population of 13 countries to allow the US access to their natural resources. As simple as 123!
"Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200)"
He's not alone on that path. Find bellow what Attalli wrote in 1981. The exact same script!
1981 Depopulation Agenda: Jacques Attalli - BilderBerger
Kissinger is very high in the hierarchy. He is probably as high as it goes before you get to the no-seeums at the very top that actually call the shots. Thanks for posting this!
Kissinger is a P1 Freemason (Italian lodge) and is the messenger of the US Deep State and "The City of London". When he utters anything in public, take it seriously because he's just repeating what has been decided by his handlers. He's the incarnation of evil and has the blood of millions of people on his hands: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Chile, etc.....
The Italian journalist who unmasked him and other Vatican cardinals was found dead in the 80s after publishing the mapping of the catholic church clergy to their respective lodges.
Sesame Street is probably steeped in occult.
there’s also the rule of 72 in finance.
Yes, I saw that about finance! I am still finding stuff and not all of it is in Eurasia.
You've done a stellar job of this and I must compliment your aversion to it, since I have the warning of the teacher of Special Education at my highschool in the early 1970s who pulled me aside for no apparent reason and said with the sad look of a hound dog on his face: "You know the more you're around These People" [meaning the special ed kids] "the more you become like them."
When I look at the sigils, I, like you and other people see circuit diagrams: Induction coils, switches, resistors, diodes, capacitors and transistors. Makes you really wonder what the SOURCE of their Magicks was/is?
My personal view on the culling of those who dabbled in Goetia was not because of some moral highground (the Vatican has the greatest collection of first edition Grimoires on the planet) but to elminate the competition, just like a male tiger will eat the cubs he did not father of his current mate.
that is exactly what they look like, printed electrical circuit diagrams.
And there is a passage in one of the book of the OT when entering in the Yaweh tent a high priest has to wear a particular cloth made of linen with specific design of Ezeckiel I will find it and share it.
........Yaweh HAS A TENT!!!!????? when this passage was skipped (on purpose) during pulpit reading? ;)
see they passed the memo but nobody read it.
I've been saying since the 1990s that the Breastplate of the high priest made out of gold (conductor) has a series of 12 semiconductors embedded in it that reminds me of a circuit board. One of them being a Betyl which means a meteorite which is also the thing that Yakob slept on where he had the dream of the ladder to heaven.
Voice to skull? Superman data crystals? Or just ET infection that got into his brain like the TV show Brain Dead?
They have a lot to answer for.
So, dude. When I saw that graphic of the 72 Names of the Hive mind in an occult encyclopedia it changed everything for me. When I saw it here in your Stack, I thought: ET's been doggin' me that whole time I was in the University of ILL Annoyed occult section. The school actually had a grant/deposit of books that was the entire occult collection of a single donor. He stipulated that he didn't want any texts on Black Magicks but the simple stuff was enough to kickstart anything you wanted to get a handle on. Like when that same encyclopedia explained that The Old Ones - The Forgotten Ones - from the Mesopotamian Valley were the progenitor gods like The Ancient of Days aka: ASH. Imagine my surprise when I see you post on Ash! Indeed meets my approval.
It's said that MENSA looks for those who have Pattern Recognition not the merely vomitus of facts.
We MUST have the ability to discern the patterns otherwise those stripes will still look like long grass when we get too close to the tiger and we become it's snack.
lookin for clues here:
Thanks lulita! Great listing.
well-assembled collection.
Best I have seen so far.
That Tree of Life/Death (there's 2 - there's always dualism) is a perfect example of what I call: Same Pig Different Liptick, which arose from my earlier concept of The Babylonian Name Change.
You have a good eye - hey! waitaminute! Is that YOUR eye on the doll ear bill?
So it goes like this:
Mesopotamian Trinity: Ea, Ba, Anu.
Ea = Yah
Yahveh = Yahweh = YHVH = Yod Heh Vav Heh = Jehovah, except there was no "J" in the english language until around 1600 A.D. so Jehovah = Yahoovah.
Ba = Bah. As in bah, bah, Black Magick Sheep have you pulled any wool over our eyes as Bel, or Beelzebub, or Ba'AL?
Anu = An = On (OnStar) + Ki = Anunnaki = 7 female + 7 male children of the progenitor Sky Gods.
Egyptian Trinity: Amon, Aten, Ra
Amon = Amen (end of christian prayers) = A Moon
Aten = Atum = Atom
Ra = Rah = Re = Ray
A Moon Atom Ray.
The patterns repeat because the gods of Egypt are the gods of Babylon with just a name tweak to sell the idea to different people in different places at different times. Terah the Mage in the court of Nimrod was a Fashioner of Gods so this putting the lipstick on the pig to sell it to the next customer was actually the Family Business.
Therefore when I see the hodge podge of all of the SUPPOSED separate religions all showcased in the same place I think: Someone gets it.
Absolutely yes. They created an illusion of some separation in the past but are now signaling that all of the veils between all of these beliefs are coming down. It is all to be one belief system very soon. That will be the crowning achievement of the hive and the ultimate form of control.
Or the Great Architect of the Universe in Freemasonry is "Jabalon'
Ja - Jehovah
Bal - Baal
On - Osiris (On was also the Hebrew word for Heliopolis, Egypt, cult center for the worship of the sun god)
In Mess of Poo Tame Ea the trinity was:
Ea = Yah ( "J" was a 1600s substitute for the "Y")
Anu = An ~ On close enough for my AN-Star to pick it up and navigate me into a lake.
This is how I came up with the phrase: Babylonian Name Change that I lovingly morphed into: Same Pig - Different Lipstick.
Great Book on Kabbalism : Kabbalism secrets every christian ( Every decent person!)should know : Deanne Loper uncovers the deception by giving a detailed description of what Kabbalah is and equips believers to recognize it in its morphed form of Christianity. The evidence shows that the god of today's Babylonian and kabbalistic Judaism is NOT the God of the Bible and that the current convergence of Christians coming under rabbinic authority will bring them, not to the one true God of the Bible, but to the subservience of the god of Kabbalah - Ein Sof - and to its hierarchy of gods.
This is what I love about collaborating with genius-level thinkers. I never noticed the missing Noetic descendent in the Shemhamphorash. Where indeed is Yaphet? Not Yaphet Koto (loved him in ALIEN though.) Remember that there was no "J" so there was never a Jah Fet (Bobba Fet, maybe) also there is no Book of J in the apocrypha. It would be "Y" or Yah. It unoccults things that they let us decieve ourselves with because we're missing small subtle parts of the lethal puzzle they scattered across the whirled.
Passing this on to my Stackers.
Patrick, will get more into this tomorrow. Going to bed now. The only thing I can figure about the third brother is that he was supposed to have been the root of the gentiles....... They couldn't have that in their nasty hive thingy.
I have one final comment: if you want some detail on the 72 "names" then I recommend Practical Kabbalah by R. Ambelain (trans. Piers A. Vaughan), especially section I. Theurgy V. Shemhamporash (p. 127 f.). It's really weird stuff and includes actual invocations so I don't recommend this be read aloud at all.
JP, Because of things I experienced back in the 80's when both I and friends of mine were dabbling in the occult I wouldn't go near a book like that. We summoned a powerful entity and it was terrifying. Cured me of any more interest in going near this crap. I threw my Crowley Tarot deck in the trash.
I have edited my comment to remove the link so no-one else is tempted.
I have not personally ever dabbled. My interest in these matters stems primarily from two major concerns of mine:
1. My Christian faith, and thus a desire to understand the nature and weapons of our enemy;
2. My exploration of ritual-abuse mind control, so often tightly interwoven with occult, satanic/luciferian ideology, so that I may more easily detect both its practitioners and victims.
I have subbed. You'll be hearing more from me in your comments section in the future. Keep up this great stack and much needed expose of the satanic empire rising.
We are in this for the same reasons.
बलात्कार: जिहाद का हथियार। . . . यहूदियों और मुसलमानों की जड़ें और रीति-रिवाज समान हैं।
(Rape: The Weapon of Jihad . . . Jews and Muslims have similar roots and customs.)
Just wait till you find the number 72 at CERN...
JP, Nothing is coming up in searches on this. Can you tell me what you know? It would be much appreciated! I will credit you in my blog. I have long believed CERN is critical in whatever plans THEY have. I believe it was actually named for the Gaulish horned God, Cernunos. I think it may even represent the bottomless pit in Revelations that Apollyon is the Lord of.
Just saw that the heart of the ATLAS experiment at CERN, where the particles are actually detected and counted, is actually referred to as "the pit".
I had an image of it but I can't find it in my archive. I'll get back to you... one of the detectors at CERN at 72 panels, I can't remember which one it is now.
Thanks for your effort. I knew there was a reason I should delay the second half of this.
Also not hiding anything at all is the Japanese BEAST (Beam Exorcism for A STable BELLE Experiment) at the KEKb facility in Tsukuba:
I found it. It's the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) detector for the LHC (Large Hadron Collider).
Here's an example collision data snapshot (official):
The outer ring has 72 detector plates. If you want to count the inner ring and the honeycomb ring be my guest!
I count all of this stuff obsessively! This is more appreciated than you can imagine! Can't thank you enough.
Very nice.
This is what got me in Gematria and esoteric readings. Unfortunately is not one of those subject matter easy to share because it requires exploring kabbalistic literature on your own. And you end up moving in a different direction and further from others. What is shocking, and nearly impossible to get it through people, is that our lives are run by this dense intricate weave of occult knowledge.
Aftermix, I was in the middle of posting a reply when all of Substack went down. This is just in case there is no notice for it in your box........ I always deeply appreciate when people take the time to comment.
Artermix, Yes, this stuff has been an endless source of fascination for me for a long time but, as you say, getting people to listen and understand how foundational all of this is to where we now find ourselves is another thing. It is my goal with this blog to explain all this in terms that are as simple as possible and in manageable portions. I am a very visual person so am going to be presenting as much visual evidence and symbolism as possible to get my points across. A picture really is worth a thousand words. After the next couple of presentations I have planned I am going to be going back in time 6000 years to ancient Sumer and the mythology surrounding the Anunnaki, Gilgamesh, Nimrod etc. This is ground zero for all advanced civilizations that came after and why we are where we are now. Everything now has been 6000 years in the making.
I am very interested in your take. I am from a place that was a Phoenician base in mediterranean and also has connection with Sumerians. For that I always think I could have a genetic connection as well.
As I told Patrick ....I think the Anunaki created the "Adam"....Atom.....that is how we got type A blood.... that got mixed with type 0 the Original ones whatever that was in lab or a live event (fallen angels having sex see genesis tale).....
The Anunnaki called the "dark headed people" they found themselves ruling over the Adamah. The Garden of Eden story appears in a different form in this mythology but it's there without a doubt. Their version, when properly translated, had Enlil as the God of Agriculture teaching the Adamah how to farm. Eve is there, in this Mythology, as the Temple Prostitute who lures the "wildman" into the city to give him knowledge.
So: training one's self in the three'ss-uni-on/trivium/treenighet/three-in-one-named..
The base grammar: who*, what*, where*, when* (our names of the world in the world).
The middleman relations logic: how*.
The top layered rethoric and value choice decided: why*.
*They are all but tools casting a view with percieving sensors sensing a perviewed scape shaped scape shaping shapes as ship and shape/gestalt in some languages almost with same words denotes:
Words are but words pointing towards reality and existance that but just is. Selfevidence just is - as it is - with or without words..
The wierd thing though is that the world and the word word itself is like "Wyrd"..
Lets try it:
Just now I saw a horse lying in the meadows beautifully lit in the sunshine.
Who: I did. What: See A horse. Where: In the meadows. When; Just this moment in now.
To how and why a bit about above is great but even greater is to spend a lot of time in the base "grammarly joyfully inquisitivaly living childrens mindset of asking base questions" : who, what, where, when and just go to explore..
It is even a just presice super layout of any minute but perfectly instructed super training set up of any science lesson for students any age in instructing to pin pointing the students into just observing the who, what, where and when's and have the real glory of inquisitive learning moments grip a full class if a teaching moment is designed around it..
When I myself took a day viewing these tools of "who/what/where/when" to practice my skills of observation and awareness ox any topic or phenomena I would come closer and closer into "classes of words" finally arriving at the word "word"..
They all came as "words"..
So from "tiger" one can do a lot of who, what, where and when's and find viewpoints still "making sense" in all the variables possible to fill with a "tag word".. (who/what/where/when)
A tiger. Who? Well a being of sorts as those we call tigers. What? Well, tigers do things or appear at locations specific to observations relating to these beings called tigers. Where? Locations relating to tigers and descriptions of them. When? Time frames and references used around observations or events, in this case related to the beings of tigers.
To try out base level reasoning and saturate onself into these grammar ground pillars is a great exercise to work through regarding ones "tool box" and sharpening these tools such to drill into core expressions of being as a being in the beingness of existance and its appearance through the tools of senses available dressing our awareness with the input stimuli and our mental frames for its pattern and recognition mapping;
Entering a crisis moment.
I found it okey to sift through a bunch of excercises tchewing through a bunch of test areas but finding myself drawn to a dilemma: Everything I went through had a "top hinge" nailed down as "words"..
So I went to examine the word 'word' and filled some what/where/when's but got fully stuck on the who!!!
A who!!!
Can a word be a who!!!!!!
Enter crisis opus magnum!!!!!!!!!!
I fumbled for a bit and then cracked up in laughter once I opened "the pandora's box" to the selfapparent:"Well, what do you know! Maybe, actually really much; words are who's of really majorly importent kind of beings. Like in: Hey: You actually do call a something to a word!!! Like in "summoning it into existance". At a bare minimum it is a calling it into becoming "la iving being of sorts beyond object-subject-orientation but grasping something akin to its "third unseen side" of a "meta beingness" in an other-worldly beyond the normal sensory registered "apparitions"..
I relaxed in a realisation so not new but old as like from time immemorial in it even being the "divine notions above the powers of the Gods!"
In Norse mythology the "three Norns" is the first of them (actually the ancient three birth maidens!) "Wyrd/Urd" is cursory said to represent the "past (tense)" but in its core dress a Wyrd/word is from the past stretching our language into history arriving to now for us to use through from past carried words evolving/carrying its presence clearly as traceable as Wyrd is "called/summoned" to carry the meaning of "words"..
Wierd, world and word in English is derived from "Wyrd" and is in its being the core/history/past..
The Norse mythology puts is overtly clear: By the world tree's root next to its well sits Urd/Wyrd guarding Urðaberunni..
I ventured to muse Patrick Jordan in one of his stacks a comment revealing the super powers of the acroamatic cipher drillid into the genious of Urðab(e)runni but will take only Urða/Urð/Urd/Wyrd apart in a fast and dirty; Urd in its base pair logic bits dressed as "Ur" + "da".. A bit of study and high level thinking easily decodes what our Norse languages still today can grasp: Urð means "Ur/out (from) da/då/then..
Urd/Wyrd/"word" = (comes) out (from) then (past times oral traditions)!!!
Wyrd/words most definitely in some senses clearly are a bunch of who's and called or "summond so" in order to "live a life in its (cloaked but still yet so) form" draped with its beingness-shape and acting with and around us..
Summon the good or the evil* is up to the intentions of the "living beings" calling a summon of the different "Wyrd's" asked for..
*(live backwards)
So.. Daemon* is the actual first binary machine code for base level running of electrically binary data computing computors!
Wouldn't you know!
Actuakly Demon is in ots bits and pieces "De/the mon(o)" as is "the mono eye=money".. .. or "summoned called beings" - at your service.
Go dervish!
*In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon (/ˈdiːmən/ or /ˈdeɪmən/)[1] is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. Traditionally, the process names of a daemon end with the letter d, for clarification that the process is in fact a daemon, and for differentiation between a daemon and a normal computer program. For example, syslogd is a daemon that implements system logging facility, and sshd is a daemon that serves incoming SSH connections.
"The term was coined by the programmers at MIT's Project MAC. According to Fernando J. Corbató, who worked on Project MAC in 1963, his team was the first to use the term daemon, inspired by Maxwell's demon, an imaginary agent in physics and thermodynamics that helped to sort molecules, stating, "We fancifully began to use the word daemon to describe background processes that worked tirelessly to perform system chores".[2] Unix systems inherited this terminology. Maxwell's demon is consistent with Greek mythology's interpretation of a daemon as a supernatural being working in the background".
"In the general sense, daemon is an older form of the word "demon", from the Greek δαίμων. In the Unix System Administration Handbook Evi Nemeth states the following about daemons:"
"Many people equate the word "daemon" with the word "demon", implying some kind of satanic connection between UNIX and the underworld. This is an egregious misunderstanding. "Daemon" is actually a much older form of "demon"; daemons have no particular bias towards good or evil, but rather serve to help define a person's character or personality. The ancient Greeks' concept of a "personal daemon" was similar to the modern concept of a "guardian angel"—eudaemonia is the state of being helped or protected by a kindly spirit. As a rule, UNIX systems seem to be infested with both daemons and demons".
The part at the end about Daemons was particularly interesting. All of this is just more fuel for the theory that all of these ideas about Daemons/Demons we see moving down through the centuries, and then millennia, had their beginnings in the time and location of Sumer, thousands of years ago. They are the primary root culture for all of the mythology regarding these entities in Mesopotamia and every other culture the region influenced. Both they and later Assyria had worked these ideas about good and bad Daemons/Demons into the primary belief systems they lived by. If you were ill or just having ill fortune in ancient Assyria you would visit your friendly local conjuring professional and he would determine what Demon was causing your problem and prescribe what you might call a Daemon to control the Demon. He could also bind the Demon or harness another bad Demon to counteract the first Demon. The Greeks had the ideas they believed about all of this passed down the line to them from the foundational cultures. And the line was direct because the Spartans and likely other Greek peoples were just another branch of the greater Abrahamic tribe. The Spartans were originally known as the Dorians because they had originally arrived from the City of Dorr in what was and still is Israel. This is why scholars believe Hebrew was the obvious foundation for the Greek language. The similarities are too great to ignore. It doesn't surprise me that there is language and almost, it sounds like, a mythology about Daemons/Demons at the foundation of computer tech. Very interesting comment. Thanks a bunch!
She commented once on one of my stacks with her typical twisted humor so I presume that all is well. I have a way of burning people out with endless barage of data. I used to send 20 emails a day until GMAIL tagged me as a Nigerian Spammer. Data fatigue for some folks.
The only things I will add are that, kabbalism came out of the babylonian exile along with the evil talmudic writings , and these jews are not jews at all, "as revelation says "... I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Thats Jesus talking so He knows, and the Phariseas of his day are those that were practising this craft , despised Him, and are those that are there leading the whole show today.
Have just found this as a start, I dont have a mind like PJ or yours but I know Ive heard this...72 connection so Digging......more later!
Yes, this is a good one. I saw it a few days ago and it's awesome.
Isn't that the Grand Illusion as Styx would say?
Interesting band name...
They controlled all religions giving the illusion that they were Legion, and now at the End Game they're going to promote that they are all one.
Got to hand it to the bastards: they have a lethal sense of humor.
For some reason they bumped your reply down to the bottom. I don't know if you saw but I speculated last night under another comment you made regarding Yapheth being left out of the hive. The only thing I saw was that he was supposed to have been the progenitor of the Gentiles. That would be enough I think probably.
din't see it yet.
According to Lenormant Keturah was relocated to Troglodytes which I take to mean the cave dwellers of Cappadocia.
Clint Richardson says that Gentile means Of The Nations. I've taken that to mean what Josephus wrote about post-flood enclaves of people being left to where the demarcation was My Three Sons of Noea vs. Everyone Else. So the INTERNATIONALS claimed the planet because everyone else was too devastated to fight, thus setting up those Of The Nations vs. the dogs of war who were pissing on territory and claiming it for themselves.
But if you take that pattern and add internecene war (fighting among family) then Arabs and 'Jews' have been in perpetual war. "Jews" (Edomites) and Israelites have been in perpetual war. England vascillated between Catholic and Protest Ants (same icecream different flavor) retaking the world as Empire. China = most populous nation on the planet followed by India as the second with Han Chinese being Yahoodim and Brahmins being from Abraham.
So it's like that melding of religions as having a central origin to where 'race' 'nationality' is merely a choice of icecream from Baskin Robbins or Ben & Jerry's.
Therefore: Gentiles (Hobbit = halflings) don't even enter into the equation since icecream is icecream and subhuman animal servants called Goy aren't even on the inventory.
Also, I have been concerned about Jeanette. Do you know if she is OK?
"Like technicolor projectile vomiting of references to nearly every belief system..."
Pure poetry.