Spring Arrives in Texas + The Panhandle Fires & BIOCIDAL DEATH CULT of the Universal Goddess
+++ Won't Somebody Fetch Jacob Rothschild a Glass of Ice Water? The Level of Service DOWN THERE Is Just Not the Conde Nast, 5 Stars He Was Expecting............
In Texas among the first Spring blossoms to begin to light up the fence rows is the small native tree Prunus Mexicana or Mexican Plum. This one is in my next-door neighbor’s pasture and popped into bloom a few days ago. I was out driving this evening and spotted a Texas Redbud bursting forth as well. Spring is two weeks early this year and it is here!
Mexican Plum is a tough and rugged favorite Texas tree for park and home landscapes alike.
This one greets visitors in the borders in front of my house and though a wonderful sight at the end of February what is actually most conspicuous about this photo is what is missing from it. What am I talking about?
After the long winter bees and other pollinators are normally seen in great abundance on my property, just as soon as anything blooms, and this little tree should have been absolutely covered in honeybees, early moths and butterflies, and every other nectar feeding insect for miles, but it wasn’t. The entire time this plum was in bloom, and exuding large amounts its normally very alluring, sweet fragrance there was something like a 95% drop in the normal presence of pollinators.
My older subs (I’ve been on Substack since June of last year) know I like to do these seasonal reports about my garden and the greater environment it’s a part of. Years ago when I was on Youtube this was just a fun thing to do that made a nice break from my usual very serious subject matter. Not anymore.
Now has unfortunately come the time that these posts are having to be merged with the grave subject matter I have been studying and reporting on for 7 years. It all is becoming one subject now and that has to do with the clandestine activities of a certain DEATH CULT that is presently having its way with the Earth. I will be continuing this topic as a move through my photos today.
This photo is showing the early spring blossoms of the Texas native honey suckle, Lonicera sempervirens climbing my front arbor. Like all natives of the Southeastern US that venture into Central Texas this plant has a local variant that is much more drought and heat tolerant than the normal species.
Readers may notice in the last few photos the incredibly blue and clear skies we have been enjoying here for nearly a month. Compared to what I am always being told by both people I talk to here and what I read on other Stacks it appears where I live has been getting vastly less of the Chem Trail spraying that has become so routine many other places.
What I have been hearing from those in the Midwestern US is particularly alarming and frankly terrifying. The writer at the superb Stack called Agent 131711 has been covering both the particularly intense aerial spraying that has been occurring over much of the US the last 3 years and the apparent collapse of ecosystems everywhere in the wake of it.
Agent 131711 is an avid gardener like myself who lives in the Detroit area and has watched that locality transform into a literal dead zone over the last three years. Insects as well as all animals up the food chain are disappearing there. Not only is animal life all disappearing but the vegetation where he is, is also in a state of collapse with dead and falling over trees everywhere and stunted plant growth.
He has also been documenting these occurrences from locations all over the country and what he is showing completely echoes observations I have made where I live and what I have been hearing and seeing from others.
This 6.5’ specimen of the shrubby Chamaerops humilis or European Fan Palm is another plant that first greets visitors at the gate at my place. This is the much rarer form with glaucous, blue tinged foliage and has also turned out to be much more cold hardy than the ordinary species with plain green foliage. A large shrub rose with apricot colored flowers sits in the foreground. All shades at the front of the house are warm or hot tones combined with white and every color of green.
Winter lows have been very extreme in Texas since February of 2021. In fact, the three worst episodes in the 30 years I have been gardening on this property occurred in this time frame. In 2021 we went down in the low single digits every night for 3 nights and the results were catastrophic for many sub-tropical shrubs and plants I had been growing with no problem for 20 to 30 years.
During the first 2 bouts of these extremes, I elected to protect this palm by removing most of the top growth and putting an insulated tent made of packing blankets around it. It came through both of those episodes unscathed but this last time, back in January, I decided to see what would happen if I did nothing.
Lows were predicted in the 15-degree range for 4 nights in a row and that is exactly what occurred. As is evident in the photo there was absolutely no damage to the plant, and it is presently putting on new growth. If you are going to experiment with a palm in a warm, temperate climate this is a really good one.
This is a part of the garden that has been nicknamed the Dry Circle and is a large area with a circular path that is completely unirrigated and mostly planted in the native plants that can withstand those conditions. A pomegranate tree can be seen leafing out in the foreground. There is a double row of pomegranate trees with a path that runs down the middle that caps off this area on the west.
The then, massive pomegranates were completely frozen to the ground in 2021. All are now returning nicely. Many other plants and trees didn’t fare as well.
To be clear I believe both the Valentines Day freezing event in 2021 and the Winter Solstice freeze in 2022 were not natural events but ritual, weather warfare. I believe the same is also true of the record roasting alive we received last summer. If only “playing Goddess” with the weather is all THEY were up to.
Our native Rough Leaf Dogwood is leafing out nicely next to the house after a short winter slumber.
Many readers probably remember this area of the garden from photos I have shared before. In the foreground is the Western Texas, native Eupatorium greggii or Gregg’s Mist Flower. This is the shrub I was showing last fall that should have been absolutely covered in Monarch Butterflies from late October through the middle of November but never was. The Monarchs are almost extinct while governments and their controlled media toadies are screaming in unison about CO2 and Nitrogen.
In the background is the 19th century shrub rose Marie Van Houte which is one of the best and toughest old Tea Roses you can grow if you live in zone 8 or higher. It was frozen to the ground in 2021.
It is a sad sight to see this shrub now and think it will never again play host to the extravagant displays of migrating butterflies that it has for unknown and countless millennia in Texas. The news from the winter nesting areas in Mexico has been getting increasingly worse the last two years. The end is coming soon but likely won’t be reported by the media, any more than they have reported any of the catastrophic declines in most Arthropods.
The 19th century Narcissus cultivar, Sweetness is one that makes itself home in the ornery climate and soils of Central Texas. Very few Narcissus succeed here but this one does. These were first planted back in the 90’s.
I have born witness to the steady decline of most garden insects and other arthropods like spiders in my neck of the woods over the last 20 years. The decline may be more marked and extreme now, but it has been incoming for a long time. These creatures are both the foundation of the food chain and responsible for most pollination. Without them you are eventually going to have no ecosystem at all.
Two things were getting underway in a very big way during this period. Those things were the ever-increasing frequencies associated with wireless communication and the self-evident massive programs of aerial spraying of toxic metals and other chemicals. I don’t know which of these things are the most to blame for the massive die off of life I and so many others are documenting but I suspect both.
These are clumps of the species Iris Albicans which are one of the oldest garden plants in cultivation in Texas and one of the first to bloom here every year. Old timers know these as Cemetary Whites, and they can actually be found growing in what’s left of 17th century Spanish cemeteries in South Texas.
It is thought they first arrived here with the Spanish settlers of that time period. The Spanish had first acquired them from the Moors, and they had, in fact, traveled all the way from Yemen, in the far reaches of antiquity, to eventually reach Texas. This illustrates that gardens are as much about history as they are horticulture!
I began hearing stories of mass die offs of both vegetation and animal life upon first setting up shop here back in June. I have always enjoyed chatting with readers who want to chat and so these stories began to come my way. Worst of all was a dear older lady many of you may have known who had a lovely lion avatar and went by Nanc.
Nanc had lived in Southwest Ohio her entire life. The last three years she had watched as the skies were sprayed nearly every day until they turned white and the natural world around her went into complete meltdown. She told me a grey dust was falling out onto everything, most of the trees in her area were either dead or in steep decline and all wildlife was disappearing.
She also told me that cats that spent much time outside where she lived were coming down with a mysterious respiratory illness that was so prevalent and severe that all the emergency vets were clogged up with this 24/7 both in her part of Ohio and in adjacent Indiana.
Shortly after this Nanc herself began to have catastrophic health problems and was finally diagnosed with cancer. She had told me that even the Amish in the surrounding area were experiencing severe and mysterious health maladies. Shortly after this Nanc disappeared from Substack and I naturally fear the worst.
My friend Jeannette tells me that she currently has 5 recently dead trees in her yard in Wisconsin and another that just fell over.
This is my pet goat that a neighbor began calling Diva more than 10 years ago and it stuck. She has been enjoying the tall green grass but still wants some sweet feed, apples, dates or carrots every day. She baahs and bellows until she gets something! The people who are engaged in whatever is going on that is causing this cascade of death aren’t fit to clean up her poop! And THEY have taken goats and transformed them into an image of the evil and filth that resides in THEM. Beyond disgusting.
Potted plants that have been in winter storage in this makeshift greenhouse are very close to the time they will return to their positions on the front and back porch. I have only had to run the gas heat on the four nights it got down in the mid-teens back in January.
New kitten Boris is now 10 months old and a picture of vaccine free health. All the cats love this stone bench and its commanding view of the garden. The area behind Boris was especially devastated in the 2021 freeze. Very large specimens were entirely lost and I am only beginning to reimagine the area and get it replanted. There will be many spring flowers in this area in a few weeks.
Brothers Smokey & Shadow love this spot where a shrub died a couple of years ago. I may let them keep it.
So as of now the area I live in has not seen the truly catastrophic levels of death and destruction being seen other places. We have no afflicted vegetation but we do have an obvious decline in insects. The birds and mammals also seem OK for now.
I can’t help but think this is all in direct proportion to the amount of spraying going on. Most days there is none here. Last summer it ceased entirely for 4 months. I would be very interested in hearing accounts related to this subject in comments. What are you seeing?
The West Texas Conflagration and the Goddess Nut/Nuit. Yes, the CULT Has Done It Again.
This is a map showing the massive scope of the fires now underway in far NW Texas. This all started on the 26th as 13 individual fires spread out over a 100-mile length of the Canadian River basin. Nothing suspicious at all about 13 fires suddenly starting simultaneously, with no obvious source of ignition, and burning totally out of control in an area with very few trees or other large fuel mass…………
Last night I began reading articles about these fires and the more I read the more suspicious I became. This morning Peggy Hall posted a good writeup on some of this which I am linking below. Among other weird things people in the area were reporting was a strong surge in actual static electricity in the hours leading up to these fires. Strange stuff……..
In this write up I am going to stick to what I do best and what most others don’t want to talk about or can’t see or figure out.
These days when massive, headline grabbing fires break out my first thought is: Which embodiment of the Universal Goddess is being ritually burned this time????
From plenty of recent experience I know where and how to look for leads on this subject. It only took me a few minutes to focus in on the Egyptian Goddess Nut who later became the primary embodiment of the Universal Goddess in Aliester Crowley’s Thelemic belief system. Nut/Nuit was a goddess of the sky and heavens according to Egyptian belief.
Crowley respelled the name as Nuit and gave her the following appellations as well as others. He called her “Our Lady of the Stars” and “Queen of Heaven”. She became one of about 6 primary deities recognized in Thelema and the only female one.
What led me straight to this was Nuit’s special day being celebrated on…….. you guessed it……….. 2/26. This is found throughout modern paganism and the date 2/26 is mentioned specifically on several Pagan and Wiccan sites I looked at. And then there is this:
Nut/Nuit was almost always depicted in one of two ways. She was either depicted as a human being, arched over like she was supporting the sky and with other Gods underneath her or there was this…………….
Thats right, Nut/Nuit was just as often depicted as a “sky cow” and even sometimes actually being milked! She was actually known as a “celestial cow”. So, as you read this, countless thousands of cattle have been burned alive in the Pan Handle, starting on 2/26/2024 and it is still going on. It was many, many thousands of burned cattle 2 days ago according to reports and the fires are much bigger now. This is just another Phoenix ritual to add to the pile up.
If the CULT ever decides on one honest representation for their “Universal Mother Goddess” this artwork by someone going by “Baron of Darkness” and called “Madonna of Suffering” gets my vote! It says everything THEY are totally dishonest about and wouldn’t it be a fine, symbolically honest stand in for the “Statue of Liberty”! Then people might have a clue exactly what they were living in.
Make no mistake this ritual veneration of the Universal Goddess, in all her many guises and “shades of lipstick” is an effing DEATH CULT. It’s a death cult that feels compelled to both spray poison out of planes and fill the airwaves with equally toxic millimeter wave frequencies. And really God knows what else. They DO NOT CARE if it kills everything.
Afterall, these people’s real master only knows destruction. It’s all he is interested in. The people perpetrating all this are going to find out they were only ever a means to that end.
This is what one of my favorite commentors here, Duckman, refers to as “playing with matches in a paper house”. These people’s sheer arrogance keeps them from seeing that all of this is eventually going to blow back at them. The chickens always come home to roost. Even if it takes thousands of years, because that’s how long this madness has been festering. THEIR day is coming, and it isn’t going to be what they think it is.
I would just like to quickly wish Jacob Rothschild luck in finding anyone DOWN THERE to bring him a frozen cocktail. Where do these creatures think they are headed once they cash in their chips? Jacob now knows he was only a means to an end.
For newish subs: Please be aware that I began to be censored by this platform when I loaded the post linked below back in January. This is apparently what occurs when you are over the actual target here. THEY are calling all my work, retroactively, pornography, hoping people won’t open it.
praying Nanc is ok.
it’s so depressing that most are just going along with the death cult.
saw my second hummingbird this winter yesterday, lifted my spirits. it looked like a baby, really tiny, zooming around some kalanchoe blossoms, resting between nectar sips.
the other factor in the dead stuff equation is massive drenching of glyphosate for the last several decades… probably another “forever” chemical.
have also seen an extraordinary amount of mold this year in the garden as well as moldy produce in the store… makes me wonder if there’s fungus and mold spores in the aerosolized contaminants too.
your kitties look very contented in their favorite garden resting spots.
have you heard of the rose rustlers ? rare and near extinction roses growing in old cemeteries, ghost towns, abandoned gardens, off the beaten path… I used to grow roses from cuttings, not necessarily easy to do but better than grafted… sometimes they will grow from a root… roses fascinate me.
Lovely place :0) here in s/w England very little is stirring, We still have some snow to come, no doubt.
Ok, as ive posited a few times its important We view what what We perceive and what We see to be going on in realistic concepts... not withstanding that one very large element to "what is going on" is a major fucking with what We deem "reality", as most learned sources suggest this is becuase "they" are attempting to escape their imminent just deserts, or as myself and partner used to say to the kids when they were small "mr and mrs spank may have to visit botty land"...
Now assuming that i can complete what im trying to say before child protection agency staff come invading my property armed with tasers and strait-jacket..
So, lets say You were an alternate life form, groovin around in this neck o the woods (galaxy wise) and You viewed from a nice safe distance what is going on down on the "silent planet" (c s lewis), then You could be forgiven to conclude that what You are seeing is "terra-forming"..?
Not withstanding that the minnions so seemingly helpless but to obey their demoinc masters are also trashing their own future as well as Ours, what or perhaps "where" have they been promised as "reward" for their "noble" acts of utter destruction?
Fore knowledge? fore sight? a place in ye olde bunker? (fairly likely) ... and aftewards a seat at the table on the "new earth"? in a shiny new "suit"
When We contemplate "made in his image" why do We confuse celestial "deity" with advanced technology?
When We consider the nature/mechanics of "re-sleeving" is not random.. except for Us poor goyim, and as such in a "new earth" might not the new "dominant" specie be more... dare i say reptillian?
So whose fucking image is that then? again answers on a postcard please
jacob red sheild is most likely to be imminently re-inserted into the red sheild pit of vipers, just as he/it has been for millenia, having achieved (or so it thinks) its lifes work in this most recent incarnation...
When We describe characters as being "born evil", it is not the entire picture, the near total (but currently increasingly failing) system of birth mind wipe is not an intrinsic part of the process, merely a useful tool to keep Us confused by "them".
It has been discussed in a few circles how certain bloodlines return thier major players time and time again with full cognition, victoria into elizabet bowes lyon for example..
As discussed by brilliant writers like Modi the most consistent cause of psychological discomfort in a current life relates directly to gender swapping, trauma and un-resolved past/former life issues, regression takes the subject there consistently.
When We consider "geo-engineering" and the graphene (soon to be placed i hear in ALL pharma "medecine", then add in a little "5g" and the war on Co2, We begin to see something a bit bigger than a depop program, something with more far reaching aims...
We sit seemingly helpless, yet aware as representatives of arguably a competing technology/specie drive what remains of Our future into certain oblivion, plus taking a large % of the incredibly beautiful flora and fauna with it.
We all know that darwin was (3rd cousin was it?) to malthus the "father of eugenics" who promised charlie a life of riches and debauchery by pushing a whopoing fake narrative that has kept understanding and appreciation of Creation on the back burner while "the rest of the plan" is rolled out..
Failure to distinguish technology/species from "deity" may very well be Our un-doing and yet viewed in the evolution scale once conceived by some Russian chap whose name i forget, in theory the only distinction is levels of "technology" as when viewed from a lesser technology viewpoint, the greater/superior must be "god"?