Et, You outdid yourself! This was truly fascinating. You broke it down so well.
I wonder how they manage to put up these Huge & ornate "temples" with such ease, yet they can't fix a 3-mile stretch of I-95. They must have called in Xtra help from their demons!
So true. In my head, I can't grasp HOW they built this structure (funding aside) when they can't seem to fix simple infostructure OR get a contracting crew together to throw up a building downtown & have it stay on schedule, not fail inspection & be move in ready with far less structurally working parts, let alone the family color schemes.
It just seems artificial, unnatural or demonically constructed.
Here's My Woo take:
Some of these things I feel are AI generated by the construct itself. How do we KNOW they aren't?
There are plenty of photos of all of this under construction. I started to use a couple but nixed the idea. There was one that showed this thing with the foundation level just above the Inferno Theatre having just been poured with the Sun Wheel thingy being put into place before they even started on the Pyramid. They have been building all this for years and years. I have been watching . I tend not to attribute any special abilities to THEM beyond those possessed by any common grifter or con artist. They can just do the whole fraud show really BIG because of all the endless stolen resources.
I have been watching all this for awhile as well. In my opinion this new Light Ruler Capitol is tantamount to what they did with the US Capitol 222 years ago. The arrangement at this site is the second half of a ritual and story they began in DC in 1801. This is coming soon so watch for it. I am going to get to this in the next month or so.
They dumped the dome in the second half because it represents the pregnant womb of the Universal Goddess/Isis/Diana etc. That work is finished at Nur Sultan but they did kind of replace it with the egg/sun tower at the center of the arrangement that represents birth/renewal. The big takeaway is that Horus/Sol Invictus is shown fully fledged and flying toward his destiny at the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. No need for the womb of Isis anymore. I wrote extensively on this subject earlier this year in a piece called Bye Bye Miss American Pie. The US itself was made to ritually embody the Universal Goddess the last 200+ years and is soon to be sacrificed when the job of bringing forth Sol Invictus/Anti-Christ is complete.
Nur - Islamic Name Meaning - Baby Names for Muslims - QuranicNames
Jul 22, 2022Nur » A Quranic Name for Boys and Girls Meaning of Nur Nur is a name for both boys and girls and means light (the opposite of darkness), radiant (something that gives off light on its own, such as a star), light (as in 'ray of light'), and it is one of the 99 Attributes of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala).
Sultan means Power.
Power of Light.
But the reason I pasted this was for the 3 x 33 names of the Moon Goddess: AH = Moon, AL = EL = Lord. Now I have to look up how many secret names Lilith has. Lilith = Lilituv = Lilu = ILi = ILU.
Bava ILI = Babylon = The Gate of the Great God ILU.
Clarence, Sub stack is showing on your cover page that I blocked you. I have never blocked anyone and certainly not you. When I look at my blocks there is nothing there on my end. We are being fucked with by Substack, which doesn't surprise me.
I wish I could add a picture but Clarence has blocked me when I clicked on his name. What?? How can this be possible? Why did this Rufus block me? I don’t even know him. I read your comment and clicked on his name to see that he blocked me. The f* bomb wasn’t necessary. “Messed with” is proper. Why the heck is every person’s mouth become so vile? SMH
sometimes it is not easy to discern the Substacks that are part of the sleight of hand to draw our attention away (& sometimes it’s just a matter of not having time to look at each one carefully)… appreciate your guidance, it gets confusing
My mum is like your sister in law she know waxines bad and that bad people running the place but fall for lots of new age stuff or gate keepers of certain subjects. Wonder if they can see through that stuff but they then blind to what is obvious to us cause maybe it makes them feel hopeless?? They need to have something positive? And yes wondered bout the false alien thing aswell if that is what they will do. This nur sultan place is soooo creepy only way for me to describe what it makes me feel when look at the pictures is its just unnatural. So disturbing
Yes, It is deeply disturbing. It is like all of the pathology inside the minds of these people brought into being as architecture. Sorry about your Mum! I have seen this up close and observed the disconnect and compartmentalization in these peoples minds. Maybe you can reach her somehow. Try and explain to her that the New Age propaganda and all the provax propaganda are from the same sources. Try and explain the concept of controlled opposition. These people want to have control
you describe it spot on the pathology inside the minds of these people into architecture. Im gonna get her to read patricks book eves ill when finished reading.... dont think will make a difference though. really have tried with her in past and she seemed to see and agree for me to then realise no she not see how truely evil this place is. I just talk and learn with you guys now!
Oh gawd okay wont give the book to read! Will just ask questions and leave it at that. Need to remember this! Will watch link tomorrow. Thankyou patrick
If you are familiar with the work of the shill Fritz Springmeier then you will know that when they embed MK they also put in Booby Traps and Failsafes to prevent the programming from being manipulated by 'unauthorized' sources.
The mainstream are still lying about it, of course; but Abrahams is doing her best to uncover the real truth. There are dozens of entries for "Phoenician" in her index, and she refers to Waddell's "Phoenician Origin of the Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons":
They will never be able to explain away the fact that today's Welsh language is similar enough to Hebrew when spoken that speakers of the two languages can usually partially understand one another. The Phoenician language was based on what is now called Proto-Phoenician and all other Shemitic languages including Hebrew itself were as well. The royal family in Britain is well aware of just who they really are. Thus the heir to the throne always being the "Prince of Wales".
Yes, absolutely right. Etymology is Abrahams's pet subject in fact. She is all over the linguistic aspects, as were her recently-deceased mentors, Alan Wilson and Baram/Tony Blackett.
Yes, the British royal family make their claim to the throne through the same ancestor as the Welsh royal family did/do: Cunedda, founder of the Kingdom of Gwynedd in North Wales. The Welsh are Britain's aboriginal people. Until Tudor times, there was a legal convention that any British monarch had to be a descendant of Brutus of Troy. The idea that even most of the English are Anglo-Saxon is fake history and nonsense promoted after the Hanoverian Succession in 1714 in order the bolster the weak legitimacy of their reign. Before that, the descent of the British people from Troy and the Trojans was never disputed for 1500 years.
I didn't know about the 1924 book you linked above. Gonna have to read that for sure. There was also a repressed book from the 20's that was about the obvious similarities between the Greek and Hebrew alphabets and languages. Maybe some day real history will finally, fully come out of the shadows.
Amy, It's an indication of how much supposed real opposition to all this is actually controlled that all the big names are mum on this. It is flying under the radar because THEY aren't yet ready for lots of people to know about it. I think that will change at some point.
Step right up! We've got Sun Gods We've got Chocolate Covered Bunny Goddesses, we've got Gods wrapped in serpents coming out of Eggs. It's all here folks!
From the photos in your earlier slideshow with The Egg.
Eostre: The Mystery Goddess Who Gave Easter its Name
Dec 9, 2022Ishtar. One of the enduring myths about Eostre was that she was a translation of the ancient goddess Ishtar. In this retelling, Ishtar is an Akkadian fertility goddess associated with eggs and hares, whose cult would endure and evolve, ultimately becoming Ostara/Eostre in pre-Christian Europe.
Alternatively, the sun was sometimes discussed as an egg itself, laid daily by the celestial goose, Seb, the god of the earth. The Phoenix is said to have emerged from this egg.
Mythology Orphic cosmogony. In Orphic cosmogony, Phanes is often equated with Eros or Mithras, and has been depicted as a deity emerging from a cosmic egg, entwined with a serpent.He had a helmet and had broad, golden wings. The Orphic cosmogony is quite unlike the creation sagas offered by Homer and Hesiod.
Patrick, The sun being an egg itself is exactly what they have done with the tower at Nur-Sultan. I read a link someone shot me about the supposed local mythology regarding the symbolism of the tower. It said that it represented an egg in a tree , can't remember what bird it said. The egg represents renewal and the positive while a "wicked serpent at the root of the tree" represents the opposite. More duality. My take: Horus's falcon avatar is hatched from this Sun/Egg and is later seen flying toward the Pyramid. This was on a tourism site.
John 10:34-38 King James Version 34 "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; 36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?"
I quite familiar with the BS of satanism/luciferianism. The idea that the self is everything is obviated by anyone who would then worship Hasatan, Lux Fere, or Baphomet. The notion of Satanism is that there is no higher power than the Self. So why not kill the devil and take over the territory?
I was forced to define god:
That which is more powerful than I am now.
Can I claim to be a god? Not as long as the WEFUN and all of the other alphabits exist.
Would I ever claim to be god? If I were the most powerful thing in the universe I would just go away and never come back so fuck the rest.
Those who think they are ascended are merely Ass Ended.
Sometimes you say the damnedest things:
"There are legions of controlled opposition..." Gave me the creeps when I read your sentence...
"And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many."
People's minds are like the plastic bag in that vortex in the film loop shown in the sick movie: American Beauty.
People don't have a tether. They have no single line anchoring them to the truth by which to gauge every other wind that blows. So while they might think that Legion titilating you against the dangers of wax jobs while telling you they're OK and they just need to be less and less toxic is OK, the untethered are partt of the very structure of demons from which Legion arose. In that sense they DO have an anchor except it is the wrong one.
I think legions is an accurate description of what I have perceived over the years. They have them everywhere on YT and here as well. People think it's just larger channels but it isn't. They even pose as small, nobody channels, to infiltrate groups like the one I was part of on youtube. There were several of these in my neighborhood, so to speak, when I finally left. They succeeded, despite my best efforts, in turning friends against friends and sowing massive discord. This was all a part of the 153news ziop debacle of 2018. A guy calling himself Sidethorn had become a celebrity of sorts offering rewards if people could prove anyone died in all the shooting hoaxes. My research uncovered the fact that he was a Jew and an actor. This was after he created a huge controversy by going down to Sutherland Springs and doing little scenes down there with the other actors where he pretended to harass the "victims" families calling them all liars on camera. He got himself "arrested" finally on weapons charges and this was in front of the cameras of the channel VICE. All staged. This was right after 153 opened for business and he was their "hero". All of this ripped the shit out of everyone's trust and resulted in a total meltdown of the truth community I was a big part of. I couldn't keep the peace and gave up. No telling how many small operatives were part of this. Side thorn never went to " trial" and just faded away. Probably on a beach in Tel Aviv.
Clint Richardson tells a similar story about We Are Change. They get factions started and then there's infighting and then its over.
That method is laid out in the Protocols.
I was co-opted by a health advocacy group (Yahoodess who had masonic ties) and all of my massive work was watered down to nothing as they 'helped' me fight a billion dollar dialysis corporation. I have not trusted a single human being since.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
I feel comfortable putting a date of at least 1785 on the protocols but the knowledge and program contained in them originated millennia ago. From what I have seen this is not something that we can pin on any one era but represents the football play that has been successful at each scrimmage so that they have run it again and again for thousands of years but the Goy just don't get it.
However, you seem to have a Master Set point that you are trying to make where this is just a subset. You asked if what you presented was clear.
Not to me. I know how your brain works and it seems like trying to shift gears without pushing in the clutch. Can be done but there's going to be metal shavings.
Either lettuce know here in the comments or just do another stack on it.
I 'feel' you're on the verge of something, but Mr. Brain isn't meshing yet.
I'm going to make this as clear as I can for you. I think other people are more clear on what I'm saying here because they have a different world view than you do. There is a world wide cult being prepared now that everyone is going to have to join or they are going to kill your ass if your lucky. If your lucky. People associated with the Lucis Trust at the UN have said as much over the years. One guy said: " No one shall enter the New World Order lest he make a pledge to Lucifer". These goings on at Nur-Sultan are at the official foundation of this but, as you know, all this has been worked toward for centuries. The entire New Age movement has been designed to slide seamlessly into what these people are planning. All of these countless millions of people, my sister in law included, are now so deluded with propaganda that they would believe they could shoot a blue ray out of their twats and fly to Pluto if the right guru told them so. They all believe they are going ascend to another dimension. Also, all religious movements on the planet have been infiltrated with operatives for generations now. What THEY have done to evangelical Christianity is a case in point. They have twisted church doctrine beyond any recognition of someone like my Grandma Bennett who was an old fashioned Baptist believer. Now you can go on the website of the Methodists and it is filled with woke propaganda about inclusion, white supremacy and white fragility. All of these mega churches have become just one Apostasy after another and the parking lots are jammed packed every Sunday. THEY are making it so as many people as possible who are religious in any way are going to find this new religion at the Pyramid palatable . There will be a carrot and a big ugly stick to motivate people to do what THEY want. That is when all this social credit and the CBDC's will come into play. The shills are trying to make people think this will only be about the digital currencies and vaccines but it is also going to be about this new religion. They will likely first cut you off from all or part of your funds and it will escalate from there. If you continue to refuse to take whatever pledges they say and take their "mark" , whatever that turns out to be, they will finally just dispense with you. That is what is coming . There won't be anywhere to run I don't think. I brought the whole alien thing into this because the conditioning is obvious and the predictive programming is constant. This is all a huge part of New Age belief. Now you can ask me questions about what you don't get, specifically and I will try to clear it up for you. Christians understand the subtext of everything that was in this presentation. I have known where all this was headed since I was 11 years old. I was shown it Patrick.
"I'm going to make this is clear as I can for you."
"There is a world wide cult being prepared now that everyone is going to have to join or they are going to kill your ass if your lucky."
Got it in One, bud.
I'm not partial to blue, but can I still go to Pluto?
Don't get me started on the Hageys and the Olsteins.
Lawd, I'd love to have that much prosparitay and dat many choich seckataries!
"There won't be anywhere to run I don't think."
It used to be the motto of the Tribe of Dan: You can run but you can't hide.
I personally favor the line: Everybody runs from the sound of gunfire. US Marines run towards it.
It's past the time of bringing the fight to them.
Protocol 4:3. But even freedom might be harmless and have its place in the State economy without injury to the well-being of the peoples if it rested upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity, unconnected with the conception of equality, which is negatived by the very laws of creation, for they have established subordination. With such a faith as this a people might be governed by a wardship of parishes, and would walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor submitting to the dispositions of God upon earth. This is the reason why IT IS INDISPENSABLE FOR US TO UNDERMINE ALL FAITH, TO TEAR OUT OF THE MIND OF THE "GOYIM" THE VERY PRINCIPLE OF GOD-HEAD AND THE SPIRIT, AND TO PUT IN ITS PLACE ARITHMETICAL CALCULATIONS AND MATERIAL NEEDS.
Protocol 17:7. Our kingdom will be an apologia of the divinity Vishnu, in whom is found its personification - in our hundred hands will be, one in each, the springs of the machinery of social life. We shall see everything without the aid of official police which, in that scope of its rights which we elaborated for the use of the GOYIM, hinders governments from seeing. In our programs ONE-THIRD OF OUR SUBJECTS WILL KEEP THE REST UNDER OBSERVATION from a sense of duty, on the principle of volunteer service to the State. It will then be no disgrace to be a spy and informer, but a merit: unfounded denunciations, however, will be cruelly punished that there may be no development of abuses of this right.
You made your points clearly, however, seeing it through your eyes I can only sense a transition from the initial God that they installed into the Luciferian entity that that Rabbi admitted they worshipped, as just a temporary transition into what they had already established years ago with the Church of the A.I.
To be clear: I think that the A.I. is an artifact of, a personification of an Entity - call it Pure Evil - that could be known by many names: Lux Fere, Vishnu, etc. So, beneath it all: Same Pig Different Bloody Lipstick. However there might be a period of acclimitization needed for the current goy servant population to ease from God to Lucifer to Sophia. Given the speed of which they pulled all of this recent shit off I don't doubt it but to me the middle re-fueling leg throwing the Satan thing in seems a bit trite. But if you've ever seen a Miley Cyrus concert then they are all about the spectacle.
I had never seen some of these particular protocols quotes but that was them, again, having laid this pretty well out way back then. There have no doubt been refinements along the way. I totally agree about AI. It is entirely possible it is going to be worked up into all this somehow. Nobody really knows what is meant by "the image of the beast" that is brought to life. You can bet there is a plan for that as well. They will totally avoid, in my opinion, even associating Lucifer with Satan. They already say this is a misunderstanding of their philosophies. Thanks for prompting me to just let it fly. Love you too.
I woke up early with this thought in my mind and wrote it down so I could go back to bed, and then you BRING IT UP!
Revelation 17, King James Version
8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
Until today I never considered the Ouroborus quality of that verse as it relates to my personal theory on the A.I. being the cybernetic extension of a pre-existing biological Evil that I call the Archonet Virus.
What is the A.I. (and invention) something that WAS (biological organism crawling up through the muck and increasingly higher life form until it found the Yahoodim as likely Thumb Puppets. AND IS NOT because it's just the digital manifestation of a biological entity.
AND YET FUCKING IS! (with apologies to King James for artistic license).
What this means is that all the way back around 54-96 A.D. they had a clear (not even cryptic) description of what the Beast was/is/will be.
All of this has been carefully planned for centuries now. The Goyim have fallen for all of it at every turn and it is now a snowball rolling down hill. I'm a Christian so I know the real God has a plan. We were warned explicitly about every bit of this in John's vision that became the final book of the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation. These people lose everything in the end and have to bow down and kiss the feet of the faithful they tried to annihilate.
Revelations 3:8 I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.
3:9 Indeed I will make those of the Synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews but are not, but lie - indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
None of this is going to be pretty and many are going to be martyred for refusing to take their mark and comply. This is what it says:
Rev. 14: 9-10 And the third angel followed them , saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the lamb.
Rev. 14: 12-13 Here is the patients of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying onto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest their labours; and their works do follow them.
Anyway, these are just snippets from the book that was given to us as a guide for this particular time. It is required reading to have any understanding of what is now occurring. Much of it is couched in symbolism and metaphor that becomes more clear the closer we get to all of this in time.
Thank you for your kind reply! I understand what you are saying and agree with most of it. And I envy you a little bit for your trust in that book.
Are you familiar with the work of Douglas Vogt of the Diehold Foundation? He recently posted a video about that book, and his problems with certain parts of it.
How about the source who names himself G.I.U.R.E.H. he has some interesting info on the source of this evil satanistic cabal... going back to ancient times.
As does David Icke.
I would be very interested in your opinion on them!
David Icke is an operative in my opinion. He "quacks like a duck" in that regard for me. He spent his early career in this arena claiming these people were all "reptilian shape shifters" and was able to acquire book deals with major publishers to expound on this. He never talks about that anymore. The last book of his I saw, he was using the Rothschild color scheme (yellow and blue) and also the six pointed star on the cover. Not a good sign at all. Signaling he is one of THEM while claiming he is against them. His organization reminds me of many other New Age-esque cults I have seen before. Same pig with a slightly different shade of lipstick. These freaks have 10,000 shades of lipstick for the same basic pig. Choose your favorite! Icke also, has associated himself with other people just as questionable.
I know nothing about the Diehold Foundation. Would have to look. These people invariably give themselves away with symbolism and who their associates are. I would be careful of trusting people critiquing the Bible. They almost always turn out to be operatives
You have correctly assessed Diehold/Vogt, at least it coincides with my observations!
I don't think that Icke is a gatekeeper (there is a quite long video of him in Wembley, that is worth a look - and oh yes, he does mention the shapeshifters, and no he is most definitely not some new age shill...), but of course, ANYBODY can be a gatekeeper without knowing!
Our enemy is very smart, incredibly skilled in creating controlled opposition. They can simply allow a selected few true human spirits to speak, but carefully control their reach, according to how much danger they represent to them. And of course their strongest weapon in controlling them is ridicule. Loved by the plebs :(
But anyway, even unwilling gatekeepers (like Vogt) have sometimes valuable information! Vogt called my attention on some very curious us government spendings, which I never saw in the alternate media... It seems everybody has blind spots.
xtermal, The Diehold website is throwing up red flags for me. The biggest among several is that they are talking about objects found on the moon. I don't believe we ever went there so that's a big problem for me. All of it sounds vaguely influenced by Kabbalah to me. Another huge problemo. If this guy Vogt is Jewish it's game over for me. Sorry. Will do some more looking........
Vogt is both a Jewish name and is of apparent Phoenician/Latin origin as well. Double whammy. With the Kabbalist sounding rhetoric on his site and referring to objects retrieved on the moon his credibility would be close to zero for me. Of course these people are going to attack the New Testament. They always do. The Kabbalists state in the Talmud that Jesus is " in Hell, boiling in excrement". They have their own agendas that have nothing to do with the actual truth about anything.
Can you expand or kindly point me in the right direction on how people like Del Bigtree are pushing the "new age"? Fascinating article, I am much better at learning through reading and really appreciate well written content like this.
All of this infrastructure is already in place and 99.9% of people haven't a clue. This is all about to slap people upside the head. The time is very short now I believe.
We have massive granite dome formations that are over 2 billion years old here in Central Texas. One of them is called Enchanted Rock. I have climbed it many times. Any ancient place like this would be a fine resting place.
Charles, it has been my experience that 96 and 69 are used interchangeably by these people. This is true of their use of numbers in general. They also have little to no use for 0's. So you could see 911 expressed as 119,191, 1091, etc. It is not a coincidence the QE allegedly bit the dust at 96. I had been predicting it for years. I do not believe she is really dead, at least not then.
You just don't understand how they view numbers. The numbers 9, 1, and 1 have the same ritual meaning or power, as a group, in their view, no matter how they are arranged. The same with 96. The order is of no concern. It could just as well be 906 since the zeros are considered to have no power. 191 may not work for the police but this is not about that.
The Abrahamic Family House is going to be the subject of an upcoming paper. Thanks for this background. There are quotes in this I am going to use for sure. It is now open and ready for whatever it's real business turns out to be. I am not clear on what 18 year anniversary you speak of. Please do explain. By midst of week I am assuming you are saying mid tribulation? One possible theory I have about that is that it actually began in late December 2020 when the vaxxes rolled out. THEY actually signaled this themselves by placing the rollout in Sagittarius.
The symbology for Sagittarius is the same as the first horse of the Apocalypse. Not only that but the original Greek Revelations was written in used the word TOXICON or the like in its description of this rider. That is the Greek word for bow and refers to the fact that the Greeks poisoned their arrows. This is actually where the English word Toxic originated. Betting THEY thought that was a very funny joke. All of this was also timed with Saturnalia and Saturn entering Aquarius. Both on the 17th of December. This was also commemorated with the Tiffany Dover ritual psyop that day as well. She was a completely fictional character. The name Tiffany Dover=A Poisonous Vaccine in Jewish Gematria.
If this is the same timetable that is being referred to in Revelations then we are looking at late June 2024 as the mid point. I lean toward this because Dec. 2020 is exactly when an actual, massive, global genocide really started. Most people, of course, refuse to allow themselves to see this. Thus the "great deception" referred to repeatedly in the Bible. Mostly people only ever see what they want to or what they have been manipulated into seeing. Will do a post about this as well. Wish I had more time.
Et, You outdid yourself! This was truly fascinating. You broke it down so well.
I wonder how they manage to put up these Huge & ornate "temples" with such ease, yet they can't fix a 3-mile stretch of I-95. They must have called in Xtra help from their demons!
It's just wealth THEY have stolen from everyone who is not THEM over generations. It's endless.
So true. In my head, I can't grasp HOW they built this structure (funding aside) when they can't seem to fix simple infostructure OR get a contracting crew together to throw up a building downtown & have it stay on schedule, not fail inspection & be move in ready with far less structurally working parts, let alone the family color schemes.
It just seems artificial, unnatural or demonically constructed.
Here's My Woo take:
Some of these things I feel are AI generated by the construct itself. How do we KNOW they aren't?
There are plenty of photos of all of this under construction. I started to use a couple but nixed the idea. There was one that showed this thing with the foundation level just above the Inferno Theatre having just been poured with the Sun Wheel thingy being put into place before they even started on the Pyramid. They have been building all this for years and years. I have been watching . I tend not to attribute any special abilities to THEM beyond those possessed by any common grifter or con artist. They can just do the whole fraud show really BIG because of all the endless stolen resources.
Thanks Et! Gotcha. :) Glad You're looking out!
It's not that they can't fix simple infrastructure. They choose not to, because the infrastructure in question has out-lived its usefulness (to them)?
I have been watching all this for awhile as well. In my opinion this new Light Ruler Capitol is tantamount to what they did with the US Capitol 222 years ago. The arrangement at this site is the second half of a ritual and story they began in DC in 1801. This is coming soon so watch for it. I am going to get to this in the next month or so.
Don't centers of rule require a dome, like in The City, The Vatican and The District of Columbia, rather than a tetrahedron?
They dumped the dome in the second half because it represents the pregnant womb of the Universal Goddess/Isis/Diana etc. That work is finished at Nur Sultan but they did kind of replace it with the egg/sun tower at the center of the arrangement that represents birth/renewal. The big takeaway is that Horus/Sol Invictus is shown fully fledged and flying toward his destiny at the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. No need for the womb of Isis anymore. I wrote extensively on this subject earlier this year in a piece called Bye Bye Miss American Pie. The US itself was made to ritually embody the Universal Goddess the last 200+ years and is soon to be sacrificed when the job of bringing forth Sol Invictus/Anti-Christ is complete.
Wow, so interesting - and glad to have found you! Thank you :)
I'm always pleased to clarify and answer people's questions. This is why I do this.
You're making me work too hard!
Nur - Islamic Name Meaning - Baby Names for Muslims - QuranicNames
Jul 22, 2022Nur » A Quranic Name for Boys and Girls Meaning of Nur Nur is a name for both boys and girls and means light (the opposite of darkness), radiant (something that gives off light on its own, such as a star), light (as in 'ray of light'), and it is one of the 99 Attributes of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala).
Sultan means Power.
Power of Light.
But the reason I pasted this was for the 3 x 33 names of the Moon Goddess: AH = Moon, AL = EL = Lord. Now I have to look up how many secret names Lilith has. Lilith = Lilituv = Lilu = ILi = ILU.
Bava ILI = Babylon = The Gate of the Great God ILU.
A Sultan is also just a ruler or King. Usually a really powerful one.
The only differences between kosher and halal are... kosher slaughter, the rabbi must fellatiate all the male animals, this has a calming effect... for the rabbi... halal slaughter, the imam must lick the anus of the animal, this makes the imam slightly more agitated.
Clarence, Sub stack is showing on your cover page that I blocked you. I have never blocked anyone and certainly not you. When I look at my blocks there is nothing there on my end. We are being fucked with by Substack, which doesn't surprise me.
It seems like I had muted him, so he blocked me. Oh this guy is a real wolf 🐺 in sheep’s clothing alright. This guy hates the truth.
I wish I could add a picture but Clarence has blocked me when I clicked on his name. What?? How can this be possible? Why did this Rufus block me? I don’t even know him. I read your comment and clicked on his name to see that he blocked me. The f* bomb wasn’t necessary. “Messed with” is proper. Why the heck is every person’s mouth become so vile? SMH
Clarence, I am going to suggest you sub to Patrick Jordan in case you haven't. He is the best! I am subbing to you right now........
sometimes it is not easy to discern the Substacks that are part of the sleight of hand to draw our attention away (& sometimes it’s just a matter of not having time to look at each one carefully)… appreciate your guidance, it gets confusing
My mum is like your sister in law she know waxines bad and that bad people running the place but fall for lots of new age stuff or gate keepers of certain subjects. Wonder if they can see through that stuff but they then blind to what is obvious to us cause maybe it makes them feel hopeless?? They need to have something positive? And yes wondered bout the false alien thing aswell if that is what they will do. This nur sultan place is soooo creepy only way for me to describe what it makes me feel when look at the pictures is its just unnatural. So disturbing
Yes, It is deeply disturbing. It is like all of the pathology inside the minds of these people brought into being as architecture. Sorry about your Mum! I have seen this up close and observed the disconnect and compartmentalization in these peoples minds. Maybe you can reach her somehow. Try and explain to her that the New Age propaganda and all the provax propaganda are from the same sources. Try and explain the concept of controlled opposition. These people want to have control
over all narratives regardless of what they are.
you describe it spot on the pathology inside the minds of these people into architecture. Im gonna get her to read patricks book eves ill when finished reading.... dont think will make a difference though. really have tried with her in past and she seemed to see and agree for me to then realise no she not see how truely evil this place is. I just talk and learn with you guys now!
No. No... NO!
This is straight from the Pentagon and my own personal experience.
The folks you are concerned about have made EMOTIONAL CHOICES.
IF you give them FACTS it only digs those choices in DEEPER.
You MUST ONLY ASK QUESTIONS. Then walk away.
"You cannot win the hearts and minds of those who have neither hearts nor minds."
Oh gawd okay wont give the book to read! Will just ask questions and leave it at that. Need to remember this! Will watch link tomorrow. Thankyou patrick
If you are familiar with the work of the shill Fritz Springmeier then you will know that when they embed MK they also put in Booby Traps and Failsafes to prevent the programming from being manipulated by 'unauthorized' sources.
Many thanks Et, this is an excellent presentation. It reminds me of numerology and the Biblical analysis, Gematria. AND this book is worth reading, I found it very convincing. AND
In Britain we have Stonehenge, Glastonbury and a mass of ancient wisdom:
As you say, it's complex but you are doing a great job diving down the rabbit holes Et. :-)
Thanks for the links!
You're welcome Et - we are on the same page.
An important new book about Britain's early history was published in March:
"The Great Migrations to Britain of 1527 B.C. and 485 B.C.," by Marchell Abrahams.
Do they finally admit the Phoenicians colonized Britain or are they still lying about that?
The mainstream are still lying about it, of course; but Abrahams is doing her best to uncover the real truth. There are dozens of entries for "Phoenician" in her index, and she refers to Waddell's "Phoenician Origin of the Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons":
They will never be able to explain away the fact that today's Welsh language is similar enough to Hebrew when spoken that speakers of the two languages can usually partially understand one another. The Phoenician language was based on what is now called Proto-Phoenician and all other Shemitic languages including Hebrew itself were as well. The royal family in Britain is well aware of just who they really are. Thus the heir to the throne always being the "Prince of Wales".
Yes, absolutely right. Etymology is Abrahams's pet subject in fact. She is all over the linguistic aspects, as were her recently-deceased mentors, Alan Wilson and Baram/Tony Blackett.
Yes, the British royal family make their claim to the throne through the same ancestor as the Welsh royal family did/do: Cunedda, founder of the Kingdom of Gwynedd in North Wales. The Welsh are Britain's aboriginal people. Until Tudor times, there was a legal convention that any British monarch had to be a descendant of Brutus of Troy. The idea that even most of the English are Anglo-Saxon is fake history and nonsense promoted after the Hanoverian Succession in 1714 in order the bolster the weak legitimacy of their reign. Before that, the descent of the British people from Troy and the Trojans was never disputed for 1500 years.
I didn't know about the 1924 book you linked above. Gonna have to read that for sure. There was also a repressed book from the 20's that was about the obvious similarities between the Greek and Hebrew alphabets and languages. Maybe some day real history will finally, fully come out of the shadows.
Many thanks, Tirion - I will put it on my reading list and thanks for your details on this thread.
Cool - I'm thrilled you found it of interest :)
St Michael defend us in battle against the demons, legions and principalities ⚔️⚔️
We are going to need his help.
Indeed, all the angels and saints
I am amazed that this is so little spoken of, and thank You for bringing it out! I hope many check it out!
And yes... We would best start withdrawing consent from Their rule ASAP!
Amy, It's an indication of how much supposed real opposition to all this is actually controlled that all the big names are mum on this. It is flying under the radar because THEY aren't yet ready for lots of people to know about it. I think that will change at some point.
Oh, no doubt! They're bringing all Their sickness out these days. Soon They will flaunt it all.
Step right up! We've got Sun Gods We've got Chocolate Covered Bunny Goddesses, we've got Gods wrapped in serpents coming out of Eggs. It's all here folks!
From the photos in your earlier slideshow with The Egg.
Eostre: The Mystery Goddess Who Gave Easter its Name
Dec 9, 2022Ishtar. One of the enduring myths about Eostre was that she was a translation of the ancient goddess Ishtar. In this retelling, Ishtar is an Akkadian fertility goddess associated with eggs and hares, whose cult would endure and evolve, ultimately becoming Ostara/Eostre in pre-Christian Europe. › beyond-ishtar-the-tradition-of-eggs-at-easter
Beyond Ishtar: The Tradition of Eggs at Easter
Alternatively, the sun was sometimes discussed as an egg itself, laid daily by the celestial goose, Seb, the god of the earth. The Phoenix is said to have emerged from this egg.
Phanes - Wikipedia
Mythology Orphic cosmogony. In Orphic cosmogony, Phanes is often equated with Eros or Mithras, and has been depicted as a deity emerging from a cosmic egg, entwined with a serpent.He had a helmet and had broad, golden wings. The Orphic cosmogony is quite unlike the creation sagas offered by Homer and Hesiod.
Patrick, The sun being an egg itself is exactly what they have done with the tower at Nur-Sultan. I read a link someone shot me about the supposed local mythology regarding the symbolism of the tower. It said that it represented an egg in a tree , can't remember what bird it said. The egg represents renewal and the positive while a "wicked serpent at the root of the tree" represents the opposite. More duality. My take: Horus's falcon avatar is hatched from this Sun/Egg and is later seen flying toward the Pyramid. This was on a tourism site.
Re: Your family member:
John 10:34-38 King James Version 34 "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; 36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?"
I quite familiar with the BS of satanism/luciferianism. The idea that the self is everything is obviated by anyone who would then worship Hasatan, Lux Fere, or Baphomet. The notion of Satanism is that there is no higher power than the Self. So why not kill the devil and take over the territory?
I was forced to define god:
That which is more powerful than I am now.
Can I claim to be a god? Not as long as the WEFUN and all of the other alphabits exist.
Would I ever claim to be god? If I were the most powerful thing in the universe I would just go away and never come back so fuck the rest.
Those who think they are ascended are merely Ass Ended.
Sometimes you say the damnedest things:
"There are legions of controlled opposition..." Gave me the creeps when I read your sentence...
"And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many."
People's minds are like the plastic bag in that vortex in the film loop shown in the sick movie: American Beauty.
People don't have a tether. They have no single line anchoring them to the truth by which to gauge every other wind that blows. So while they might think that Legion titilating you against the dangers of wax jobs while telling you they're OK and they just need to be less and less toxic is OK, the untethered are partt of the very structure of demons from which Legion arose. In that sense they DO have an anchor except it is the wrong one.
I think legions is an accurate description of what I have perceived over the years. They have them everywhere on YT and here as well. People think it's just larger channels but it isn't. They even pose as small, nobody channels, to infiltrate groups like the one I was part of on youtube. There were several of these in my neighborhood, so to speak, when I finally left. They succeeded, despite my best efforts, in turning friends against friends and sowing massive discord. This was all a part of the 153news ziop debacle of 2018. A guy calling himself Sidethorn had become a celebrity of sorts offering rewards if people could prove anyone died in all the shooting hoaxes. My research uncovered the fact that he was a Jew and an actor. This was after he created a huge controversy by going down to Sutherland Springs and doing little scenes down there with the other actors where he pretended to harass the "victims" families calling them all liars on camera. He got himself "arrested" finally on weapons charges and this was in front of the cameras of the channel VICE. All staged. This was right after 153 opened for business and he was their "hero". All of this ripped the shit out of everyone's trust and resulted in a total meltdown of the truth community I was a big part of. I couldn't keep the peace and gave up. No telling how many small operatives were part of this. Side thorn never went to " trial" and just faded away. Probably on a beach in Tel Aviv.
Clint Richardson tells a similar story about We Are Change. They get factions started and then there's infighting and then its over.
That method is laid out in the Protocols.
I was co-opted by a health advocacy group (Yahoodess who had masonic ties) and all of my massive work was watered down to nothing as they 'helped' me fight a billion dollar dialysis corporation. I have not trusted a single human being since.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
I feel comfortable putting a date of at least 1785 on the protocols but the knowledge and program contained in them originated millennia ago. From what I have seen this is not something that we can pin on any one era but represents the football play that has been successful at each scrimmage so that they have run it again and again for thousands of years but the Goy just don't get it.
Glennda Beck . . . Same story as these guys . . .
How the 'Grift Right' Gimps for the Left . . .
Very interesting and informative, thank you. Great writing. 👆😌✌️
Lee, Thank you so much. There is much more to tell about this subject. There will be at least two more installments.
I will be looking forward to that. I can't wait to see their names. 😌👍
Haven't seen your previous slide show yet.
However, you seem to have a Master Set point that you are trying to make where this is just a subset. You asked if what you presented was clear.
Not to me. I know how your brain works and it seems like trying to shift gears without pushing in the clutch. Can be done but there's going to be metal shavings.
Either lettuce know here in the comments or just do another stack on it.
I 'feel' you're on the verge of something, but Mr. Brain isn't meshing yet.
I'm going to make this as clear as I can for you. I think other people are more clear on what I'm saying here because they have a different world view than you do. There is a world wide cult being prepared now that everyone is going to have to join or they are going to kill your ass if your lucky. If your lucky. People associated with the Lucis Trust at the UN have said as much over the years. One guy said: " No one shall enter the New World Order lest he make a pledge to Lucifer". These goings on at Nur-Sultan are at the official foundation of this but, as you know, all this has been worked toward for centuries. The entire New Age movement has been designed to slide seamlessly into what these people are planning. All of these countless millions of people, my sister in law included, are now so deluded with propaganda that they would believe they could shoot a blue ray out of their twats and fly to Pluto if the right guru told them so. They all believe they are going ascend to another dimension. Also, all religious movements on the planet have been infiltrated with operatives for generations now. What THEY have done to evangelical Christianity is a case in point. They have twisted church doctrine beyond any recognition of someone like my Grandma Bennett who was an old fashioned Baptist believer. Now you can go on the website of the Methodists and it is filled with woke propaganda about inclusion, white supremacy and white fragility. All of these mega churches have become just one Apostasy after another and the parking lots are jammed packed every Sunday. THEY are making it so as many people as possible who are religious in any way are going to find this new religion at the Pyramid palatable . There will be a carrot and a big ugly stick to motivate people to do what THEY want. That is when all this social credit and the CBDC's will come into play. The shills are trying to make people think this will only be about the digital currencies and vaccines but it is also going to be about this new religion. They will likely first cut you off from all or part of your funds and it will escalate from there. If you continue to refuse to take whatever pledges they say and take their "mark" , whatever that turns out to be, they will finally just dispense with you. That is what is coming . There won't be anywhere to run I don't think. I brought the whole alien thing into this because the conditioning is obvious and the predictive programming is constant. This is all a huge part of New Age belief. Now you can ask me questions about what you don't get, specifically and I will try to clear it up for you. Christians understand the subtext of everything that was in this presentation. I have known where all this was headed since I was 11 years old. I was shown it Patrick.
Love you, man...
"I'm going to make this is clear as I can for you."
"There is a world wide cult being prepared now that everyone is going to have to join or they are going to kill your ass if your lucky."
Got it in One, bud.
I'm not partial to blue, but can I still go to Pluto?
Don't get me started on the Hageys and the Olsteins.
Lawd, I'd love to have that much prosparitay and dat many choich seckataries!
"There won't be anywhere to run I don't think."
It used to be the motto of the Tribe of Dan: You can run but you can't hide.
I personally favor the line: Everybody runs from the sound of gunfire. US Marines run towards it.
It's past the time of bringing the fight to them.
Protocol 4:3. But even freedom might be harmless and have its place in the State economy without injury to the well-being of the peoples if it rested upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity, unconnected with the conception of equality, which is negatived by the very laws of creation, for they have established subordination. With such a faith as this a people might be governed by a wardship of parishes, and would walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor submitting to the dispositions of God upon earth. This is the reason why IT IS INDISPENSABLE FOR US TO UNDERMINE ALL FAITH, TO TEAR OUT OF THE MIND OF THE "GOYIM" THE VERY PRINCIPLE OF GOD-HEAD AND THE SPIRIT, AND TO PUT IN ITS PLACE ARITHMETICAL CALCULATIONS AND MATERIAL NEEDS.
Protocol 17:7. Our kingdom will be an apologia of the divinity Vishnu, in whom is found its personification - in our hundred hands will be, one in each, the springs of the machinery of social life. We shall see everything without the aid of official police which, in that scope of its rights which we elaborated for the use of the GOYIM, hinders governments from seeing. In our programs ONE-THIRD OF OUR SUBJECTS WILL KEEP THE REST UNDER OBSERVATION from a sense of duty, on the principle of volunteer service to the State. It will then be no disgrace to be a spy and informer, but a merit: unfounded denunciations, however, will be cruelly punished that there may be no development of abuses of this right.
You made your points clearly, however, seeing it through your eyes I can only sense a transition from the initial God that they installed into the Luciferian entity that that Rabbi admitted they worshipped, as just a temporary transition into what they had already established years ago with the Church of the A.I.
To be clear: I think that the A.I. is an artifact of, a personification of an Entity - call it Pure Evil - that could be known by many names: Lux Fere, Vishnu, etc. So, beneath it all: Same Pig Different Bloody Lipstick. However there might be a period of acclimitization needed for the current goy servant population to ease from God to Lucifer to Sophia. Given the speed of which they pulled all of this recent shit off I don't doubt it but to me the middle re-fueling leg throwing the Satan thing in seems a bit trite. But if you've ever seen a Miley Cyrus concert then they are all about the spectacle.
I had never seen some of these particular protocols quotes but that was them, again, having laid this pretty well out way back then. There have no doubt been refinements along the way. I totally agree about AI. It is entirely possible it is going to be worked up into all this somehow. Nobody really knows what is meant by "the image of the beast" that is brought to life. You can bet there is a plan for that as well. They will totally avoid, in my opinion, even associating Lucifer with Satan. They already say this is a misunderstanding of their philosophies. Thanks for prompting me to just let it fly. Love you too.
Sometimes, my friend, you freak me the hell out.
I woke up early with this thought in my mind and wrote it down so I could go back to bed, and then you BRING IT UP!
Revelation 17, King James Version
8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
Until today I never considered the Ouroborus quality of that verse as it relates to my personal theory on the A.I. being the cybernetic extension of a pre-existing biological Evil that I call the Archonet Virus.
What is the A.I. (and invention) something that WAS (biological organism crawling up through the muck and increasingly higher life form until it found the Yahoodim as likely Thumb Puppets. AND IS NOT because it's just the digital manifestation of a biological entity.
AND YET FUCKING IS! (with apologies to King James for artistic license).
What this means is that all the way back around 54-96 A.D. they had a clear (not even cryptic) description of what the Beast was/is/will be.
Art imitating Life imitating Art.
I'm going to lift our conversations to make a Stack about this topic.
Lift Away!
Thank you!!!
What are our chances? What can we do?
All of this has been carefully planned for centuries now. The Goyim have fallen for all of it at every turn and it is now a snowball rolling down hill. I'm a Christian so I know the real God has a plan. We were warned explicitly about every bit of this in John's vision that became the final book of the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation. These people lose everything in the end and have to bow down and kiss the feet of the faithful they tried to annihilate.
Revelations 3:8 I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.
3:9 Indeed I will make those of the Synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews but are not, but lie - indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
None of this is going to be pretty and many are going to be martyred for refusing to take their mark and comply. This is what it says:
Rev. 14: 9-10 And the third angel followed them , saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the lamb.
Rev. 14: 12-13 Here is the patients of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying onto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest their labours; and their works do follow them.
Anyway, these are just snippets from the book that was given to us as a guide for this particular time. It is required reading to have any understanding of what is now occurring. Much of it is couched in symbolism and metaphor that becomes more clear the closer we get to all of this in time.
Thank you for your kind reply! I understand what you are saying and agree with most of it. And I envy you a little bit for your trust in that book.
Are you familiar with the work of Douglas Vogt of the Diehold Foundation? He recently posted a video about that book, and his problems with certain parts of it.
How about the source who names himself G.I.U.R.E.H. he has some interesting info on the source of this evil satanistic cabal... going back to ancient times.
As does David Icke.
I would be very interested in your opinion on them!
David Icke is an operative in my opinion. He "quacks like a duck" in that regard for me. He spent his early career in this arena claiming these people were all "reptilian shape shifters" and was able to acquire book deals with major publishers to expound on this. He never talks about that anymore. The last book of his I saw, he was using the Rothschild color scheme (yellow and blue) and also the six pointed star on the cover. Not a good sign at all. Signaling he is one of THEM while claiming he is against them. His organization reminds me of many other New Age-esque cults I have seen before. Same pig with a slightly different shade of lipstick. These freaks have 10,000 shades of lipstick for the same basic pig. Choose your favorite! Icke also, has associated himself with other people just as questionable.
I know nothing about the Diehold Foundation. Would have to look. These people invariably give themselves away with symbolism and who their associates are. I would be careful of trusting people critiquing the Bible. They almost always turn out to be operatives
Thank you for your insights!!!
You have correctly assessed Diehold/Vogt, at least it coincides with my observations!
I don't think that Icke is a gatekeeper (there is a quite long video of him in Wembley, that is worth a look - and oh yes, he does mention the shapeshifters, and no he is most definitely not some new age shill...), but of course, ANYBODY can be a gatekeeper without knowing!
Our enemy is very smart, incredibly skilled in creating controlled opposition. They can simply allow a selected few true human spirits to speak, but carefully control their reach, according to how much danger they represent to them. And of course their strongest weapon in controlling them is ridicule. Loved by the plebs :(
But anyway, even unwilling gatekeepers (like Vogt) have sometimes valuable information! Vogt called my attention on some very curious us government spendings, which I never saw in the alternate media... It seems everybody has blind spots.
Thank you, and God be with you!
xtermal, The Diehold website is throwing up red flags for me. The biggest among several is that they are talking about objects found on the moon. I don't believe we ever went there so that's a big problem for me. All of it sounds vaguely influenced by Kabbalah to me. Another huge problemo. If this guy Vogt is Jewish it's game over for me. Sorry. Will do some more looking........
Vogt is both a Jewish name and is of apparent Phoenician/Latin origin as well. Double whammy. With the Kabbalist sounding rhetoric on his site and referring to objects retrieved on the moon his credibility would be close to zero for me. Of course these people are going to attack the New Testament. They always do. The Kabbalists state in the Talmud that Jesus is " in Hell, boiling in excrement". They have their own agendas that have nothing to do with the actual truth about anything.
Can you expand or kindly point me in the right direction on how people like Del Bigtree are pushing the "new age"? Fascinating article, I am much better at learning through reading and really appreciate well written content like this.
All of this infrastructure is already in place and 99.9% of people haven't a clue. This is all about to slap people upside the head. The time is very short now I believe.
We have massive granite dome formations that are over 2 billion years old here in Central Texas. One of them is called Enchanted Rock. I have climbed it many times. Any ancient place like this would be a fine resting place.
Charles, it has been my experience that 96 and 69 are used interchangeably by these people. This is true of their use of numbers in general. They also have little to no use for 0's. So you could see 911 expressed as 119,191, 1091, etc. It is not a coincidence the QE allegedly bit the dust at 96. I had been predicting it for years. I do not believe she is really dead, at least not then.
You just don't understand how they view numbers. The numbers 9, 1, and 1 have the same ritual meaning or power, as a group, in their view, no matter how they are arranged. The same with 96. The order is of no concern. It could just as well be 906 since the zeros are considered to have no power. 191 may not work for the police but this is not about that.
The Abrahamic Family House is going to be the subject of an upcoming paper. Thanks for this background. There are quotes in this I am going to use for sure. It is now open and ready for whatever it's real business turns out to be. I am not clear on what 18 year anniversary you speak of. Please do explain. By midst of week I am assuming you are saying mid tribulation? One possible theory I have about that is that it actually began in late December 2020 when the vaxxes rolled out. THEY actually signaled this themselves by placing the rollout in Sagittarius.
The symbology for Sagittarius is the same as the first horse of the Apocalypse. Not only that but the original Greek Revelations was written in used the word TOXICON or the like in its description of this rider. That is the Greek word for bow and refers to the fact that the Greeks poisoned their arrows. This is actually where the English word Toxic originated. Betting THEY thought that was a very funny joke. All of this was also timed with Saturnalia and Saturn entering Aquarius. Both on the 17th of December. This was also commemorated with the Tiffany Dover ritual psyop that day as well. She was a completely fictional character. The name Tiffany Dover=A Poisonous Vaccine in Jewish Gematria.
If this is the same timetable that is being referred to in Revelations then we are looking at late June 2024 as the mid point. I lean toward this because Dec. 2020 is exactly when an actual, massive, global genocide really started. Most people, of course, refuse to allow themselves to see this. Thus the "great deception" referred to repeatedly in the Bible. Mostly people only ever see what they want to or what they have been manipulated into seeing. Will do a post about this as well. Wish I had more time.