Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Thanks for giving a shout out Downunder! And thoughts to Justin.

There is a lot of creepy occult Phoenix/Apollo stuff going on down here at the moment. The video below is a really good overview, showing how the alignment of the Taylor Swift and Blink 182 concerts in Melbourne (aka Babylon Downunder) were probably cover for Black Ops (both shows also had heavy Phoenix symbolism). They actually argue that there is a power shift from America and Europe to Australia (mainly due to future shifts in Earth geography) and that this was signalled by an Apollo Ritual for one of our Football codes on March the 1st. Fascinating stuff.


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Really good link!

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

praying for Justin and all the Aussie’s in the crosshairs 🙏

Melbourne is a C40 city… are they trying to evacuate the wilderness ? in California they stopped writing insurance policies in areas deemed “wildfire hazard”, making them less hospitable?


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Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

And w/o insurance you can't get a loan, build, buy or sell a property since no one can purchase insurance w/o uncovered wildfire risk which I'm reckoning most banks will not do in high wildfire risk regions.

You can likely purchase a wildfire rider at high cost making only the wealthy able to afford.

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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

If the fires moves as you suggest, it will be BLACK VENUS. When the earth is scorched black, isn’t it interesting that it is very fertile. The ridiculously hot fires open the pine cones and the pine seeds are released. Pines always grow first.

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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Uaaauu...I never hear this before - pine cones of all of plants - what a "coincidence", isn't it? Thank you for info. Buy

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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Yes, I was caught up in one of the California fires in 2020. The pines are already growing back. The oaks that burned were probably at least 100-200 years old. My friends and I have collected various types of acorns and started growing trees to try and help generate a minute fraction of what was lost. The oaks put out a deep tap root first and are slow growers. The oaks will never regenerate in my lifetime.

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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Here in east part of Croatia where I live - there is crossing of two, no even three rivers, and there were so many old oaks woods - wonderful ones. I really don't know what happened, but last years - so many old oak trees dying. River are here, there is underground water, but even - they die. So sad, because I adore them. Oaks are kings, here in my nearbuy, of the forest. I don't know - all I can say is that those oaks are poisoned. Nothing else. When I pray, I always pray for every living being here on Earth - plants, animals, humans, just everyone. Is everything OK now in California - I read about many Earthquakes and fires (again?)....and this lunatic guy - Newsom? God bless you

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How many days of the week is Croatia being chemtrailed? This sounds like what is going on here in areas where lots of spraying is going on.

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Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

I salute you, at first! As I can see, but not now because of clouds - it is happening ones or twice in the week - and, as people say - this was not here before we become part of NATO. After that, chemtrailes started. Here are MSM so stupid - they call us all - of, course: conspiracy theorists. I don't understand - this people don't have children? They not living in the same state, same planet? And other thing, which I think that is so devastating for forests - are so many chemicals they are using in agriculture. We are small country, and rivers are not so far away, and I mean that all poisons from soil - at the end - finishing in rivers. It is so sad when I walk through oak forest and I see trees who slowly dying. And I have no way to help. It is unbelievable sad ET, they are poisoned us, but also they poisoned themselves - really I don't understand anymore. They are killing every living creature on Earth. Just everyone. I'm not pesimist, I have my fighting tactics against all of them, and this is why is your work so important for me - I learn, and everyday I know little more. And one day - yes, we must win, in the name of all life, and in the name of those who can't fight and in the name of little and young ones. This is my hope, not just hope - this is my life. Fight in any way you can. Thank you again. God bless you

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This is why they will have to pry the keyboard out of my cold dead hands! When I call THEM a DEATH CULT it isn't hyperbole. THEY are intentionally killing everything on this planet that is currently dying. And that is a lot of things. Not only are they currently, actively and intentionally poisoning the biosphere but they have spent the last 2 centuries actively suppressing all the technologies that would have eventually led to there being almost no man made toxins in the environment at all. This is not to mention the fact that there is free energy everywhere around us that could be tapped into but they kill anyone who tries to develop that. The word parasitic, psychopathic etc. are all inadequate to describe what these people are.

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I think they HATE surface dwellers. I also think the people that the Hopi call the ANT people are our ANTcestors..... The good faction underground possibly warring with the HIStorical changer of ANTceSTORY or HERstory. We'll find out soon enough. Keep up the good fight girl!

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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

It does sound like the oaks are being poisoned. That is terrible, they are such beautiful magestic trees. The acorns are a great food source for the animals and for humans if you know how to prepare properly. One little acorn has around 110 calories!

You are right the politicians here are lunatics.

Take care.

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Mar 12Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Btw, I wanted to let you know that there is a thing called Sudden Oak Death that is due to a beetle.


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In Texas we have had a fungal disease called Oak Wilt on the loose for more than 35 years. It is transported by insects and can kill a healthy oak inside of a year by blocking all the vascular tissue. It can also spread by the root systems to other nearby trees.

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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Hi, ET....just to say hallo to you and to Jeanne - she will come here. I followed all the warnings and decided to buy a small property nearby. On a hill, with many old plum trees, and with - a spring of water under one of the plum trees. 15 years ago I worked for a company from Australia, online, and since I had a problem putting money in the bank, that company from Australia suggested that they pay me with shares in bitcoins. They didn't cost as much then as they do today. The purchase of this property, as well as the fact that I will not have financial problems with arranging it (no one has lived there for 20 years), is directly related to Australia, and the advice of that company for bitcoin. So I thought of Australia a hundred times these days and thanked for the advice. From 15 years ago to a month ago, I never once thought of those bitcoins. They didn't matter to me. However, when I read how much they are worth now - I could buy them and I can arrange the property without any problems. Beautiful people. I always remember them and thank them, not for the money, but for this beautiful property. My further relatives live in Adelaide, too. I will pray for them, I will pray for all of us. So, I have so nice memories in Australian people and always I will thank them for helping to bye land. Thank you, thank to Aussie - God bless you. As always, greetings from Croatia

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Such a beautiful story Alexo :) Thank You for sharing!

Sending Love to Croatia

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Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Does anyone else feel hot all the time? And is the sun hotter these days?

"A group of scientists have turned graphene into a superconductor, capable of carrying electricity with no resistance. The secret involved sandwiching two layers of graphene together and offsetting them by a ‘magic angle.’


What is this magic angle ? 9°, 47°,33°or 66.6°. I can see the pentagram this time😆.

Maybe Graphene oxide heralds the Phoenix

Arrival everywhere?

Under simulated sunlight, the (Graphene)aerogel could heat up 100ml of water to 45°C – 13°C higher than water without the aerogel.”

Corpse at time of autopsy maintaining temperatures over 40°c!!!!


So we are being cooked!… If not by Graphene oxide in the shots, by Graphene oxide in the chemtrails, food an water.

It's climate change alright... The Micro climate of each person's anatomy.

Thanks to outraged human for these links.


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I'm just hoping they don't plan to spend the whole summer cooking us alive here like they did last year. It has already been way too warm here this spring. It was actually 90 F in Austin a couple of days ago.

The real science exposing the extreme toxicity of graphene has been around for years yet every time you turn around there is another announced use for it. There is even new "science" saying graphene is actually harmless. You get the results that are bought and paid for. That's all science is now.

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She's one of the bat shit crazy, black demonrat congresswomen who are now in office here. For some reason that shade of blue has always been used in the convid op everywhere. Might as well be called Covid Vaccine Injury Day. Beyond that it's just propaganda to normalize and redirect vaccine injury.

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Mar 17Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

It's the symbol with " long COVID" on it I couldn't work out. It's shaped like a type of necktie and its shape is like part of other occult symbols and I have seen it before, but I can't remember.

They could have used a noose and nobody would notice😜

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That symbol has been used ad nauseum and ubiquitously in the US for decades. They use it for every kind of awareness campaign you can think of. I think it was being used as far back as the eighties for breast cancer awareness only in pink. It is supposed to represent a ribbon being pinned on the lapel etc.

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Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Remember how cruel children used to roast ants under a magnifying glass?

That's how the sun feels to me now.

Those children grew up...

God did say He would end the world with fire. He never said He wouldn't use the evil idiots to actually do it. The statement "All things work to the glory of God." becomes more sobering by the day.

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Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

When you say cruel children, I assume you mean kids that know what they are doing is wrong?

I guess when your sicko parents torture you ( and worse), you just got to project that pain onto other creatures.

I hope God's daddy was nice....

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It doesn't seem to me people need to know they are being cruel in order to be cruel. Many think they are "just having fun", etc., like the cruel children torturing the ants.

There isn't any conclusive evidence that psychopathic or cruel children were always tortured by sicko parents. The majority of children who were abused by their parents do not go on to become abusers of others. Quite the contrary. Thank God.

We all have free will. Even children. While I don't believe God had a daddy, I do hope your daddy was nice to you.

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Mar 11Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

He wasn't.

I don't put much stock in peer reviewed papers and such.....

" Conclusive" evidence... Sounds like a scientific "concensis".

In my experience, most people have heirloom demons from their families that take a lot of hard work to wrestle under control.

In my experience most children are cruel until they are taught not to be.

I'm only 51 years old. Hopefully time will show me a different set of patterns in the future.

I wasn't attempting to be mean or mock anyone's God with my " joke".

I hope you are doing ok?

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

My father was abusive as well. Sorry to hear it was the same for you.

I don't count on any information from people being the entire truth of anything, but I can't base everything I know on my own experiences alone because that's not the truth either. I am sometimes graced with glimpses of greater truths and I'm both astounded and grateful.

"Heirloom demons". I like that phrase very much. Better than "generational curses." I understand what you mean. I've spent my entire life breaking those chains. I used to resent this but now see it as a purpose with meaning.

I was never a cruel child to the innocent. I fought for the ants, but I did fight the cruel children and had to learn to have mercy for them as well as the ants. That's been a hard lesson to learn. One I have yet to master. I agree. Compassion is learned.

Thank you for writing that about not mocking God. It did seem mocking to me and I love God so much and am so grateful for what He's done for me to date with more to come, it pains me when people denigrate Him. Not for His sake. He doesn't need my defense, but pains me for all of us who don't understand. And that lack of understanding has caused untold misery. And cruelty.

Thanks, Justin. I am doing fine and hope you are as well.

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I am doing well, thankyou!

Here is a recent thread. At the bottom I explain a bit about my understanding of God.


Giving the premise that we are all God and all connected, and that my experiences have helped me survive " being wrong" all my life, and being wrong has helped me survive the current genocide this far...

Without any pride ( which of us would want to claim pride amongst such suffering), I am starting to believe in myself (God by proxy😁).

'God' IS life.

God is organic, aware, conscious life....

to me... And everything, and nothing too!

God is also paradox 😆

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Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Interesting. My Mother & I were diagnosed with porphyria which is known as "Dracula disease" when it got too difficult to go out into the new sun. I now wonder if i's a cover-up & simply the poisoning of our bodies.

Treatment of porphyria of the skin generally involves the avoidance of sunlight, while treatment for acute porphyria may involve giving intravenous heme or a glucose solution.

It's our surroundings...They are COOKING US!

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If the sun is too much in Wisconsin you wouldn't be able to set foot outside most days here. The sun has never affected me in a negative way but what will kill you here is the high heat along with very high humidity. I have traveled in very arid areas of the Southwest and laughed out loud when people were complaining about it being 95 degrees with 10% humidity. Until you have been in Texas in the summertime you have no idea what it is to be truly HOT. Sometimes other areas of the east get this for a few days but here it is months at a stretch. This last summer it didn't even cool off much at night. Maybe 85 degrees.

I have inlaws in my family that have the genetics for Porphyria running loose. There are something like 6 different forms of it depending on what genes are not working correctly. The people in my family all have the version where your skin is extremely ruddy and you turn absolutely beet red if you go in the sun. Thankfully it appears to be very recessive and only a few people in the extended family have it.

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Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

What's interesting is that I never had it till the new white sun ..or until I got my new blood...whichever came first. I used to work in Florida Poolside, right on the beech. My skin turns splotchy I get hives from the direct LEDS in the sky ...or whatever it is passing for the sun. Whatever it IS, I think it's man made fukkery by the 🦉🤖🦉.

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Do LED'S hurt your eyes or leave patchy bits for a time?

I can't drive at night because of them, and I'd slap anyone in the face if they flash me with one of those high lumen head torches... If I could find them.🌞

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Yes, LED's hurt my eyes. I've always been sensitive to them. .

I cant go from natural outdoor light into store light. It gives me anxiety & sometime panic attacks. I used to hear the hum & see the flicker of old fluorescents & that would set me off as well. They've weaponized light for quite sometime.

The headlights are pretty bad as well. They do leave spots in my vision. I wear blue blockers to help with that... . If for some reason you get the spots from headlights, get home & stare into a candle for 30 second intervals & they go away. Doesn't leave time for a good face slap tho. lol :)

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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Luckily I got myself one of these little helpers as my sole bushfire prevention device.


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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

I tried to get a few of these too, but he was out of stock 😡


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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Prayers for all Australians, these geo engineered occult attacks have been orchestrated for far to long.

God bless and Protect.

Thank you for your brilliant observations and true reporting.

Dreams and omens, not good.

Guidance for you gnostic scholars to get ahead of these patterns, and possibly prevent.

Kind regards

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

sort of off topic (although it could be related), have you ever looked into Judy Woods 9/11 evidence of what she terms the “dustification” of the twin towers using exotic weapons technology that doesn’t generate a lot of heat?

she also has a diagram supposedly showing an odd deviation in the track of hurricane Erin that had been heading towards NYC on 9/11 but made a dog leg change in course out to sea.

She points out a lot of interesting conflicts but she also has a YouTube presence.


9/11 Revisionist promotes to the Judy Woods evidence (apparently he also had a dust up with Sage about it) …



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Interesting you should bring all this up now because I had just been rehashing some of this with Jeannette and others as it might apply to a future event like destroying the Hoover Dam.

It is quite clear from evidence I have seen that some technology was used on 9/11 that was capable of vaporizing not only concrete and steel but the actual granite bedrock underlying the towers. Whatever this was caused the heat to rise to several thousand degrees in the subterranean areas below the buildings and stay there for literally months. It is known that there were still pools of molten steel down there as late as January of 2002.

I can't tell you what this was but it was SOMETHING. Something we haven't been told exists. What it is I don't know and really wouldn't hazard to guess. People wonder how you could bring down a dam that is a 700 foot mass of steel and concrete but I don't wonder about that at all now. Whatever was used on 9/11 was able to vaporize cavernous spaces into solid granite bedrock. How would concrete and steel fare? I expect to see the Hoover Dam transformed into a cloud of concrete dust and pools of molten steel at some point. The big question is what the cover story narrative will be to try and explain it. Not to worry. The American public will wash down any turd as long as they are given enough propaganda to guzzle down with it.

A sad state of affairs....... And Sage Hanna? Anyone stupid and naive enough to be subbed to that piece of work deserves whatever is coming there way. YOU JUST CAN'T FIX STUPID.

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Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

EXACTLY. Can you just imagine what else they will be able to do with it in the future?

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They are making us see our virtual reality thru a completely different lense .... rendering us ALL SCITZOPHRENIC!

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Mar 10Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Hey ET....totally off this topic but the April 8 eclipse is going over Muncie Indiana and Don McLean was here Sept 2nd last year if those days mean anything to you? Peace....

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I am about to start writing what will turn out to be a pretty long post about this eclipse thing. I have been digging and just letting stuff come to me like it always does for awhile now. I had heard this somewhere else recently but can't remember where. Like most music celebs, especially those who became overnight sensations/megastars, Don McLean is a very sketchy character. And his exes and kids have actually accused him of being a psychologically abusive, narcissistic monster. Nothing I could ever find out about him would surprise me. I still think American Pie was created as a ritualistic activation of some sort, and doubt he really wrote it, certainly not without help. Many of these people probably know this eclipse is some sort of ritualistic threshold and that is exactly what I think it is.

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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

I don't know what to say. Holy moly.

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Mar 9Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Hey E.t.

What you reckon about these apples ( numbers)

Act current to 2024-02-20 and last amended on 2024-01-01. Previous


"Marginal note:Exception — dissolution

(4) If Parliament dissolves on the day set out in subsection (1) or on any day within the six-month period before that day or on any day within an extension ordered under subsection (2), banks may continue to carry on business, and authorized foreign banks may continue to carry on business in Canada, until the end of the 180th day after the first day of the first session of the next Parliament."


tonp substack - latest post

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We have a thing in the US of A called the constitution. The final bit claims that WE have the right to overthrow any TYRANICAL government.

Unfortunately, I think the "We the people" part....doesn't mean US, which is WHY the Government was able to be overthrown by a belligerent group of parasites ACTING as government.

Banks...Look into Swiss bank...Now mirror that Bank Swiss.

All the babble written is gibberish & only protects THEM.

Peace & Protection be upon You & Yours :)

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Mar 11Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Incendiary sigils. I wonder what egregores are being created by these events.

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I think the Egregore or Thought Form they are trying to manifest is this entire new system they want to impose on the world. It has to be made manifest both Above and Below. They believe they are parasitizing and actually harvesting the emotional energy generated by these events and redirecting that energy towards what they consider an "activation" of that manifestation. That is how I understand it from what I have gleaned from reading what these people say about what they believe.

The mother of all of this activity, I am now inclined to believe, is set for the day of the eclipse on 4/8. THEY are even using the word "activation" in the propaganda being used to get as many people as possible to focus their attention on it. I am going to be writing a piece about all this in the next week or so. People should be very concerned about exactly what it is THEY are planning to "activate" that day. Nothing good I can assure you.

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Mar 12Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

Do you think they would pay me to become one of them in a mercenary kind of way and start terraforming on their behalf?

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Lupanatrix's, Strumpets, Tarts, etc. make THEIR world go round and always have. Presented in that context I'm sure you could strike a deal!!!!!

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Mar 12Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

When I was five years old in Freemasonic Lincolnshire Illinois I was making a snow castle in the front yard and felt these giant invisible beings looking down at me. I remember running back inside the house scared . I’m wondering if it was the terraformers putting me in their cross hairs.

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When I was a small child I could actually see energy fields that no one else could see. I'm lucky it didn't land me in psychiatric care but once I realized others couldn't see what I saw I never talked about it. I just enjoyed the light show, especially at bed time when the lights went off. Once when we lived in Houston I could actually see the aerial white energy fields, streams and eddies associated with a hurricane that was inbound. This energy was moving all around me but no one else could see it. I think many small children likely start out very sensitive to energy bleed over from other realities but then they eventually lose all that like I did. By the time I was a teenager this had all faded away.

From what you have told me it sounds like your family was involved in some pretty dark shit. Especially seeing what they let be done to you. I'm assuming they got paid for this or was it just fun for them? I doubt a child could be subjected to what you were, and likely by occultists themselves, without that opening up a whole spiritual can of worms for everyone involved. I wouldn't be surprised if what you perceived was somehow related to all the rest of what was being done to you. That kind of shit can open doors that should have been left closed.

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Mar 12Liked by Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica

I used to do intuitive readings and could see when a person’s ability to see energy fields shut down and how-from parents saying, ‘It’s just your imagination.’ to teachers in school, authority figures, etc. when they were young. Then I would encourage them to reclaim the ability they once had, telling them that it was buried and not lost. Their breathing would get restricted, etheric bands around their heads would tighten but I’d guide them through it-sometimes with success and could see the relief on their faces. (The recovering Catholics were the hardest to work w because of the programming done to them.) In regards to my family… MK-Ultra all the way. My dad w his high iq targeted in the psy department at the U of Mn. In the early 50s when he got his phd there. I submitted an FOIA to the CIA and they sent me back info confirming they were there at the time of my dad’s tenure. Names blacked out of course. My father was demonically possessed and that is why I and my other siblings got targeted and the family destroyed. Much forgiveness, 7 x 70 has released me from it all. I gave up trying to find the perps-have seen too many others go crazy attempting to do so. My parents weren’t occultists at least not consciously. I do remember my mother dropping a Ouija board on her toe causing quite a bit of pain.

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