These deer look like Goats in Dear costumes. My imagination is the obedient deer are the slaves and the goats are the Illuminati, related to the deer but superior and in charge of them. Lots of Masonic angles and geometry. Nice investigation and post!
We have deer in nearby subdivisions here that have achieved that status. They are afraid of nothing and no one. You can drive through and there might be a dozen or more of them just laying in peoples front yards. If you garden they are a constant bane.
Ah, think I've heard of that yes, this year the bears are out, even rummaging some people's garages and causing havoc. Something about less berries growing- a kind of starvation attack.
Bears are unpredictable and always just follow their noses. If you are camping in bear country you can't even have a tube of chap stick in your tent. Everything like that has to go in the bear bag at night.
The goat is one of the most prominent symbols associated with satanism. Part of this stems from its occult ties, such as the goat-like form of the occult deity Baphomet, while some other satanic associations come from Jewish and Christian scriptures.
In Greek mythology, the deer is particularly associated with Artemis in her role as virginal huntress. Actaeon, after witnessing the nude figure of Artemis bathing in a pool, was transformed by Artemis into a stag that his own hounds tore to pieces.
The deer are free, not tame, not domesticated, not slaves, not beasts nor part of the beast system. Goats are coddled and fed and protected by men, until they are easily killed and consumed. Goats are in the beast system. Deer are freemen. The highest members of the cabal are in the slave system. The highest slave masters are slaves to beasts and moloch and Satan. Freemen are beloved sons of god. The war we are in is between freemen and slaves. Been going on since before the time of Jesus.
I agree that these people are the slaves of their own system. That said, I don't think that's how they see themselves even though they couldn't be more bound up by all of this themselves. They see themselves as these deer but are in reality much more like the goat than they would ever admit to themselves or anyone else. Just the slaves they are to all of their insane numerology leaves them in chains. They have no idea, or can't admit to themselves that Satan is just using them as a means to an end. They will go under the bus in the end.
There are many breeds of wild goats. You can easily find a list of ten on a simple google search.
There are domesticated breeds of deer.
It's not the animal, it's the human that gives meaning and attributes to animals they do not naturally possess. I think it's more interesting to study why people have given the goat an evil rep, the snake, etc., than it is to say the animal is responsible for it's reputation by its own nature when we can easily see this isn't true.
I counter it's our own nature we see reflected in nature that we project onto the natural natures of the animals we observe. The undesirable qualities of our own psyches onto the animals. Which they do not deserve.
Since saying a goat is evil is much, much easier than looking at our own seemingly unquenchable desire to embrace evil.
As Jesus so simply said, "The poor will always be with you."
Why? Because the poor are a necessary ingredient of our attainment of material "prosperity".
Thankyou but I give all that credit to God. I'm only what he gave me. It seems I now know why this was done and I'm only in awe of that and how God works through people.
They clearly depicted Cernunos at the opening ceremonies for the rail tunnel through the Alps in 2014. I debated with myself about including that here but decided not to because Cernunos often appears more goat-like than deer-like. I would be interested in your opinion on the debate that is unfolding above regarding deer versus goats.
According to The Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery (Ad de Vries, 1984) both the goat and the stag are symbols of fertility, death and regeneration. I think the stag is a more northern depiction while the goat a more southern.
Another superior SS post, ET. Hats off to you! 👍👍👏👏
You write, "I have also seen it conjectured that these blackboard hearts may actually represent the abbreviation WW3. The two top hearts being upside down W’s and the bottom one a 3 on its side. I have no real idea about that for sure, but it remains a possibility."
What about George "W" Bush in that scene being factored into your assumption? After all, he was known as W. W = war! He definitely was a war president, just like his daddy was.
That is certainly possible James. Every frame of this film is up for possible interpretation . This is somebody I watch on YouTube who is figuring things out too:
From my own research I'm also seeing signs point to February. And also October. And none of it is good. I think major events in these months will plunge the world into WW3.
Laurence, everyone I watch on YouTube who are superb decoders seem to be seeing that the time is close. As far as I know I'm the only one whose come out and said February. I would be interested to see what you have. Lots of people have little pieces of this puzzle now. It's obvious this is a significant threshold time for THEM . Crossing a threshold may or may not be made noticeable to us. Just because you walk through the front door of a serial killer doesn't mean they do something right then and there. They may and they could but there is no way to know when they might strike once you are in their space. That was the best analogy I could think of right now.
It is my feeling they will likely start rolling out a series of catastrophic events that goes through the spring. I have evidence the culmination of all of this could be in May. Only time will tell. I will be doing a writeup on the 2017 and 2018, Cicada 3301 puzzles. I believe THEY spilled all the beans with these 6 and 7 years ago.
I'll try and find the sources. They are mostly crazy pre-trib rapture lunatics but one of them called a middle east war erupting in October that got my attention. I listen to them because I believe we are in messianic times. Not because Jesus is returning but because other Satanist lunatics are trying to summon the antichrist by enacting biblical prophecy.
The people I watch on a regular basis do not fall into the Dispensationalist/Pre-trib box. When I have time I will leave you some links. I have found new information about the "White Lion" that changes everything. The 1619 thing was just another smokescreen to hide the real truth. I am currently writing a new piece and am going to link to your writeup on this as well and recommend your blog. It will likely be up by tonight.
Thanks! And can't wait to read the new piece. I tried looking through some of my YT subs but couldnt find the exact vids that were talking about February. I will come across it at some point.
ive been interested, or intrigued rather at the whole 3rd temple/great work of ages thing for some time,
to consider that our current time and past history covering variously millenia and the last 400 years more actively have all been driven to crown in Our Realm a usurper, dark, demonic p.o.s?
pyramid and eye ="cap stone"
The single problem most have is that We cannot, will not are unable to grasp the scale, the maginitude, the foundations of this scheme, why? becuase We live in indoctrnated mis-educated, intentonally ptsd "societies"
here is a link from one of the opening images from Koyaanisqatsi (a must view cinematographic marvel):
the image shows our begining, its worth studying and contemplating
We, we the uniformed keep viewing Deity as ethereal, misty, myth-ical, We forget we are actually dealing with non-biological Life forms, which take many forms, some benign, some.... less so ;0)
When We consider the works of say Tolkein, himself a mason and thus bound by the death bond to not reveal, unless in an alegorical form, We thus consider the armies of the dark, versus those of the light....
Not all that went to the dark were always that way, many were cooerced by having been sidelined, ignored, "cast out"...
Our little pals at c.e.r.n and w.e.f have made contact with things that have been previously banished for upsetting the apple cart, they seek to return and make bloody vengeance,
We used to live in harmony with some of these Creatures:
Is it any wonder that the w.e.f, the u.n, et al play the "save the world" speil? first you destroy then lay the blame at the feet of everything else, then rally your forces against those you have incorrectly accused...
Step out of this condrum one level and what We really see is a grander scheme to "terra-form", in honesty We see a multitude of activity desgned to destroy ALL life here as it currently exists, including the life forms "they" state they wish to preserve.
What We are aware of is that the time-scale for this is now pending, We are "in it", our methodolgy to cope and indeed Act is limited by Our lack of imagination...
If Humanity genuinely saw what We face for EXACTLY what it is We would realise the shitstorm We are in, sadly We allow ourselves to view this battle in terms of "hobby", "distraction", puzzle solving, as We watch on open mouthed as this gargantuan scheme unfolds, in truth We have very little in terms of resistance, that time probably passed decades ago, however We do know that some form of Balance exists.
What exactly the fuck am i saying? i am saying We must hone Ourselves continually, thoughts and deeds (right hand and forehead) and prepare in the only way We can, that being for the failure of the "great work of ages" and the natural fallout that ensues...
Given that Our relationship (and that of approx 95% of All humanity) is a toxic, co dependent relationship with the self same psycopaths who "rule" us.....?
We consume, Oil, electric, industry, farmed food, "society", thus, "their" current take?
"You need us, ergo You must accept how we choose to manage You"
As long as We dwell in this toxic relationship We are doomed to fail, as are they, the aftermath will be the ickky bit, a mixed blessing, outside of that i have few answers, pre farming industry lifespan was 40 and One begged for release at the end, joints worn, body erroded, Soul rich,
We have a choice, dwell as symbiotic short lives or prosper as parasites...
YES! Just Like DIEana. Keyboard is back to normal. I had an update & it restarted & it's no longer typing gibberish. THAT was weird. I Thoroughly am enjoying this post!
Finding all the crazy music industry imagery yesterday was the icing on the cake. These data bases have everything we need to see in them if we get lucky and know what were looking at. Bing had automatically grouped those images with the Adar images. The AI sees the truth.
They LOVE to show us thru imagery ..... Music industry is so corrupt,I was FLOORED that the stag imagery was on all those albums! I often wonder IF it's the actual A.I. running these programs. The magenta is driving me absolutely nuts!
AND the Deer look sooo majestic /magenta..... just saying :)
And just the fact that the deer were combined over and over with a triangle. I could have put up many more of just those. It seemed endless. And the purple/magenta was by far the predominate color in all of it. It's like all these images are just little parts of one big, over arching spell.
Oh yes AND the triangle! THAT is the purrfect word for it ...SPELL. I wonder what BREAKS the spell ?? Next we'll see that witch Madonna riding in on a STAG for the next 1/2 time show!
I watched a promotional video about a transexual scientist wearing a rhinestone tiara (I kid you not...) who was bioengineering many plants with the bioweapon that are commonly consumed by people.
I think the video is still out there somewhere and am sure the promos for the various companies doing this crap are out there as it was being promoted as "an exciting new science".
It is already achingly clear there is no respite or confidence to be had from the physical world any longer. We have been told to endure until the end.
I believe this is part of God's plan. For the betterment of all mankind. Out of love.
It refers to the illuminati triangle/pyramid with the all seeing eye. One of the most iconic symbols of Masonry as well. Over here in the US we have to look at it on our money too. It is also on the Great Seal of the United States. It represents the "Great Architect" of Masonry (Lucifer) seeing all.
You mean the triangle from the set square and compass?
My late father was a Mason, obviously not of the trouble making degree.
I liked all their get ups. Aprons and starched shirts. White bow tie and shirt studs and cufflinks. Tail coats and trousers with satin strips, cummerbunds and silk scarves.
Thick tweed overcoat.
He used to travel all around the country to go to lodge meetings.
Acknowledgement as an Excellent Master. Here the Candidate receives permission to undertake a metaphorical return from Babylon, the land of captivity, to Jerusalem to assist in building the second Temple, thus beginning the journey towards his spiritual home — “an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”
Just reading up on the subject.
This above is from the link below.
The Jerusalem aspect is pretty central. I forget, who else wants Jerusalem.
When the Jews returned from Babylon they brought back with them the Talmud and the foundational beliefs of Kabbalism, fully adopted and ingrained. It tells you a lot that the Masons choose that particular journey to so honor. They know just where they came from and where their bread is buttered.................
Note, my thinking comes from the TransHumanism perspective and TRANSformation. On her robe is the "X" which is the symbol of the THird g-ENDer. At 2:48 she will show the side of the robe which can be viewed as a sword but could also be the Jabba Dabba Doo syringe and needle. This could represent the CoV jab as she's wearing a crown, but could also represent the hormones required to keep up the illusion of the TRANS. When she raises her arm at 2:29 she shows a spiral on the underside of her arm which could be a DNA reference. The large "X" could also represent two V's mirrored, as a metaphor of the male and female TRANSformation. THey use the heart symbology a lot. THey often make the heart symbol with THeir hands over THeir stomach which is where one could take the daily injections of hormones. This avoids showing track marks and looking like a junky. Picking up on TRANSformation symbology in song lyrics, I call this program of THeir's, the LOVE program. Note LOVE backwards EVOL the first 4 letters shown on the chalkboard. Letters missing are U, I, O, we can get an IOU by looking only at the missing letters. I think this is the Technocratic EVOLUTION wet dream as we live out this Eugenic reality. Note the words Eunuch and Eugenic....very similar.
The dancers are wearing gas masks that have a DEER look to them. At the end there are two dancers, one has the Israel flag and the other the Palestinian flag on their back. In the vid there is obvious fire and ice symbology of alchemy.
In the album covers you showed, images 5 and 6, both had a triangle superimposed over the deer. One downward point triangle that represents female or water over the MALE deer (buck,stag,bull or hart) and one upward triangle that can represent male or fire over the fawn (I can't tell if that is a buck or doe fawn). It seems that THey beLIEve that the Great Work is the male and female are to merge creating the fluid g-ENDer which results in a Eunuch a person unable to reproduce naturally. So in this case, future life is created in a LAB reverse and pronounce BA'AL. Regarding the word BUCK, that is slang for the DOLLAR and it seems readily apparent to me that there is a financial crisis planned to take place and IPG2 confrims that idea with the market plunge in the eye.
Thank you so much for noting the Braille symbols. I had seen the 66 and knew that a 6 was missing and it was in front of my face. I never thought to look up Braille.
Last week I rewatched IPG2 and what struck me was the name Louis Lefebvre. LL=33 and the meaning is CRAFTSMAN. " “Lefebvre” is a common French surname that originated from the Old French word “fevre”, meaning “craftsman” or “worker” 1. It is a common northern French surname, with variations such as Lefèbvre (western France) and Lefebvre (northern France and Normandy) 1. The name is also used in Italy and Celtic-speaking regions, where the corresponding name is “Le Goff(ic)” 1. The English surname “Smith” is the equivalent of “Lefebvre” 2. The word can be phoentically pronounced as le FEBRUARY. The name is wreaking of Tubal CAIN to me. The definition of the name CAIN means SPEAR. I associate the spear with the syringe and hyperdermic needle, "need El". You can now think Britney Spears. All of THeir names on the public stage are coded.
I have wondered if we are watching the alchemy of the Philosophers Stone which is also known as the Jew-EL of Alchemy. The elixir of life used for REJUVENATION.
Note ALL the triangles on those album covers. Triangle=Delta, 4th letter Greek. 4th letter of Hebrew is the DALET, the door/gate/arch. A word for god, DEI , pronounced as the letter D. The color purple is seen during LENT begins on Wednesday, Feb. 14th and ends on Saturday, March 30th.
Drop the 'b' for Lefevre and you have "A blacksmith
Lefèvre is a surname of French origin123. It is derived from the Old French word "fevre," which meant "a blacksmith"2. Lefèvre is an occupational name for a blacksmith or ironworker13. It is one of the most common surnames in France from an early date13. The name was taken to Britain and Ireland by the Normans, by the French to Canada, and by the Huguenots to colonial America and elsewhere1." But Le FEBVRE could phonetically be FEBRUARY.
I had looked extensively at Madonna's Eurovision ritual but you have some perspectives I hadn't considered . You are right , the gas masks could be interpreted as deer masks. I think you are correct about the syringe on the inside of the cape but it also looks like an upside down cross as well. Likely both. Interesting. February/Lefebvre! I think you are also correct about the word Love on the chalkboard. Nothing else makes any sense and we already know they used nearly everything on the walls in the classroom to indicate timing. The heart shapes next to this are just more confirmation of something being indicated in the second week of February.
At the end of Madonna's ritual they show a map of the US. You have to slow that whole section down to quarter speed to see that this map is the result of a very fast back out from Manhattan. I had to watch and freeze all this many times to see that the start of this back out began over the entrance ramps to the Lincoln Tunnel. I went onto Google Earth to confirm this fact. They are planning something nasty in NYC again. This appeared in the part of the presentation at the end that was showing burned out buildings and fire.
The middle of February is Valentines Day, another clue for the heart/earth. I will go back and try to find the map. I missed that completely.
I do not view this place called EarTH as most people. For instance when I view Nature, I look for TE-CHnology. In some volcanos called SACRED volcanos, my eye sees a pyramid structure that is too perfect. That sets us up for what I have seen as pre-programming in NY.
Firstly we have a fiat bill that folds and shows a wave coming over the top what appears to be a building in NY. Secondly, there is a video game called Secret Files 2 that predicts an earthquake at La Palma that creates a tsunami that covers NY. Here is the vid.
Destruction and rebirTH and blaming it on Mother Nature, it’s the name of THeir game. THey gave us a preview recently in Lahaina. I will look for a photo to post of a sacred volcano that looks like a pyramid to my eye.
There was an article in the NYT in June of 2017 that was purportedly about the history and then, current overhaul of the ferry system in NY harbor. Someone who I was partnered up with at that time doing research saw through what this really was and showed it to me. The language of the article was couched in terms that seemed to symbolize the Ferryman of the afterlife found in both Egyptian and Greek mythology. The kicker is that the photo they used in the article of the NY skyline had clearly been photoshopped to where the clouds looked exactly like a tsunami hitting the city.
My friend made a YT video at my insistence and shortly after this his computer was hacked, files destroyed and he left YT for good. When I went back a few weeks later to try and find this NYT article I discovered it had been made to never exist. No trace of it even using Wayback. It had been widely available in multiple news papers. The original publication date was 6/10/2017.
A tsunami hitting NYC is also actually carved on Saint Johns Cathedral there, right by the front entrance. Also, several films have also depicted this. I believe they plan to do this somehow and have for a long time. La Palma seems a very likely scapegoat/weapon for this. Russia is also said to have developed nuclear tsunami technology. I doubt there are or ever have been any nuclear weapons but the story would also make a convenient scapegoat wouldn't it?
I also believe that if they are planning to compromise the Hoover Dam the best way would be to have a big, west coast earthquake or series of them. Think Turkey on 2/6 of this year that was left with ground fractures hundreds of feet deep and as wide as a foot ball field. THEY can do that and I have no doubt of it whatsoever. I believe they will trigger the San Andreas which intersects the faults running into the system in Southern Nevada. This is what occurs in the film San Andreas. Also, the film Earthquake from 1974 featured a dam breaking. This programming was also repeated in the 1978 Superman film where the Hoover Dam broke as well and was triggered by the San Andreas.. This had the added plot twist of all of this being intentional. If you are in California and within 200 miles of this fault or anywhere west of it, I would be making preparations for what is likely coming.
I am in California and feel the need to leave but cannot decide where to go. My daughter is in AZ and I surely would not go there. I, too, have seen the programming on the Hoover Dam.
I think other dams will be involved. A couple years ago I went to the lake up in Shasta County and at the time California was in a drought. I met a woman and her father had helped build the Shasta Dam. She told me that the concrete used was NOT the grade of concrete that had been advised nor reported. I asked here how long do we have before the concrete fails? She replied, it could happen at any time as we are far enough down the road, Life span is around 100 years. The dam was built in 1938. At the time of meeting her, the dam was over 100 feet low. We have also had problems with the Oroville Dam. THey say THey fixed it but I think it was just a short term solution.
As for an earthquake, I am right on board. There has been pre-programming that makes me think THey would use an EMP where the two fault lines meet out in the ocean in Washintgon state creating an earthquake up and down the west coast. Seattle is a hot topic in programming be it music, disaster movies, freemasonry, c0vid, etc.
Years ago I found a map entitled the Naval Future Map of the United States. Is it a Naval Map, probably not but it fits the profile of destruction that I think has been planned for the USA.
You can see on the map that there is a very large channel of the Mississippi River. This channel appears to be large enough for the Chinese supertankers. With the East and West coasts under water, this would be a necessity. I am in a related import/export business and I can tell you that something is very wrong. After they held back the ships from unloading (all man made manipulation) we were all so busy. Today, I see almost no business. My largest clients are barely shipping. I have truckers calling me every day looking for business. One trucker told me that in 2023 they were 20 million behind 2022's gross revenue and he told me that in October 2023.
The government, out of the blue, handed all of us a National Permit whereas before we were only licensed in one port.
When 9/11 happened, did you ever see the vid of the boat that floated in the water in NY with a small pyramid aboard? You could see the twin towers. I have not seen that vid in a long time. Things seem to up and disappear.
Also, back in 2017, I saw numbers from a company called (note the D,DE,DEA=god) and freemasonic G with the suffix LE/EL? The company was forecasting 2025 population, military expenditures and more by country around the world. The US showed a large reduction in population. UK was listed to lose the most people.
Versions of the new coast maps have been around since the mid eighties at least. That is when Lori Lynn Toye came out with her IAM America map which she claimed was created from "channeled " communications with an entity. One of the maps they showed on that page was hers. Then Gordon Michael Scallion came out with his own version of this channeled map in the 90's. His was only slightly different and also claimed to be from supernatural communications. I think his was there too. I am kind of an encyclopedia of New Age gobbledy gook. I have been fascinated by it for 40 years. Interesting that the military is claiming they have their own version. I think Nancy Liederman and her "Zetas" also say about the same thing as well. I actually have always believed Nancy's operation is CIA, military or both.
Interesting intel regarding shipping!!!! There can be almost no better gauge regarding the actual health of the economy than how much shipping is actually going on. Looks like shortages are on the horizon. The national permit thing is very, very interesting. Obviously they know something is going to change.
I have always been inclined to believe the Deagle numbers were for real. More "revelation of the method".
I would, at the very least, get east of the San Andreas and totally out of Southern CA. I have been looking closely at the area around the Salton Sea since 2017. I believe this is where most of the water from the Hoover Dam is intended to end up. They intend to restore the ancient sea that was once there. The foot print of that will be many times larger than what's there now. The Salton Sea as it is now was created by an "accident" (trial run) in 1905. The wikipedia page is very interesting..........
I don't think there is such a thing as aLIEns. Just THeir attempt to try and divert our attention away from TE-CHnologies. The SALTON SEA I find interesting linguistically. Note the TON which can be "ON T" (hormones). The SEA/SEE/C=3 THrEE., The he/she/it, the trinity. I found a TRANS code with Victor/Victoria and I knew there was a Lake Victoria in Africa. Looking for TRANS clues, I asked "are there EEDC's in the water of Lake Victoria. Answer was yes. Then I asked are there fish in Lake Victoria that have the ability to change sex. Answer was yes and it provided me the name of one fish. Having looked at articles on Lake Victoria I knew the lake contained tilapia. So I questioned have the tilapia in Lake Victoria been found capable to change sex. Again, the answer is yes. The waters appear to be contaminated.
There is much snake symbology in medicine, religion, mythology. Some snakes and lizards
are parthenogenic. If there are no males, the female has the ability to fertilize its own eggs.
We are dealing with Eugenics and the mythologies tell us to look at Nature which also includes Botany.
THey have gotten us to stop using the word Oriental and I started wondering why. This morning I looked up Grand Orient Freemasonry. The wiki literally stated "absorbed the rump of the other body" as verbiage. Absorbed and rump googled with TRANS led me to the best places to inject hormones to be the leg and the buttocks. Those words made me think of Rump Roast (lots of RR coding, like Rolls Royce) and Leg of Lamb and LL=33. Leg of Lamb was at the top of my mind with all the religious lamb connections. I found an article on Silence of the Lamb written by a TRANS author. These things connect in the most bizarre ways.
Back to the shipping, on that supposed Naval Map, I think THey might create an earthquake on the New Madrid fault as a means to widen the Mississippi River. I look at the "W" as a magic letter. The number for magic is 23 and W is the 23rd letter. The letter rotates. W,M,Sigma,Epsilon. So when I see New Madrid, I see the formation of "NEW W"orld and I don't consider anything to be a coincidence. I would think that THey would need to work on the Mississippi prior to flooding the two coasts but I could be wrong as THey work in mysterious ways.
I agree wholeheartedly on thinking the Deagle thing may be revelation of the method.
Back to the Shasta Dam up North. In one year, that Dam filled up. We had those "atmospheric river" rainfalls but every time I go up that way and pass that Dam I wonder how in the hell did it fill up with one year of rainfall. The water was so ridiculously low it seemed to be an impossible feat in my mind and yet I cannot deny that it happened.
I am currently in No. California which I think is a bit better than So. CA. although not much better. East is the direction, I was thinking perhaps some where along the Rockies. Although not religious I am cognizant of ideas that seem to be important. In the black book it says to go the mountains and find a CAVE. Now spell CAVE backwards and you have the prefix of EVACuate. There is a hidden langauge within the language.
3 6 9 The goose drank wine, the monkey chewed tobacco on the streetcar line, the line broke, the monkey got choked and they all went to heaven in a little row boat. - The Clapping Song
written by Lincoln Chase - sung by Shirley Ellis 1969.
In a 1931 interview, Tesla said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”
According to Tesla , 3 , 6 , and 9 are the only numbers that can exist as Energy without losing their identity. Which has been proven correct in modern physics.
3,6 and 9 appear to be a core obsession these people have with regards to preferred numerology for events and timing between them. The Hoover Dam in particular has this as well as an obsession with the number 22. This is why this is all about to take place in the 22nd year after 911. A key date span here is the 22 years, 153 days into this time window they are indicating in February. It has this 22 obsession plus the ratio of the Vesica Pisces tacked on. 153 and the Vesica Pisces are the primary symbol of conception, pregnancy and birth being used by these people. This is why it was used underneath the Washington Monument in DC and also why it's on all the lampposts in Westminster, near Buckingham Palace. That along with a W fashioned to code for 666. I have been on to this crap since 2017 and just waiting for them to move forward. Thanks for all of your excellent input. It is much appreciated!
These deer look like Goats in Dear costumes. My imagination is the obedient deer are the slaves and the goats are the Illuminati, related to the deer but superior and in charge of them. Lots of Masonic angles and geometry. Nice investigation and post!
Have you met the deer at a couple of shrines in Japan.
The ones at Nara consider it sport to knock little children over.
The deer have special sacred status, and you need not ever expect them to get out of your way.
We have deer in nearby subdivisions here that have achieved that status. They are afraid of nothing and no one. You can drive through and there might be a dozen or more of them just laying in peoples front yards. If you garden they are a constant bane.
Ah, think I've heard of that yes, this year the bears are out, even rummaging some people's garages and causing havoc. Something about less berries growing- a kind of starvation attack.
Bears are unpredictable and always just follow their noses. If you are camping in bear country you can't even have a tube of chap stick in your tent. Everything like that has to go in the bear bag at night.
Goats are Satan:
The goat is one of the most prominent symbols associated with satanism. Part of this stems from its occult ties, such as the goat-like form of the occult deity Baphomet, while some other satanic associations come from Jewish and Christian scriptures.
Deer don't do too well:
In Greek mythology, the deer is particularly associated with Artemis in her role as virginal huntress. Actaeon, after witnessing the nude figure of Artemis bathing in a pool, was transformed by Artemis into a stag that his own hounds tore to pieces.
∴ Goats are the Elite, Deer are us.
Interesting, you and John have somewhat opposing views on this subject. You might read my reply to him above.
No worries, just having fun, I'm not stuck on a conclusion on this one!
The deer are free, not tame, not domesticated, not slaves, not beasts nor part of the beast system. Goats are coddled and fed and protected by men, until they are easily killed and consumed. Goats are in the beast system. Deer are freemen. The highest members of the cabal are in the slave system. The highest slave masters are slaves to beasts and moloch and Satan. Freemen are beloved sons of god. The war we are in is between freemen and slaves. Been going on since before the time of Jesus.
I agree that these people are the slaves of their own system. That said, I don't think that's how they see themselves even though they couldn't be more bound up by all of this themselves. They see themselves as these deer but are in reality much more like the goat than they would ever admit to themselves or anyone else. Just the slaves they are to all of their insane numerology leaves them in chains. They have no idea, or can't admit to themselves that Satan is just using them as a means to an end. They will go under the bus in the end.
There are many breeds of wild goats. You can easily find a list of ten on a simple google search.
There are domesticated breeds of deer.
It's not the animal, it's the human that gives meaning and attributes to animals they do not naturally possess. I think it's more interesting to study why people have given the goat an evil rep, the snake, etc., than it is to say the animal is responsible for it's reputation by its own nature when we can easily see this isn't true.
I counter it's our own nature we see reflected in nature that we project onto the natural natures of the animals we observe. The undesirable qualities of our own psyches onto the animals. Which they do not deserve.
Since saying a goat is evil is much, much easier than looking at our own seemingly unquenchable desire to embrace evil.
As Jesus so simply said, "The poor will always be with you."
Why? Because the poor are a necessary ingredient of our attainment of material "prosperity".
God Bless.
I would put up one of those target emojis if I had one on this device. This is exactly what I think as well.
I appreciate your words much better than a target. Hearts in empathy.
You have a superior deep mind
Thankyou but I give all that credit to God. I'm only what he gave me. It seems I now know why this was done and I'm only in awe of that and how God works through people.
Oh deer🙀.
The following may be of interest. The Horned God.
They clearly depicted Cernunos at the opening ceremonies for the rail tunnel through the Alps in 2014. I debated with myself about including that here but decided not to because Cernunos often appears more goat-like than deer-like. I would be interested in your opinion on the debate that is unfolding above regarding deer versus goats.
According to The Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery (Ad de Vries, 1984) both the goat and the stag are symbols of fertility, death and regeneration. I think the stag is a more northern depiction while the goat a more southern.
Fascinating history and culture. I didn’t my Celtic ancestors had conquered so much so early. Thank-you for sharing it, Gwyneth.
My ancestry is primarily Welsh and Scottish and the myths and legends of those cultures were emphasized from an early age.
DEERest Et, This is an amazing post! You bring so many elements together that are mind bending.
As of right NOW...33❤️ 22 comment and 6 reposts!! Coincidence?
Another superior SS post, ET. Hats off to you! 👍👍👏👏
You write, "I have also seen it conjectured that these blackboard hearts may actually represent the abbreviation WW3. The two top hearts being upside down W’s and the bottom one a 3 on its side. I have no real idea about that for sure, but it remains a possibility."
What about George "W" Bush in that scene being factored into your assumption? After all, he was known as W. W = war! He definitely was a war president, just like his daddy was.
That is certainly possible James. Every frame of this film is up for possible interpretation . This is somebody I watch on YouTube who is figuring things out too:
He is really good at uncovering all the hidden mathematics. Much better at that than I am. My best strength lies in unraveling visual clues.
I'll be sure and check him out on YT.
From my own research I'm also seeing signs point to February. And also October. And none of it is good. I think major events in these months will plunge the world into WW3.
Laurence, everyone I watch on YouTube who are superb decoders seem to be seeing that the time is close. As far as I know I'm the only one whose come out and said February. I would be interested to see what you have. Lots of people have little pieces of this puzzle now. It's obvious this is a significant threshold time for THEM . Crossing a threshold may or may not be made noticeable to us. Just because you walk through the front door of a serial killer doesn't mean they do something right then and there. They may and they could but there is no way to know when they might strike once you are in their space. That was the best analogy I could think of right now.
It is my feeling they will likely start rolling out a series of catastrophic events that goes through the spring. I have evidence the culmination of all of this could be in May. Only time will tell. I will be doing a writeup on the 2017 and 2018, Cicada 3301 puzzles. I believe THEY spilled all the beans with these 6 and 7 years ago.
Best Wishes and Blessings!
I'll try and find the sources. They are mostly crazy pre-trib rapture lunatics but one of them called a middle east war erupting in October that got my attention. I listen to them because I believe we are in messianic times. Not because Jesus is returning but because other Satanist lunatics are trying to summon the antichrist by enacting biblical prophecy.
The people I watch on a regular basis do not fall into the Dispensationalist/Pre-trib box. When I have time I will leave you some links. I have found new information about the "White Lion" that changes everything. The 1619 thing was just another smokescreen to hide the real truth. I am currently writing a new piece and am going to link to your writeup on this as well and recommend your blog. It will likely be up by tonight.
Thanks! And can't wait to read the new piece. I tried looking through some of my YT subs but couldnt find the exact vids that were talking about February. I will come across it at some point.
Just an additional observation: On the deer poster which says ADAR, there's the Hebrew symbol kuf at bottom right. That translates "unholiness".
I’m not surprised.
a link for you:
Good stuff, thanks. There is certainly something weird about these eclipses making an X and an aleph.
ive been interested, or intrigued rather at the whole 3rd temple/great work of ages thing for some time,
to consider that our current time and past history covering variously millenia and the last 400 years more actively have all been driven to crown in Our Realm a usurper, dark, demonic p.o.s?
pyramid and eye ="cap stone"
The single problem most have is that We cannot, will not are unable to grasp the scale, the maginitude, the foundations of this scheme, why? becuase We live in indoctrnated mis-educated, intentonally ptsd "societies"
here is a link from one of the opening images from Koyaanisqatsi (a must view cinematographic marvel):
the image shows our begining, its worth studying and contemplating
We, we the uniformed keep viewing Deity as ethereal, misty, myth-ical, We forget we are actually dealing with non-biological Life forms, which take many forms, some benign, some.... less so ;0)
When We consider the works of say Tolkein, himself a mason and thus bound by the death bond to not reveal, unless in an alegorical form, We thus consider the armies of the dark, versus those of the light....
Not all that went to the dark were always that way, many were cooerced by having been sidelined, ignored, "cast out"...
Our little pals at c.e.r.n and w.e.f have made contact with things that have been previously banished for upsetting the apple cart, they seek to return and make bloody vengeance,
We used to live in harmony with some of these Creatures: (a very good read)
Is it any wonder that the w.e.f, the u.n, et al play the "save the world" speil? first you destroy then lay the blame at the feet of everything else, then rally your forces against those you have incorrectly accused...
Step out of this condrum one level and what We really see is a grander scheme to "terra-form", in honesty We see a multitude of activity desgned to destroy ALL life here as it currently exists, including the life forms "they" state they wish to preserve.
What We are aware of is that the time-scale for this is now pending, We are "in it", our methodolgy to cope and indeed Act is limited by Our lack of imagination...
If Humanity genuinely saw what We face for EXACTLY what it is We would realise the shitstorm We are in, sadly We allow ourselves to view this battle in terms of "hobby", "distraction", puzzle solving, as We watch on open mouthed as this gargantuan scheme unfolds, in truth We have very little in terms of resistance, that time probably passed decades ago, however We do know that some form of Balance exists.
What exactly the fuck am i saying? i am saying We must hone Ourselves continually, thoughts and deeds (right hand and forehead) and prepare in the only way We can, that being for the failure of the "great work of ages" and the natural fallout that ensues...
Given that Our relationship (and that of approx 95% of All humanity) is a toxic, co dependent relationship with the self same psycopaths who "rule" us.....?
We consume, Oil, electric, industry, farmed food, "society", thus, "their" current take?
"You need us, ergo You must accept how we choose to manage You"
As long as We dwell in this toxic relationship We are doomed to fail, as are they, the aftermath will be the ickky bit, a mixed blessing, outside of that i have few answers, pre farming industry lifespan was 40 and One begged for release at the end, joints worn, body erroded, Soul rich,
We have a choice, dwell as symbiotic short lives or prosper as parasites...
Something not really related , But who knows. Ever notice how Disney kills off Mother characters?
Within the first few minutes...Bambie's Mother is shot DEAD. I was traumatized as a young child!
You mean like Princess Diana? It's absolutely a "thing" with these people. Is your keyboard working better now?
YES! Just Like DIEana. Keyboard is back to normal. I had an update & it restarted & it's no longer typing gibberish. THAT was weird. I Thoroughly am enjoying this post!
You ALWAYS knock it outta the park!
Finding all the crazy music industry imagery yesterday was the icing on the cake. These data bases have everything we need to see in them if we get lucky and know what were looking at. Bing had automatically grouped those images with the Adar images. The AI sees the truth.
They LOVE to show us thru imagery ..... Music industry is so corrupt,I was FLOORED that the stag imagery was on all those albums! I often wonder IF it's the actual A.I. running these programs. The magenta is driving me absolutely nuts!
AND the Deer look sooo majestic /magenta..... just saying :)
And just the fact that the deer were combined over and over with a triangle. I could have put up many more of just those. It seemed endless. And the purple/magenta was by far the predominate color in all of it. It's like all these images are just little parts of one big, over arching spell.
Oh yes AND the triangle! THAT is the purrfect word for it ...SPELL. I wonder what BREAKS the spell ?? Next we'll see that witch Madonna riding in on a STAG for the next 1/2 time show!
Reality is a TRIP!
If the bioweapon kill shot can be in a wafer then that's spooky as it could be in any food.
Just as well I don't eat potato crisps. :)
I watched a promotional video about a transexual scientist wearing a rhinestone tiara (I kid you not...) who was bioengineering many plants with the bioweapon that are commonly consumed by people.
I think the video is still out there somewhere and am sure the promos for the various companies doing this crap are out there as it was being promoted as "an exciting new science".
It is already achingly clear there is no respite or confidence to be had from the physical world any longer. We have been told to endure until the end.
I believe this is part of God's plan. For the betterment of all mankind. Out of love.
just keeps getting weirder… feel sorry for the kids😿
Kids, as in baby goats. LOL
off topic… what does covfefe mean?
Covfefe began as an apparent possible Typo by Trump on Twitter. It actually has its own Wikipedia entry.
just saw this about covfefe…
Everyone except me probably knows what gives with all the triangles.
It refers to the illuminati triangle/pyramid with the all seeing eye. One of the most iconic symbols of Masonry as well. Over here in the US we have to look at it on our money too. It is also on the Great Seal of the United States. It represents the "Great Architect" of Masonry (Lucifer) seeing all.
Thank you.
I knew about the eye.
Not a triangle.
You mean the triangle from the set square and compass?
My late father was a Mason, obviously not of the trouble making degree.
I liked all their get ups. Aprons and starched shirts. White bow tie and shirt studs and cufflinks. Tail coats and trousers with satin strips, cummerbunds and silk scarves.
Thick tweed overcoat.
He used to travel all around the country to go to lodge meetings.
Just Google a US 1 dollar bill. The pyramid and Luciferian "Eye of Providence " are on the Great Seal.
Acknowledgement as an Excellent Master. Here the Candidate receives permission to undertake a metaphorical return from Babylon, the land of captivity, to Jerusalem to assist in building the second Temple, thus beginning the journey towards his spiritual home — “an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”
Just reading up on the subject.
This above is from the link below.
The Jerusalem aspect is pretty central. I forget, who else wants Jerusalem.
When the Jews returned from Babylon they brought back with them the Talmud and the foundational beliefs of Kabbalism, fully adopted and ingrained. It tells you a lot that the Masons choose that particular journey to so honor. They know just where they came from and where their bread is buttered.................
Sorry it's hard to edit a comment when it's part of a thread.
You will have to work out for yourselves where quote marks should go. :)
Your comment made me think back to Madonna's Eurovision concert from 2019. Here is a link.
Note, my thinking comes from the TransHumanism perspective and TRANSformation. On her robe is the "X" which is the symbol of the THird g-ENDer. At 2:48 she will show the side of the robe which can be viewed as a sword but could also be the Jabba Dabba Doo syringe and needle. This could represent the CoV jab as she's wearing a crown, but could also represent the hormones required to keep up the illusion of the TRANS. When she raises her arm at 2:29 she shows a spiral on the underside of her arm which could be a DNA reference. The large "X" could also represent two V's mirrored, as a metaphor of the male and female TRANSformation. THey use the heart symbology a lot. THey often make the heart symbol with THeir hands over THeir stomach which is where one could take the daily injections of hormones. This avoids showing track marks and looking like a junky. Picking up on TRANSformation symbology in song lyrics, I call this program of THeir's, the LOVE program. Note LOVE backwards EVOL the first 4 letters shown on the chalkboard. Letters missing are U, I, O, we can get an IOU by looking only at the missing letters. I think this is the Technocratic EVOLUTION wet dream as we live out this Eugenic reality. Note the words Eunuch and Eugenic....very similar.
The dancers are wearing gas masks that have a DEER look to them. At the end there are two dancers, one has the Israel flag and the other the Palestinian flag on their back. In the vid there is obvious fire and ice symbology of alchemy.
In the album covers you showed, images 5 and 6, both had a triangle superimposed over the deer. One downward point triangle that represents female or water over the MALE deer (buck,stag,bull or hart) and one upward triangle that can represent male or fire over the fawn (I can't tell if that is a buck or doe fawn). It seems that THey beLIEve that the Great Work is the male and female are to merge creating the fluid g-ENDer which results in a Eunuch a person unable to reproduce naturally. So in this case, future life is created in a LAB reverse and pronounce BA'AL. Regarding the word BUCK, that is slang for the DOLLAR and it seems readily apparent to me that there is a financial crisis planned to take place and IPG2 confrims that idea with the market plunge in the eye.
Thank you so much for noting the Braille symbols. I had seen the 66 and knew that a 6 was missing and it was in front of my face. I never thought to look up Braille.
Last week I rewatched IPG2 and what struck me was the name Louis Lefebvre. LL=33 and the meaning is CRAFTSMAN. " “Lefebvre” is a common French surname that originated from the Old French word “fevre”, meaning “craftsman” or “worker” 1. It is a common northern French surname, with variations such as Lefèbvre (western France) and Lefebvre (northern France and Normandy) 1. The name is also used in Italy and Celtic-speaking regions, where the corresponding name is “Le Goff(ic)” 1. The English surname “Smith” is the equivalent of “Lefebvre” 2. The word can be phoentically pronounced as le FEBRUARY. The name is wreaking of Tubal CAIN to me. The definition of the name CAIN means SPEAR. I associate the spear with the syringe and hyperdermic needle, "need El". You can now think Britney Spears. All of THeir names on the public stage are coded.
I have wondered if we are watching the alchemy of the Philosophers Stone which is also known as the Jew-EL of Alchemy. The elixir of life used for REJUVENATION.
Note ALL the triangles on those album covers. Triangle=Delta, 4th letter Greek. 4th letter of Hebrew is the DALET, the door/gate/arch. A word for god, DEI , pronounced as the letter D. The color purple is seen during LENT begins on Wednesday, Feb. 14th and ends on Saturday, March 30th.
Drop the 'b' for Lefevre and you have "A blacksmith
Lefèvre is a surname of French origin123. It is derived from the Old French word "fevre," which meant "a blacksmith"2. Lefèvre is an occupational name for a blacksmith or ironworker13. It is one of the most common surnames in France from an early date13. The name was taken to Britain and Ireland by the Normans, by the French to Canada, and by the Huguenots to colonial America and elsewhere1." But Le FEBVRE could phonetically be FEBRUARY.
I had looked extensively at Madonna's Eurovision ritual but you have some perspectives I hadn't considered . You are right , the gas masks could be interpreted as deer masks. I think you are correct about the syringe on the inside of the cape but it also looks like an upside down cross as well. Likely both. Interesting. February/Lefebvre! I think you are also correct about the word Love on the chalkboard. Nothing else makes any sense and we already know they used nearly everything on the walls in the classroom to indicate timing. The heart shapes next to this are just more confirmation of something being indicated in the second week of February.
At the end of Madonna's ritual they show a map of the US. You have to slow that whole section down to quarter speed to see that this map is the result of a very fast back out from Manhattan. I had to watch and freeze all this many times to see that the start of this back out began over the entrance ramps to the Lincoln Tunnel. I went onto Google Earth to confirm this fact. They are planning something nasty in NYC again. This appeared in the part of the presentation at the end that was showing burned out buildings and fire.
The middle of February is Valentines Day, another clue for the heart/earth. I will go back and try to find the map. I missed that completely.
I do not view this place called EarTH as most people. For instance when I view Nature, I look for TE-CHnology. In some volcanos called SACRED volcanos, my eye sees a pyramid structure that is too perfect. That sets us up for what I have seen as pre-programming in NY.
Firstly we have a fiat bill that folds and shows a wave coming over the top what appears to be a building in NY. Secondly, there is a video game called Secret Files 2 that predicts an earthquake at La Palma that creates a tsunami that covers NY. Here is the vid.
Destruction and rebirTH and blaming it on Mother Nature, it’s the name of THeir game. THey gave us a preview recently in Lahaina. I will look for a photo to post of a sacred volcano that looks like a pyramid to my eye.
There was an article in the NYT in June of 2017 that was purportedly about the history and then, current overhaul of the ferry system in NY harbor. Someone who I was partnered up with at that time doing research saw through what this really was and showed it to me. The language of the article was couched in terms that seemed to symbolize the Ferryman of the afterlife found in both Egyptian and Greek mythology. The kicker is that the photo they used in the article of the NY skyline had clearly been photoshopped to where the clouds looked exactly like a tsunami hitting the city.
My friend made a YT video at my insistence and shortly after this his computer was hacked, files destroyed and he left YT for good. When I went back a few weeks later to try and find this NYT article I discovered it had been made to never exist. No trace of it even using Wayback. It had been widely available in multiple news papers. The original publication date was 6/10/2017.
A tsunami hitting NYC is also actually carved on Saint Johns Cathedral there, right by the front entrance. Also, several films have also depicted this. I believe they plan to do this somehow and have for a long time. La Palma seems a very likely scapegoat/weapon for this. Russia is also said to have developed nuclear tsunami technology. I doubt there are or ever have been any nuclear weapons but the story would also make a convenient scapegoat wouldn't it?
I also believe that if they are planning to compromise the Hoover Dam the best way would be to have a big, west coast earthquake or series of them. Think Turkey on 2/6 of this year that was left with ground fractures hundreds of feet deep and as wide as a foot ball field. THEY can do that and I have no doubt of it whatsoever. I believe they will trigger the San Andreas which intersects the faults running into the system in Southern Nevada. This is what occurs in the film San Andreas. Also, the film Earthquake from 1974 featured a dam breaking. This programming was also repeated in the 1978 Superman film where the Hoover Dam broke as well and was triggered by the San Andreas.. This had the added plot twist of all of this being intentional. If you are in California and within 200 miles of this fault or anywhere west of it, I would be making preparations for what is likely coming.
I am in California and feel the need to leave but cannot decide where to go. My daughter is in AZ and I surely would not go there. I, too, have seen the programming on the Hoover Dam.
I think other dams will be involved. A couple years ago I went to the lake up in Shasta County and at the time California was in a drought. I met a woman and her father had helped build the Shasta Dam. She told me that the concrete used was NOT the grade of concrete that had been advised nor reported. I asked here how long do we have before the concrete fails? She replied, it could happen at any time as we are far enough down the road, Life span is around 100 years. The dam was built in 1938. At the time of meeting her, the dam was over 100 feet low. We have also had problems with the Oroville Dam. THey say THey fixed it but I think it was just a short term solution.
As for an earthquake, I am right on board. There has been pre-programming that makes me think THey would use an EMP where the two fault lines meet out in the ocean in Washintgon state creating an earthquake up and down the west coast. Seattle is a hot topic in programming be it music, disaster movies, freemasonry, c0vid, etc.
Years ago I found a map entitled the Naval Future Map of the United States. Is it a Naval Map, probably not but it fits the profile of destruction that I think has been planned for the USA.
You can see on the map that there is a very large channel of the Mississippi River. This channel appears to be large enough for the Chinese supertankers. With the East and West coasts under water, this would be a necessity. I am in a related import/export business and I can tell you that something is very wrong. After they held back the ships from unloading (all man made manipulation) we were all so busy. Today, I see almost no business. My largest clients are barely shipping. I have truckers calling me every day looking for business. One trucker told me that in 2023 they were 20 million behind 2022's gross revenue and he told me that in October 2023.
The government, out of the blue, handed all of us a National Permit whereas before we were only licensed in one port.
When 9/11 happened, did you ever see the vid of the boat that floated in the water in NY with a small pyramid aboard? You could see the twin towers. I have not seen that vid in a long time. Things seem to up and disappear.
Also, back in 2017, I saw numbers from a company called (note the D,DE,DEA=god) and freemasonic G with the suffix LE/EL? The company was forecasting 2025 population, military expenditures and more by country around the world. The US showed a large reduction in population. UK was listed to lose the most people.
I agree, it is time to leave California. I keep thinking the universe will give me a sign on where to go.
Versions of the new coast maps have been around since the mid eighties at least. That is when Lori Lynn Toye came out with her IAM America map which she claimed was created from "channeled " communications with an entity. One of the maps they showed on that page was hers. Then Gordon Michael Scallion came out with his own version of this channeled map in the 90's. His was only slightly different and also claimed to be from supernatural communications. I think his was there too. I am kind of an encyclopedia of New Age gobbledy gook. I have been fascinated by it for 40 years. Interesting that the military is claiming they have their own version. I think Nancy Liederman and her "Zetas" also say about the same thing as well. I actually have always believed Nancy's operation is CIA, military or both.
Interesting intel regarding shipping!!!! There can be almost no better gauge regarding the actual health of the economy than how much shipping is actually going on. Looks like shortages are on the horizon. The national permit thing is very, very interesting. Obviously they know something is going to change.
I have always been inclined to believe the Deagle numbers were for real. More "revelation of the method".
I would, at the very least, get east of the San Andreas and totally out of Southern CA. I have been looking closely at the area around the Salton Sea since 2017. I believe this is where most of the water from the Hoover Dam is intended to end up. They intend to restore the ancient sea that was once there. The foot print of that will be many times larger than what's there now. The Salton Sea as it is now was created by an "accident" (trial run) in 1905. The wikipedia page is very interesting..........
I don't think there is such a thing as aLIEns. Just THeir attempt to try and divert our attention away from TE-CHnologies. The SALTON SEA I find interesting linguistically. Note the TON which can be "ON T" (hormones). The SEA/SEE/C=3 THrEE., The he/she/it, the trinity. I found a TRANS code with Victor/Victoria and I knew there was a Lake Victoria in Africa. Looking for TRANS clues, I asked "are there EEDC's in the water of Lake Victoria. Answer was yes. Then I asked are there fish in Lake Victoria that have the ability to change sex. Answer was yes and it provided me the name of one fish. Having looked at articles on Lake Victoria I knew the lake contained tilapia. So I questioned have the tilapia in Lake Victoria been found capable to change sex. Again, the answer is yes. The waters appear to be contaminated.
There is much snake symbology in medicine, religion, mythology. Some snakes and lizards
are parthenogenic. If there are no males, the female has the ability to fertilize its own eggs.
We are dealing with Eugenics and the mythologies tell us to look at Nature which also includes Botany.
THey have gotten us to stop using the word Oriental and I started wondering why. This morning I looked up Grand Orient Freemasonry. The wiki literally stated "absorbed the rump of the other body" as verbiage. Absorbed and rump googled with TRANS led me to the best places to inject hormones to be the leg and the buttocks. Those words made me think of Rump Roast (lots of RR coding, like Rolls Royce) and Leg of Lamb and LL=33. Leg of Lamb was at the top of my mind with all the religious lamb connections. I found an article on Silence of the Lamb written by a TRANS author. These things connect in the most bizarre ways.
Back to the shipping, on that supposed Naval Map, I think THey might create an earthquake on the New Madrid fault as a means to widen the Mississippi River. I look at the "W" as a magic letter. The number for magic is 23 and W is the 23rd letter. The letter rotates. W,M,Sigma,Epsilon. So when I see New Madrid, I see the formation of "NEW W"orld and I don't consider anything to be a coincidence. I would think that THey would need to work on the Mississippi prior to flooding the two coasts but I could be wrong as THey work in mysterious ways.
I agree wholeheartedly on thinking the Deagle thing may be revelation of the method.
Back to the Shasta Dam up North. In one year, that Dam filled up. We had those "atmospheric river" rainfalls but every time I go up that way and pass that Dam I wonder how in the hell did it fill up with one year of rainfall. The water was so ridiculously low it seemed to be an impossible feat in my mind and yet I cannot deny that it happened.
I am currently in No. California which I think is a bit better than So. CA. although not much better. East is the direction, I was thinking perhaps some where along the Rockies. Although not religious I am cognizant of ideas that seem to be important. In the black book it says to go the mountains and find a CAVE. Now spell CAVE backwards and you have the prefix of EVACuate. There is a hidden langauge within the language.
Here is a volcano in the Philippines.
3 6 9 The goose drank wine, the monkey chewed tobacco on the streetcar line, the line broke, the monkey got choked and they all went to heaven in a little row boat. - The Clapping Song
written by Lincoln Chase - sung by Shirley Ellis 1969.
In a 1931 interview, Tesla said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”
According to Tesla , 3 , 6 , and 9 are the only numbers that can exist as Energy without losing their identity. Which has been proven correct in modern physics.
Looking forward to more of your work....
3,6 and 9 appear to be a core obsession these people have with regards to preferred numerology for events and timing between them. The Hoover Dam in particular has this as well as an obsession with the number 22. This is why this is all about to take place in the 22nd year after 911. A key date span here is the 22 years, 153 days into this time window they are indicating in February. It has this 22 obsession plus the ratio of the Vesica Pisces tacked on. 153 and the Vesica Pisces are the primary symbol of conception, pregnancy and birth being used by these people. This is why it was used underneath the Washington Monument in DC and also why it's on all the lampposts in Westminster, near Buckingham Palace. That along with a W fashioned to code for 666. I have been on to this crap since 2017 and just waiting for them to move forward. Thanks for all of your excellent input. It is much appreciated!
Thanks for all your work. It's appreciated.
The deer with the eclipse between his antlers: the eclipse is an eyeball!