Teachings from the Pleiadians

"The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison."

Barbara Marciniak

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To me, all of that is just part and parcel of basic common sense. Common sense is surprisingly rare here on terra firma.

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There is nothing 'common' about people having sense.

My favorite 'common sense' quote is that of Einstein, "Common sense is the accumulated prejudices before the age of 4 years", nothing about wisdom, just stupid shit like not to put your dick in an electrical outlet;


But mind control only works on the NPC's & Morons ( majority > 97% ), if your bullshit-detector is functional, you should be able to block their ZOG-mind tricks;

The problem is avoiding the ZOG agents of hell, that be the pigs cops, and MOFU who works for or of the "Satanic Gov"

Which IMHO means just not being there, like a Jew survivng the "Warsaw Ghetto", sure but a better life would have been to get the fuck out of there pre 1932; ( run away from all Europe then, and USA post 2009 )

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Well said, Barbara (and Pleiadians).

Mind control is very subtle and very real.

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Spot on. Mind control is what concerns me the most.

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Aug 3, 2023
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I made a pastel drawing way back in 1986 titled “the observer”.

Interesting you said that.

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Aug 3, 2023
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I have to find it. And I was very young (16 years old) when I did it.

We can share it via email.

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Substack has the best intentions, the issue every company faces is the need for money.

The funders of substack are the usual suspects. At some point, the company needs more money and it will be turned into a "limited hangout", with about 80% freedom. People will be censored and never allowed to speak about "them".

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I just have to ask Chris, do you know these people? I know you are somewhat connected out there because you have said so. My point is that the investors are ultimately running the show. It sounds like they have these people by the nads at this point. You are likely correct about the outcome but it also just may go the way of Parler. They have to find some way for it not to be a money hole. I bet if these larger blogs that charge money had the opportunity to make more money from ads run on their pages they would do it. That is probably going to be the only way forward. It could be a choice like it is on YT. I wouldn't do it but many would. Always good to have your input.

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The cheapest and best source of funding for a company is always the customer. In the "good old days" when there were only a handful of VC's in Silicon Valley, raising money was tough, it was really hard and you focused 100% on selling things, not raising money. Because of money printing, money is almost too plentiful (not in our pockets of course) and that has created a very competitive environment for companies. The deep pockets on Substack are Andreessen Horowitz, considered by many to be a top tier fund that's inside the system and the company has raised $87.5m through the Series B (see Crunchbase). We'll know soon if they need to get more funding for a Series C. That's when the claws come out and until then, companies are given a lot of leeway if they make their numbers. The ad model is dead and if they go that way, the censorship will be full on...the ad companies are run by "them". You'll know they are going to have to censor for the next round if they start canceling accounts like yours and mine.

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If Substack is being used to con us then it doesn't need to make money for *them*.

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But they love to make money doing it if they can. They are also gathering intelligence on everyone here I can promise you. We are dangerous as far as THEY are concerned.

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You sound quite fear mongering.

Don't you want any subscribers.

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"CAIRN" is some kind of ConcernTroll on substack, most likely a bot, NO we don't want their fucking JEW-BUCK, or ZOG-BUCKS or their fiat toilet paper.


I will say it, an I have said it before they want your credit card info both as a consumer and a seller, once they have that, then they own your bank-accounts, then they can cancel your life anytime they wish.

If you have gave them your credit card info to send or get money on substack, then your a dumb fucking moron who will eventually see all their wealth 'cancelled', or Cypress style hair-cutted;


Your credit card info is what they call your "REAL ID", they have that they own your fucking ass.

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Cairn is not a bot. Sometimes I wonder what your game is Bilbo. An agent of those you criticize?

Those who are quick to label others bots and trolls on here are a dime a dozen at the moment. Raises my attenna it does.

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The satanic GOV prints your jew-bucks for free you work for them, you idolize them everybody in ZOG-GOV knows the FIAT is infinite, and its only valuable to the goyim.

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On the money thingy, substack is/was near bankruptcy almost six months ago and begged for money, its clear they need to lay off their staff and shutdown the fucking 'san fran' office and quit burning cash.

Somebody will soon buy substack, and the new owners will probably cancel the majority of you, and share your bank account balances with the party's who stole your money, its how all this works.

They can say you were woke, or too-woke or not woke enough to justify you being 'cancelled', what we used to call common high-way robbery we now call 'cancel', not just to be banned, but to have your banking assets stolen as well, just like they did to the truckers&supporters in Canada

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that is why I do not want to spend the little time I have on this crater hole earth, writing aa substack AND you guys put enough material out there….I would not have time reading it and writing my own stuff??


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Sometimes just needs to be said, especially if nobody else is saying it,

Like the old "Emperors New Clothes", most NPC's are just to fucking terrified of their own shadow to state the fucking obvious.

... MY POINT, ONLY NPC's died at MAUI

Rules of Engagement


Do the Fucking OPPOSITE

Everybody that FOLLOWED the FUCKING RULES at MAUI, DIED every fucking person.

The only people who survived were/are those that said “FUCK YOU” and blew through the PIG BARRIERS.


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I made this comment on Horvath's SS in March '23


Putting "Substack" into Yahoo Finance gives "Andreessen Horowitz" as the lead investor Company. Putting in "Andreessen Horowitz Pfizer" in a quackquackgo Search without any deeper diving gives this interesting info below Maybe you can understand why all the Malones, Kingstons, Kirschs etc are on it and are VERY popular, and make all of us think deeply about SS (Oh, I know what "SS" means!)

https://a16z.com › 2021 › 02 › 10 › the-second-coming-of-rna-medicines

The Second Coming of RNA Medicines | Andreessen Horowitz

The Second Coming of RNA Medicines. by Judy Savitskaya. The RNA technology underlying both the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines could give us our fastest ticket out of the COVID-19 pandemic. With their rapid development and the early signs of success, RNA-based therapeutics are enjoying a well-deserved moment in the public and scientific ...

https://a16z.com › 2021 › 02 › 11 › bio-newsletter-february-2021

A reading list for biotech's beginnings ... - Andreessen Horowitz

The second coming of RNA medicines. The Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccines mark a major milestone - not just for this pandemic, but for their entire therapeutic class: RNA-based drugs.

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Well then it just becomes a version of Twitter. Advertisors will have them by their balls and the ADL will have the advertisors by the balls (still).

This is really an attempt by the ADL to get narrative control of Substack.

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Good discussion subject ET.

What are the bannable topics regarding current official narrative?

* No such thing as a virus

* Blaming an ethnic group

* Emphasis on 5G injury



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Threatening to do what they've been doing for the last 4 years (trying to kill people).

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Saw on the back of a bus an ad for pain killers chewable for on the go. Or instantly dissolved in the mouth without water.

If I get a headache I have s big glass of water. Without the pills.

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Her online doctor business clearly didn't go well. And at $49.95 a consultation it probably never was going to do well or would rely on selling a lot of viagra (which is featured on that page, probably a sponsor).

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And Pharma is a big business possibly the biggest one. I think though that we'd all be better off without it and I can remember many who knew who were warning about what they were capable of before 2020.

And I'm of the left, I can remember Guardian and books written by those on the left warning us of the same from the 80s and 90s. So to have the left pushing this industry (jabs, transgender) in the 2020s is not just absurd but somewhat obscene.

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I gather you've seen the news about Golriz Gharahman. I'm sure the Greens will do all in their power to limit the fallout of that but I would hope that it brings down all the young arseholes who currently make up the power in that party. As its culture not a one off thing by only one of their MPs. It's Green culture. An entitlement.

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Is this what Sam was referring to. LOL

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This post is five months old.

Where have you been.


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I put a link to it on a comment I made elsewhere a couple days ago. I have to say, seeing all this crap makes me even more suspicious of Bailey than I was before. Especially her having been on TV. Only people from the FAMILIES get their own shows on TV. And pushing big pharma products..............

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Hi, what is your problem with the Baileys? Be careful don't put someone in a box just because you don't like what they are saying...

Everybody can be mistaken, but the question is, how do they handle critic? And, how they respond to logic and rational deduction?

The Bailey are not gatekeepers, if anything, they are at the root (or one root of) of our horrible problem.

If someone is willing to dig deep, to go all the way in the rabbit hole - then he is a true ally.

But they cannot have 'holy cows'...

Do you have one?

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Sam Bailey is pushing the false narrative that no pathogens including microbes, not just viruses, have any effect on health. She is 100 % terrain and I believe non of that for an instant. If you do that's fine by me. Don't really care. All of the people with numbers up in the 10's of thousands, like her, are shoved into your box here without your consent. You have to unsub from people you never subbed to, to begin with. Her likes and comments should be 50 times what mine are but they are not. It doesn't add up. And I don't trust any of that either. I don't have holy cows but I do have a 160 IQ and loads of common sense. Bailey doesn't pass my smell test.

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Bailey sounds fake saccharin sweet. Puts on a butter would not melt in her mouth girly front.

I can't tolerate hearing her.

Is that a legitimate reason for me not to believe her.

That's a non analytical approach I take rather than waste my time taking seriously someone whom I instinctively distrust.

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The Phoenicians know how to put on a good show. There is no business like Schabusiness.

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She's a honey.

I think that her orientation is religion.

But as Terrain is not exactly flavour of the month in eliteville I can't really see how she could be a controlled agent. That's more likely to be Kirsch or Malone who still "believe" in the absolutely bogus germ theory.

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Not saying that she's controlled.

Just that her style gets in the way of the message.

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Her latest post on the books that they have in their bookcase rings a bit false.

Still nice to look at though....

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I think that's a fair bit of her appeal to be honest.

But nevertheless she does cover a lot of points. If you can get past the style.

She wouldn't promote me last election though, which was a little disappointing. Neither the MSM nor the 'alternate' media in this country wanted a bar of me.

Which made me wonder if alternate was just MSM lite.

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For the terrain theory to be sustainable you have to pretend we all are "clean slab".

That is impossible. Even without vaccines, pre Jenner there was no clean slab, exposure to metals like lead, copper and even plant toxins can change people immune system.

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Patrick Jordan believes that terrain comes in as an effect on how these organisms actual manifest themselves and in what form. He has married the two together which works nifty for me. He is someone who, in another less fucked timeline, would have won a Nobel Prize.

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I agree with Patrick based on what I learned from him.

It is obvious to me that some people are more susceptible than others to specific pathogens. This is because some of us are more linked to certain past genetic manipulations, example homo sapiens appearance at a specific point in time. After learning about blood types I am convinced now it has to do with that.

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I also wonder if the plague was unleashead to exterminate the tupe O population.

According to Dr. D'Adamo (aurhor of the Blood Type diet) type A is less susceptible to the plague or seem more resistant.

I m not sure how he came up with that statement. Assuming that we uncovered data from the XIII century on common graves and figured out what blood type the bones belonged too......

Just thinking out loud.

The genome project on the plague, lasted 9 yeard ...I think....here they found out that

Delta 32 genetic mutation is also responsible for those who seem resistant or immune to HIV.

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Agreed. It can't be either or, it must be both.

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Never heard of him. I'll look him up.

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There's a lot out there that doesn't pass the sniff test. Most platforms are being played somehow by psywar operatives to sow confusion, create emotional sinks, and just overload everyone with info. Consider for a moment how many fake accounts 20000 psywar operatives globally could manage. Remember, money is no objective. Wanna nudge that writer in a certain direction? their subs can double each month until they're on track. and lower when they say the wrong thing. played like a fiddle. This goes for some of the popular conservative writers here too, some of them are clearly more than one person, with helpful helpers masquerading as frequent commenters.

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Because someone believes something different doesn't make them controlled opposition and if she were then shouldn't she have more likes? I don't follow your logic. I think genuiness speaks from her every pore.

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I really enjoyed this write up…including the photo of the sheep in India.

I left FB in 2012, for ……ever. There was something about their platform that I did not like: It was the invasion to privacy. It felt like being sitting on a stall of a toilet at the rest area of a toll road. You have a door, but you can see exactly who is behind by peaking from the side and below. In a matter of 30 second you are able to make out who is who without ever seeing their face. Just look at their shoes.

And so…12 years later…..I understand that every platform exist to create a narrative to follow for the most un-suspectable reasons. Maybe they are just running a study on people reactions in certain enviroments like in the 8M views videos YT shows in every language about people alone in the wilderness in idyllic life conditions. They really all run like fairy tales from a book. Seem they think everyone is naive. That is just one of the hundred of narratives out there.

There are platforms for everyone. I am always skeptical of everything I see, read and watch…..one every 1000 maybe or more has some truth to it.

Then again what is the truth? We have been so confused that even those who confuse it on purpose are confused.

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Facebook came straight out of the CIA. There is a paper and money trail as well as "coincidences" to big to ignore. It is only good for idle chatter. And that is by design. It is like mental cotton candy. I only ever had an account because I have businesses. (Not Schabusinesses!) It is good for driving traffic to a business of any kind.

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yes I think it was called Life Line or something around these lines….Mental Cotton Candy causes brain cavities.

I had a business too, I was starting then on a separate account.

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I left facefuck, before it was even alive; It always struck me as evil, even zuckerfuckerberger once said "If you post on facefuck your a moron"

Twitter I had +5,000 subscribers, but when they one day said "We want your mobile number", I deleted the account;


IMHO substack has months, not years before the new owners start demanding 'real id' so that the owners data becomes 1000x more valuable;

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That's how Parler was. They wanted your driver's license info.

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Agree with everything above. I

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Substack is San-Fran honey-pot where data is raw Y--combinated and fed to Peter Thiels “pre-crime” palantir CIA AI.

Photo’s are sent to ‘clear-view’ to ascertain red/green live/die for field culling of deplorable humans.

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They have spent the last several years indiscriminately "culling deplorable humans" which they define as anyone who isn't THEM. I have been on the Kabbalah Witch, Rabbi shitlist for twenty years. Nothing new for me. According to things THEY are on record saying, over and over, more than 90% of the Goyim are going to find themselves red listed regardless. May as well go out with your mouth running...........

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ZOG prints all their plans, its not like anything they do is a secret. Just like Lahaina, its not like they entire plan to burn all down and build the new MAUI-PORT ( joint owned china&saudi) is not planned and documented, but few goyim bother to read saudi, & israel news;


My point is that ZOG posts all of its plans, so there is nothing wrong with GOYIM posting their 'truth', because ZOG fully knows that +97% of all GOYIM are too fucking stupid to do anything with the information.

Rumsfeld complained long ago in Iraq that there were making new deplorables quicker than they could kill them; Been a serious problem for all time, killing the deplorables quicker than you make them; That's why this time with the wars, nuke, COVID, and followup mRNA clot-shots for the first time in history, they might able to able to cull&kill more than the birth-cycle;


What is clear is that in the old serf model of the village, the nobles/Elites needed the serfs, but today elite don't need the serfs, just a few million for sex-slaves and domestic servants;

Expect like they say, to see 90% human population reduction in the west over the next 2-3 years, like we have never seen before;


I don't have much a problem with the Kabbal, they know they have bigger fish to fry, most kabbal are too busy fucking each other, when the Kabbal takes out the goyim, they have their agent-pigs&mil do that dirty work, which is why you need to live in a non-ZOG occupied zone, that is the death-zone;

Which is why I always repeat ZOG, the zionist occupied governments, be that UK-commonwealth, an USA penal-colonys and posessions. There are all the death-zone.

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Sort of like the 'matrix', but here the 'gammas' attach themselves to the machine, and soon to have MUSK neura-links attached directly to their brains.


I used to laugh 40 years ago with the PC and say that CIA now has people entering their OWN Dossiers, once upon a time it took a shit-ton of analysts to write up dossiers on all the human targets, now the targets write their own dossiers, Stalin would have thought this to be heaven.

Now they even carry their own mobile-tracking device which contains their entire DOSSIER of their long miserable lives

Mao once said they "West will hang themselves, and we'll sell them the rope", now we know that China makes the PTD ( portable tracking device ) and the GOYIM(gammas) even pay for it;


Substack essentially is just content for the goyim and of course it allows them to upload their lives so that GOV can decide whether to cancel their bank-accounts or not, depending upon their Political-Correctness score, today called "Woke Score".

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This resonates with my experience and decade's worth of thinking about it.

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The only thing I can think of is hosting your own site. That’s what I’ve done since 2009. I was originally using JournalSpace to blog. That was a really good site, and you could make your entire post in MS Word, and upload it, and it would format it accordingly, including pictures! However, it went down as one of the Internet’s historic losses, because they didn’t do backups, and a disgruntled employee wiped the whole damn server. It was all hosted on a MAC Server.

After that site went down, I figured I would mess around with web hosting. VMWare is free, and if you have a machine with the horsepower it’s not a lot to spin up a VM and host a site. I still had all of the Word docs I used to create my JournalSpace blog posts, so I could put them up on my site.

Now I duplicate everything I do on my site, to Substack as well. That way if something ever happens to Substack, I always have my version. I have TONS of posts on my site, and I create Substack posts for some of them, as they are applicable.

Anyway other than that, I don’t know that anyone can avoid being canceled and losing their work.


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Same shit happened at ZH! At first it attracted some very intelligent people and was actually a great get together exchanging thoughts. SS - same only creative writing theme.

Overall observation: evolution to what humanity really is, a hopeless case of misfits that will never be able to govern themselves in a coherent manor.

Hence, the statement: freedom is self corrupting. Think about that!

It explains the concept of barbed wire and containers. Vessels.

Humanity is hopeless hopium existence going down the road thirsty for a drink always ahead but never obtained.

Final coop De gra: you’ll never get a fuking dime from me Never…

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My gut has been pruning the stack tree.

Recyclers like diva for example. Reposters.

I’m convinced it has become a goal in itself to fund a keyboard existence. Once successfully funded then comes the world traveling or whatever. Or alarmists as blood guts and gore always gets eyeball s!

Then becomes the reality of Fuk it all!

Like ditching the tv, wtf did I miss out on?

I’ll tell you : not a god dammed anything important!! Nothing but mental mastrubation!

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Where will it go? To the fediverse, or something similar.

Meanwhile, substack could lower its minimum monthly sub, but for efficiency, under 5 bux/mo subs would be billed annually.

Some artists and musicians want 'shopify' type functionality. Surely, a large customer base would justify lower rates with existing providers, and the API's are probably already there.

What are the real substack account numbers?


20 million active subscribers

substack raised 90million from the VC's. That's 5 bux per real subscriber to pay them to eff off. It could be run as a non-profit cooperative, and we pay a small annual charge to make up any shortfall in opex. those kinds of constraints would stop feature-creep and keep costs down.

Even if real subscribers are half that figure, it's still only 10 bucks per subscriber to buy them out, or, make equivalent functionality.

substack isn't original or clever, it's a content management system with a customer relationship managment system and a third party payment provider. it's all been done 100x before. and can be done again.

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Didn't know about Taylor Schabusiness - her name, seriously. Yes, I think you're right about the serial killers all about making women scared. I read that alleged Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe, had died from covid in prison. I'm like, OK, that's a lie, let's check him out. I remember being quite affected by the stories of him murdering prostitutes in the 70s As Wikipedia is edited by intelligence agents we can always rely on it for the clues and sure enough his story didn't add up. This isn't to say, of course, that women aren't raped and killed ... but sadly when they're killed it's much more often by a partner or ex-partner. It's ironic that danger is probably far greater in a domestic situation than from a stranger.

I'm curious to know why you think Sam Bailey is controlled opposition - she sure isn't in alignment with Peter McCullough - not that that means anything because CO agents, of course, slag off each other as a means of obfuscation, however, regardless, there's nothing I've seen from Sam that doesn't strike me as both truthful from her side but also reflecting reality.

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You are my Occim's Razor. I've already removed two writers I subscribed to here on SS and am aware that three of the writers I still am subscribed to are Controlled Opposition. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us all. 👍👏

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How bout.......we all meet in reality.......on the same soil and build a better world instead of talking about it. Cliché? Of course, but also "common sense" and the only alternative to waiting for the cocksuckers to end the game. Every single TV show or movie we have ever watched about our current situation people HAD to act, and as we sit on the couch with our beers(I am an IPA guy) we know that we would do the same. But here we all fucking sit on our keyboards complaining while it just doesn't burn.....it's about to go out.....OVER. Going out a fool and a coward seems like the worst possible scenario to me. Maybe this is the portal where all such blowhards are funneled? Huh.....

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It'll be sad when Substack is gone, but seems to me that everything has been said that needs to be said.

It's just a support group.

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I like the site and agreed with the post......ALL the comments were irrelevant cyber ego masturbation......as usual. There is no courage and no opposition to the status quo that is ruling over us.....NONE

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I understand your frustration. I really do. But taking that frustration out on every commenter here, I think shows, there is more than one way to masturbate an ego. If you want to know the real truth, there is now already in place, a vast and ancient system that is going to be impossible to actually oppose. Not with 85% of the population completely asleep and unaware of any of it. Information is the best weapon we have right now.

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Nope there is something 'faux' about substack

It's said that 60% of posts on twitter are bot, and 40% of humans can't tell the difference of bot vs human

Substack is no different, probably same here +50% bot, and certainly the humans here being mostly 'woke' seem dumber than the average human, so you have woke-bots feed dumb woke humans bot-shit;

Call it NPC's call it that what you want, but its not provocative by any means

It's like well tested campaign materials where you know that your not going to offend anybody.


I recently on another post made a comment that most on substack were 'morons' but that was meant to be compliment, as by Socrates the most enlightened know they are ignorant, only the fools think they 'know'

Call it 'dogmatism', or like the bible thumpers you see here on substack with their baby-jeebus crap

Like this article, all it NPC, but its still a sea of morons, which is bad for the CIA owners, cuz if they wanted NPC bullshit they could go to facefuck or Xtwit


Just like ZeroHedge (ZH) owned by SERCO (GHCQ uk cia), abc-media-ltd, most of the comments are just alt-woke bot-shit generated; Like all the pro/anti ukraine war, all ran by London


Even here on substack the COVID&Lahaina debates is like 90% DEW alien 5G graphene conspiracy bullshit, designed to make sure the dumb fucking goyim never learn shit about reality.

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