What is Substack? Understanding Where You Really Are.
Yes, it's only a paper moon...............
Sheep herders and their flocks in Rajasthan India…………………
The above photo is a perfect metaphor for what many “alternative” platforms, in reality, actually are. People telling the actual truth are worn down and harassed on larger platforms like YouTube and Twitter until they finally leave, like I did with YouTube in 2018. There is always another net just waiting……..
The old saying, “When God closes a door he opens a window” has actually become the strategy of the powers that be to herd different segments of the population into different online environments. This is the long standing strategy to divide everyone up into sub populations that do not interact with each other and have disinformation campaigns that cater specifically to those sub populations. They feed the viewers of Fox News one set of disinformation and the viewers of MSNBC another. Never the twain shall meet. The Fox News viewers are bombarded with completely scripted melodrama regarding the Bidens while the MSNBC viewers never see any of this and are instead bombarded with scripts about Trump.
What only an infinitesimal percentage of the population realizes is that ALL mainstream news, including most of the crime stories, are just this very same scripted spectacle. These are spectacles designed to drive agendas, always. The crime stories are designed to make women afraid there is a serial killer around every corner and to distrust all men. There is always an agenda. Name the news story and I will tell you the agendas.
Some of this becomes outright comedy for those of us aware enough to see it. One of the best of these is the recent saga of Psycho Killer and Cannibal, Taylor Schabusiness of Green Bay, Wisconsin. There is no business like Schabusiness, you see. Do a search and have a gander. The vid of her allegedly assaulting her own attorney in the “court room” is a classic. Nearly all televised trials are fake. This includes the Kyle Rittenhouse trial where it was obvious, on close inspection of the video, that badly outdated green screen tech was used to simulate parts of the court room set.
In a VERY dramatic turn of events Taylor Schabusiness has a go at her own attorney, who appears to be smiling in the vid this was taken from. Mrs. Schabusiness is in fact a Coronado from Texas and also likely related to Jeff Bezos. It’s always a small world with the Phoenicians and their little plays. The name Schabusiness does not exist in any genealogy data base.
So back to the subject at hand. Prior to the scamdemic there was a concerted effort to push people like me, and many of you, off of mainstream platforms like YT, Twitter and even smaller ones like Vimeo and Reddit. It was not welcome, EVER, to question narratives being pushed by the PTB’s concerning mass shooting events and many other topics. You were “harassing” the “victims” and violating the terms of use on all these platforms if you questioned anything about these narratives.
When Convid rolled around I had already left YT but I know all of this censorship then went totally off the charts over there. Comments even began to be very heavily censored on YT. So when all of us were falling away from these older, larger, massively controlled platforms and the zombies all stayed behind, there magically appeared other, smaller platforms like the infamous 153News (don’t even get me started), Gab, Parler, Odysee and Trump’s, cringe O’ rama, Truth Social. A little ahead of this curve was Substack which started in 2017. Rumble appeared in 2013.
Remember my reference about nets above? That is the reality of all of this. When the truth movement was pushed off of these larger platforms it landed in these various, separate nets that had been laid like snares, honestly, in order to subdivide, water down, and disorganize what had been a much more monolithic movement and keep it safely tucked away from the view of the sensitive, innocent, Bambi eyes of those left behind.
Even worse than this reality is that a cast of, I think, at least hundreds of players was hired, on this platform alone, to pump daily flatulence into what I now refer to as the Disinfo Cloud. They intentionally misdirect, lie, distract and confuse if they possibly can. From what I see here everyday it is a job well done but none of it fools me for a second. I cut my teeth on some of the worst operatives You Tube had to offer and learned a massive amount from it. This is my warning to be very careful who you even begin to trust on this platform. Operatives like The Second Smartest Guy in the World are there to insnare you if you aren’t careful. Proton Magic even believes “HE” may be a whole nest of operatives. And he may be right.
This is all a demonstration of both the Narcissism and Solipsism of the people at the top of all this. Solipsism is when people actually begin to believe there is no objective reality and that whatever they fancy IS reality. This goes hand in hand with Narcissism. In other words, whatever THEY say is real, is real. There is no difference in their minds.
Since these people seek to gate keep any and all narratives this place is like an international smorgasbord of tempting tastes of every kind. If there is a view point on any aspect of the scamdemic or anything else, however marginal, there are operatives working that area. People like Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. McCullough, and so many others are there to tell you exactly what you want to hear and have well financed “studies” to back everything up. Many of these people tell the truth about some things but lie or misdirect about others. Well crafted disinformation is usually an expert blend of both. The point of all of this is to sow maximum confusion and division.
An operative called Walter Chestnut is on here a couple of times a week proposing theories he has about how the spike protein from Covid is destroying everyone’s health. The ways are endless apparently. If there even IS a spike protein on the loose he may be right about some of this. Who knows, I don’t. His focus is not on the vaccine, whatever the Hell is really in there, but almost always Covid itself from what I have seen. Yesterday he jumped the shark, as they say, and tipped his hand for anyone with a brain to see. He came on saying that all or most of the massively increased sudden deaths from heart related issues were likely due to cases of asymptomatic Covid 19……………I am done here.
The truth of how all of this works can be found the usual and best way. Follow the money. If you start looking you will find that the same network of Silicon Valley investors are funding all or most of these separate platform’s operations. These investment schemes are like a spider’s web of connections involving everyone who is anyone in Silicon Valley and beyond. Companies like Blackrock and Vanguard are sub investors and part of this web. Their fingers are in every nasty pie there is.
As one example before I try and wrap this up let’s look at Ben Horwitz and Mark Andreessen, who were the 2009 founders of the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz.
These two have provided vital startup capital to countless Silicon Valley ventures since 2009 and that includes being primary investors in this very platform and being the largest investor in Elon Musk’s rebranded Twitter fiasco. They and their laundry list of sub investors are “all up in dat chit” as they say. They are everywhere. This site will likely stay around as long as it serves THEIR purpose.
Word has it, however, that this very platform has become an unsustainable money hole and investors are no longer interested in throwing cash at it. The current subscription model is not paying the bills. I read the owners are practically begging for more money and it has not been forthcoming. How long might it be before the lights go out here the way they did over at Parler in April? New investors came in and pulled the plug on it the day they took control and with no notice whatsoever. We should all start making some plans about where we go if this happens. That would only be prudent. I really have no idea so any suggestions would be good to start a discussion.
It’s a carefully planned, choreographed and crafted, magnificent scene of total chaos in this still from D.W. Griffith’s, 1916, cinematic masterwork, Intolerance. This is regarded as the greatest and most influential film of the silent era and I couldn’t agree more. The Persians have breached the city’s walls and Babylon is coming to a bitter and well deserved end. This was shot in an era with almost no available special effects and still looks simply splendid by even today’s standards. I am showing this as a simple visual metaphor as you might already suspect. This is how I roll.
The really cool thing that Griffith did with this film is that he wove together four separate stories, both in space and time, but with a similar theme, into one 3 1/2 hour film. The film was subtitled “Love’s Struggle Throughout the Ages”. In all 4 harrowing stories he mostly focused on the everyday people and how they were affected by circumstances far beyond their control. In the Babylon story we are given these two young lovers, who are of the peasant class, and find themselves suddenly struggling for their very survival as the Persians sack the city. This is brilliantly done and mostly shown through their eyes. Cameron lifted the idea for his Titanic couple directly from this film, in my opinion. It’s too obvious.
There could be no more appropriate metaphor for where we now find ourselves than this photo of the 300’ high, wood, canvas, and pasteboard set, of this fantastical but unreal Babylon, looming over this ordinary neighborhood in 1915 Hollywood. All of this is your world in a nutshell.
Selected lyrics to the 1933 song, It’s Only a Paper Moon:
Say, It’s only a paper moon
Sailing over a cardboard sea
But it wouldn’t be make believe
If you believed in me.
It’s a Barnum and Bailey world
Just as phony as it can be
But it wouldn’t be make believe
If you believed in me.
Without your love
It’s a honky tonk parade
Without your love
It’s a melody played in a penny arcade.
It’s phony, it’s plain to see
How happy I would be
If you believed in me.
Teachings from the Pleiadians
"The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison."
Barbara Marciniak
Substack has the best intentions, the issue every company faces is the need for money.
The funders of substack are the usual suspects. At some point, the company needs more money and it will be turned into a "limited hangout", with about 80% freedom. People will be censored and never allowed to speak about "them".