praying Nanc is ok.

it’s so depressing that most are just going along with the death cult.

saw my second hummingbird this winter yesterday, lifted my spirits. it looked like a baby, really tiny, zooming around some kalanchoe blossoms, resting between nectar sips.

the other factor in the dead stuff equation is massive drenching of glyphosate for the last several decades… probably another “forever” chemical.

have also seen an extraordinary amount of mold this year in the garden as well as moldy produce in the store… makes me wonder if there’s fungus and mold spores in the aerosolized contaminants too.

your kitties look very contented in their favorite garden resting spots.

have you heard of the rose rustlers ? rare and near extinction roses growing in old cemeteries, ghost towns, abandoned gardens, off the beaten path… I used to grow roses from cuttings, not necessarily easy to do but better than grafted… sometimes they will grow from a root… roses fascinate me.

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Yes! The "rose rustlers" were becoming legendary in Texas by the late eighties. They were foundational to what eventually became the Antique Rose Emporium here in Texas. I was in the nursery business for several years and used to regularly grow roses from cuttings. They are actually one of the easier plants to do that with.

Mold, yes, Nanc and others were telling me that as the plant life declined and began to die mold was everywhere. If plants have an impaired immune system mold is waiting to take advantage of that. And who knows? Maybe THEY have weaponized mold as well.

And certainly glyphosate could be part of this but my guess is the Chem Trailing is front and center.

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Mold has been weaponized. It's part of Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) that's being found in everyone's blood now. Mycotoxins, a product of molds, have been found in chemtrail residues.

I don't have links, but carnicominstitute.org has research papers that confirm what I wrote.

Thanks for the article. All so lovely to look at and I'm glad for you all that the chemtrails are sparse

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Lovely place :0) here in s/w England very little is stirring, We still have some snow to come, no doubt.

Ok, as ive posited a few times its important We view what what We perceive and what We see to be going on in realistic concepts... not withstanding that one very large element to "what is going on" is a major fucking with what We deem "reality", as most learned sources suggest this is becuase "they" are attempting to escape their imminent just deserts, or as myself and partner used to say to the kids when they were small "mr and mrs spank may have to visit botty land"...

Now assuming that i can complete what im trying to say before child protection agency staff come invading my property armed with tasers and strait-jacket..

So, lets say You were an alternate life form, groovin around in this neck o the woods (galaxy wise) and You viewed from a nice safe distance what is going on down on the "silent planet" (c s lewis), then You could be forgiven to conclude that what You are seeing is "terra-forming"..?

Not withstanding that the minnions so seemingly helpless but to obey their demoinc masters are also trashing their own future as well as Ours, what or perhaps "where" have they been promised as "reward" for their "noble" acts of utter destruction?

Fore knowledge? fore sight? a place in ye olde bunker? (fairly likely) ... and aftewards a seat at the table on the "new earth"? in a shiny new "suit"

When We contemplate "made in his image" why do We confuse celestial "deity" with advanced technology?

When We consider the nature/mechanics of "re-sleeving" is not random.. except for Us poor goyim, and as such in a "new earth" might not the new "dominant" specie be more... dare i say reptillian?

So whose fucking image is that then? again answers on a postcard please

jacob red sheild is most likely to be imminently re-inserted into the red sheild pit of vipers, just as he/it has been for millenia, having achieved (or so it thinks) its lifes work in this most recent incarnation...

When We describe characters as being "born evil", it is not the entire picture, the near total (but currently increasingly failing) system of birth mind wipe is not an intrinsic part of the process, merely a useful tool to keep Us confused by "them".

It has been discussed in a few circles how certain bloodlines return thier major players time and time again with full cognition, victoria into elizabet bowes lyon for example..

As discussed by brilliant writers like Modi the most consistent cause of psychological discomfort in a current life relates directly to gender swapping, trauma and un-resolved past/former life issues, regression takes the subject there consistently.

When We consider "geo-engineering" and the graphene (soon to be placed i hear in ALL pharma "medecine", then add in a little "5g" and the war on Co2, We begin to see something a bit bigger than a depop program, something with more far reaching aims...

We sit seemingly helpless, yet aware as representatives of arguably a competing technology/specie drive what remains of Our future into certain oblivion, plus taking a large % of the incredibly beautiful flora and fauna with it.

We all know that darwin was (3rd cousin was it?) to malthus the "father of eugenics" who promised charlie a life of riches and debauchery by pushing a whopoing fake narrative that has kept understanding and appreciation of Creation on the back burner while "the rest of the plan" is rolled out..

Failure to distinguish technology/species from "deity" may very well be Our un-doing and yet viewed in the evolution scale once conceived by some Russian chap whose name i forget, in theory the only distinction is levels of "technology" as when viewed from a lesser technology viewpoint, the greater/superior must be "god"?

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I actually do believe that what is going on may in fact be terraforming for some life forms or form that would like to live here on a more permanent basis. It all fits doesn't it. I bet there are beings from just outside our own dimension that are champing at the bit to get in here and make themselves at home.

Whether these people can actually have themselves "resleeved" is anyone's guess. I'm sure they would like to believe that's what occurs or could occur.

Evolution I think has been exposed for the pile of rubbish it has always been. It is one of the earliest completely fake "sciences". It has more holes in it than a trailer truck load of baby swiss!

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indeed it is (imho) part of the great psy op to keep the majority in the dark re what other lifeforms frequent the reality/ies

i for one would have held it to be an absolute truth a few years ago that "life" ie with a "Soul" was reserved for biological things, "ai" has kind of put paid to that limitation,

that said i have always been aware of the existence of "ghosts" yet have generally been of the opinion they originated from a biological incarnation..

darwin lives comfortably now with freud, pastuer and the rest of the con-artists in the "trash" as You say, interesting that one doesnt have to dig too far to find the "satans little helpers" badge of raphaim obediences of these trail blazers either..

But still maybe im just getting carried away with my diss-sentiments toward an inbred, morphed out, psycopathic, collection of freaks who adopted "judaism" in the 8th century? maybe not..

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Our good ole Pres. DRUMP just got his IMAGE put on the 1/2 shekel of IS RA EL.

AND MAGA/Magus means 5th degree in witchery or satanism. Spellcasting thru currency. Sigil Magik.

Coincidence? The old ones (JR87) are probably going underground awaiting their new meatsuits.

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that reminds me of the short "ted talks" clip at the end of the most recent Max Igan offering of the "c.i.a`s" head of disguise talking about masks, the rubbery kind not face nappies i hasten to add, some of the footage of "biden" are astounding, its as if they want to be caught... or just content to laugh their little hoofs off at Us,

"meatsuits", thats up there with "shitfuckery", my partner overheard a conversation yesterday where the expression "energy bandits" was mentioned, there is alot of that about right now, perhaps as an expression of instinctive anxiety the "norms" are feeling in whatever remains of their fluoride encrusted pituatary glands?

Interesting there is "out there" an imgae taken from ancient Egypt of one of the master class poking an uruly slave class with a prody stick up poor slaves nose, poking the pituatary as a punishment... pcr anyone?

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duckman, Yes, those Egyptian nasal probes were a form of slave torture, for disobeying orders. The idea was to pierce the blood-brain barrier so as to make the slave vulnerable to a brain bacterial infection and thus a slow, painful death.

Also, yes, the wayward wizards like to mock us at every turn. You can see it in the "duper's delight" exhibited by politicians, celebrities, newscasters, and other cushy-job-keeping career clowns.

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Sharine, i was fortunate to see the Egyptian image very early on in the scam, from everything i have researched the "pcr" is just as dangerous as the "jibby jabby"

i have discovered recently that "they" now intend (so probably already doing it) to place graphene oxide and dioxide in all current pharma... as i understand it they slipped it into dentist pain relief some time ago, a subject that worries me, home dentistry is not as easy as engine rebuilding or other self-help cutting edge technologies,

my partner has a good book on holistic dentistry which discusses herb and oil cleansing, however early attempts to adapt a 4" angle grinder into a de-scaler have proven.... problematic, a dremel may be better... ;0)

i take it You too have seen the "cia head of disguise" ted talk tacked to the end of Max Igans most recent post? i was fair blown away by how far this mask thing has come

career clowns money and power will not save them from the rope

here from feb 2022 is one of the most fascinating articles i have ever seen, it was the groups final word on the scam and covers what We are now seeing unfold, it gives a taste perhaps of the direction things may now take to gain the "enthusiasm" required in the co-dependent masses to adopt/enter a n.w.o:


We must be aware that a mutli pronged (pun intended) approach will be required to most effectively boil all frogs to the point that release from the pot via n.w.o is guaranteed, as the pressure is rising on all counts, social unrest, finacial collapse, wars and rumours of wars, bio warfare, geo warfare, spiritual warfare,

until when faced with the requirement to make a luciferian pact to enter they believe all will come willingly.... :0/

"they" drive a very dangerous course around Consent corner, one twitch of the steering wheel and its all airbags and spilt diesel... i spose in their case dripping lithium batteries and a few seconds before incineration at 900oC,

from a detached point if view it is at times quite comical, i try to keep humour on my side, but it is not always easy in such times

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Thanks, duckman. I really appreciate your perspectives and research topics.

I was deeply concerned about my husband who worked at a state forensic psych facility that forced the "test" on all employees. At first it was daily, then they started "testing" at the start of every shift and every time they left the premises and returned, so at least twice daily. In December of 2020, we both decided it was time for him to get out immediately. It was the best thing to do, even though he retired before completing the 20-year full-pension period.

Thanks for the link to that article. It's a great read. At first I wasn't sure if the authors still believe in "viruses" as 1) causative of disease and 2) transmissible, but toward the end they put "virus" / "viruses" in quotes, so I think they know that this is one of biggest lies indoctrinated into the human race for enslavement and experimentation.

Like you, I endeavor to maintain a sense of humor, although it can be difficult especially when seeing multiple egregious stupid acts/statements in the same short period, and even more difficult when our loved ones are the stupid people.😫

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Yes, I had also seen the "mask" content... Laughing their hooves off LOLOLOL

Indeed they are. Jim Carey is to blame for THIS!

I just watched something that THEY may possibly be able to use color spectrums o bleed into this reality. Whether or no THEY need avatars is up for debate.

I've heard of the Egyptian lobotomy/pcr ...I hadn't put the 2 together. Nicely done duckman.

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Very nice place, the goat and cats look happy, lots of green going on as well. I didn't see any illegals passing through either, so you must be in a decent area. Texas is BIG though.

As far as Jacob, he's right where he wants to be as a satanist, right?

Where else would satanists think they'd be going lol

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I guess THEY think Hell has a first class section! I bet it doesn't. I am hundreds of miles from the border and outside a very upscale town. The police here will stop and hassle you if you are walking down the street with a backpack.

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That's what they bet on...and if you believe as they say the Earth is Satan's domain or dominion, or at least until the resurrection for believers. Even if they do find happiness there, they certainly have no place in heaven.

Glad to hear your in a safe place, from the strife and fires.

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I feel physically ill thinking about the wild fires and cattle.

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You have a lovely garden. It looks well-loved and peaceful. Just looking at the pictures brings my anxiety level (from reading about all the crap that the satanic perps are serving up) down a few notches. I’ve been noticing in my own garden that the bees which are normally all over the blueberry blossoms are missing in action. We may not have much of a crop this year.

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I'm thinking "not much of a crop" is the plan. THEY don't care if they kill everything in order to totally control the food supply.

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Yes, it's a death cult and seems so stupid. They seem so smart in so many ways and obviously they're very good at keeping us under control but for what purpose? It's all just mean and stupid.

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Everything they are doing is actually completely self destructive for THEM but they are far too arrogant to see that. They will go right on playing with matches in a gasoline soaked, paper house until the inevitable happens. That's when we and the supernatural forces of good really get to "reset" this place. Right now these people are being handed all the rope they require to hang themselves for all time. And they will never see that until it's too late.

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They’re doing it because the demons they communicate with are convincing them they can make them live forever like gods.

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According to people who experience Near Death Experiences (NDEs) we do, in fact, live forever essentially but we forget our past lives when we incarnate in new ones. I think the evidence for this is compelling in the number of children who seemingly remember a past life while they're still young and describe scenarios that are completely consistent with the life of someone who's died in ways we wouldn't expect other than they really experienced them.

This is a story about a little boy who it seems was a Hollywood screenwriter (10m) which seems genuine to me.


I don't necessarily believe all the stories because those in power like to infiltrate absolutely everything - this is a story done by Cynthia McFadden (husband is in Council on Foreign Relations and she was obviously playing a role in 9/11 telling us all Revelation of the Method style: "No injured being taken into hospitals,"), however, no doubt Cynthia works on some real stories so it could be a genuine story. I didn't watch it carefully enough to look for RoM signs.

Cynthia TELLING us death and injury were staged on 9/11.

https://youtu.be/Zw_IfI9BcEw, https://youtu.be/LhGfXPGh5kI

Cynthia and story about young boy and seeming reincarnation from Hollywood actor

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzEuX2VC1ng (3m)

Also, I follow Dr Joe Dispenza and many people who do his meditations or experience a "coherence healing" see light beings which people who experience NDEs also see. There seem to be too many of these experiences of light beings for them not to be real. All the nonsense about UFOs - there's beings out there but you only get to experience them in a different state of consciousness.

So if those in power are doing what they're doing to live forever it's wasted energy - we do anyway and if you live a bad life what kind of life do you think you're going to have next time around for goodness sake!

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Petra, if You have some spare time and are interested in the nde, plr ting then this is the go to book:


if You then wish to gain insight as to why the memory is wiped (so inconsistent with the argument of karmic learning/journey, then i can offer no better solution than to read this:


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Thank you so much for those links, duckman. I find myself incapable of reading books these days, however, they certainly look interesting and I think I'll be tempted to buy them. I read one or two of Brian Weiss's books and even went to a seminar in New York when I lived there in which he conducted a past life exercise on the audience which was a powerful experience but these books look quite different.

A review of Soul Revolution says:

"Fascinating book. The extensive section on Near Death Experiences was especially interesting for being such a totally different take on the usual litany of NDE rights of passage (hall of light, greeting by loved ones, life review, mentoring and intensive study for preparation on the next incarnation "assignment"). Instead, Asher questions the entire progression as being completely controlled by the satanic beings who preside over this planet. He notes that a genuine NDE is likely that experienced by neuro-surgeon Eben Alexander."

Hmmm so a "genuine" NDE is experienced by someone who just happens to have a name of Hebrew origin and the others completely controlled by satanic beings?

Stretching credulity there I'm afraid, however, I will give Eben Alexander's NDE a listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZopPzWMl1A

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You're like me in taking note of the actual names of people making extraordinary claims or really any claims. It's sad that its this way but whose fault is that?

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I guess I got it from my mother (who was Scottish) though definitely not in her league or even yours I'm sure. I remember introducing a guy I was seeing to her. The first thing she did was ask him his surname and when he replied with Sheehan she asked him, "Did you go to a Christian Brothers school?" Turned out he did but there are a number of different orders of Catholic schools that people with Irish Catholic names go to (Marist brothers for example) so I don't know if that was a lucky guess or what.

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alexanders nde claims have very little to do with Ashers book, unfortunately what You may be seeing is the role of satans little helpers influencing the book review..

it would be far more important to inform that Asher is of true Semitic heritage and in hiding from satans little helpers that infest Palestine and am-eri-ca.., his opening paragraph of the book explains the shelanite, ashkenazi pretenders and their role in murdering what little remains of Gallilean dna, for that understanding alone You should read and be informed.

Understand i am a true blood enemy of satans little helpers and their dark babylonian majick, so let not that fake review guide You here

You have sadly had one of the primary takes from the book twisted out of recognition..

Whilst Modi`s book is a full scale 1000 page text book and not a light read, Ashers`s Soul revolution is a comparitively gentle guide to what the ancient scriptures really say, put bluntly one of the very few books that genuinely changed my life, and for the better, a few of Your $ on ebay..

Sadly it seems satans little helpers dont confine themselves to merely "fact checking"...

i take the note about reading less, it is the same here, it feels as if the hour is so late that there is no time, which may be the case, this one book however i would find time for, all the best

i hope the above is coherent

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OK, thanks for that advice, duckman.

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everyone with a garden ORDER SOME MASON BEES

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also order worms, they will give you natural fertilizer. as long as you compost. AND sunflowers. Sunflowers suck up excess/bad radiation out of the soil.

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$500 Trillion… if I had 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of that I’d be happy.

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Hi E.T.

Just wondering if you have any predictions for March 10?

March 10 – New Moon

On March 10, the New Moon positions itself between Earth and the Sun, keeping its illuminated side turned away from us. This astronomical alignment creates ideal conditions for stargazing, as the absence of moonlight allows a clearer view of faint celestial objects like galaxies and star clusters. Set to peak at 09:02 UTC, this is the best time in the month to observe these cosmic wonders.

We are headed for a week of between 35 and 41 degrees Celsius in my local capital Adelaide, South Australia.

Without going into detail, I believe they have been preparing this State for a major wildfire incident to take out major populated areas and high production farmland and stock. This follows the trial a few years ago when they burnt most of kangaroo island.

Unseasonal late rains created underbrush and secondary crop unharvestable crop growth. This was followed by only 1.4mm of rain in 5 weeks.

The last 2 years have seen rain and winds from the East. This is highly unusual and that's why farmers face their open barns to the east.

My prediction is that the hot northerly wind on the 9th will set up a flame front some 100km long that will be swept westward to the sea, taking out most populated and high production areas.

We are ready to be burnt alive.

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Justin, I don't like this and you won't either. I have spent considerable time this afternoon delving into the history and mythology surrounding Aphrodite/Venus for around this time frame. What we have is the Spring festival of Adonia which celebrates the union of Aphrodite with Adonis as well as the mourning of his death, strangely enough. It seems like this obscure festival migrated from an original Spring celebration to more of a solstice thing over time but it is known that the original version of all this was PHOENICIAN and definitely occurred in the Spring. It is thought that this observance was possibly even one of the reasons Easter was placed at this time of year. Most so-called "Christian" holidays are just masked retreads of much older Pagan festivals. Adonis was actually associated with agriculture and the harvest so there is also that. Combined with all else I have hit below it looks like this part of Australia could be a target. There is just no way to know for sure.......

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It took me a little bit to track down an actual map of all these fire warning areas. It appears it is for nearly all the coastal areas of SA, including my area of highlighted concern in the vicinity of Venus Bay. I hope to God Justin that everything will be OK. That is a really vast area of very dry brush country. When you look at what they just did in the Texas Panhandle anything seems possible. That was fires in over a one hundred mile wide area that started virtually simultaneously and then became mostly one big fire in the end. Originally the media was reporting 13 separate fires and now they have turned around claiming it was just one electric pole. How stupid do they think people are???????? Even Governor Abbott has been saying the fires and the damage left behind by them don't look normal. Nothing but piles of white ash everywhere. I think I will go ahead and do a quick post on this this evening to get thoughts and prayers headed your way. Stay safe Justin!

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Thanks ET.

The probability of nothing happening are pretty slim.

South Australia has the most "re-newable" energy setup in Australia. Hence the most unreliable energy supply.... What are the approx 1.2 million suburban residents going to do when it gets to 41 degrees in the shade for 3 days straight without power?

...sit in their cars air conditioning until the fuel runs out.... There is only so much parking near the beach and apparently the seawater in the gulf near the city is already to warm to give relief.

Funny that we have had virtually no scrub fires this summer or last summer!

Hopefully not too many people will be Raptured. Kind of makes me wonder if all the dead or to be dead soon sheep arn't the lucky/ chosen ones😆

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One of the things being reported in the Panhandle was a surge in actual static electricity in the hours leading up to the fires. One woman said she couldn't touch her horses or other animals without shocking the Hell out of them. Let me know if you hear about or experience anything like this phenomena.

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Ok. Thanks!

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They may want to burn they town because it's mainly old shacks in order to replace with new owners, as it is one of few protected ports in 1000km that has beautiful beaches, majestic views, and abundant fishing.

A lot of Richie's already fly in to Ceduna from around Australia.

Port Lincoln has the highest number of millionaires per capita than anywhere in the world ( south about 250km- a short drive for a rural Aussie). It is where you can dive with the great white sharks in more ways than one.

Other idealic towns for remodeling in the area are Coffin Bay, Elliston, Streaky Bay.

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Justin, I need you to tell me EVERYTHING you know about the Venus Bay area. And everything you can find out. Is Venus Bay that entire, large body of water? I see there is a very large subdivision called Venus Bay on the peninsula that wraps around the Bay. Are there other large subdivisions /towns around other parts of this Bay? I can tell you right effing now that if they BURN in South Australia this is very likely going to be the initial target. It could be like the fires in Chile that began just east of Vina Del Mar and then spread effing everywhere. I will continue to dig at this for you.................

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Oh.. and I shared some of these predictions with a few serious dissidents around Australia last year.... Including senator Rennick.

Within 2 hrs a police helicopter came diect from Adelaide, circled me 6 times, then went back to Adelaide. I have their flight path recorded... Since then police choppers are no longer on the flight path ap.

They also had police cars out the front. I called one of the local cops and she said she was in one of the cars, that " someone had smelled cannabis"😆.

Straight after the cops left a black snake went straight across my yard, oblivious to me, dog, chickens.... Freaky.

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Justin, I sure hope you are wrong! I can tell you the date 3/9 would be numerologically exciting for THEM but lots of those dates pass with nothing occuring. What I could do is take a look at the area and see if anything stands out. It seems like when they burn now it is almost always about turning whatever they are burning into an effigy of some embodiment of the Goddess. So hot winds are being predicted for the 9th??? I can do some checking and see if anything stands out for that date or the South Australia area.

I have actually been face down in whatever the plans are for this total eclipse on 4/8. I have found some very interesting things and will soon be writing on that. I will let you know if anything sticks out at me.

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face down in April the 8th... here You go, heres some salt.... and pepper, this is all getting seriously w.t.f



and the big takeaway from the second article, well the line that i relate to...

Some believe the moon is the receiver of that signal and it beams it down to Earth where it keeps us in the prison that we call reality.

The signal referred to is saturn, seems some preparations are going to be required to stay out of this resonance

never a dull moment... as we say here

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Amazing links duckman. They echo everything I now believe about all this.

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THEY are actually using the word "activation" in the propaganda blitz that is taking place trying to get EVERYONE to gaze at this thing when it occurs . Activation is the foundation of all witchcraft. Its how a ritual spell begins. They are wanting to harvest the energies of everyone taking part in this viewing to activate SOMETHING. The question is, what is that something????

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indeed, i noted they were super keen to get everyone goggling at this thing, with the addition of resonance warfare added in for good measure... joy :0/

previous to the total eclipse here in s/w england back in 1999 i had read about how eclipses are viewed by older cultures, in India they deem it very bad luck to view it, it is customary to go indoors and have livestock and pets housed for their protection too... that is what i did..

Well ET, it seems You are well and truly in the hot seat there, the second of the 2 hidden in the crag links has a sample from another piece of work relating to the emanations of saturn being used to control humanity/the prison matrix, the emanations being focussed onto humanity via "the moon", this is a concept covered by "walk in light" on worpress in great detail some years back, her work like others has been wiped..

It is interestimg that police forces here in the uk draft in extra staff if a full moon coincides with a weekend, increased mayhem..

We look forward to more of Your insights re April 8th... i dont like to give "them" credence but much seems to be brewing up for this date, world events are at all time strain, usa troops in Taiwan pissing off the Chinese, Russia all out of patience with the interventions of the west in the terrain formerly known as "ukraine", genocide by kikes in Palestine reaching new depths while the icj, un and the world watch on....

Re the whole "Hebrew" thing discussed previously, it is important that We take on board the difference between crypto-jew and the hunted, endagered remnant of Semites who fear for their lives...

The history of the khazaars is easy enough found as is their "conversion" to the talmudic variant of "judaism" in the 8thC, what is perhaps harder to find is the fact that this scattered band have been slung out of more countries than can be counted since they spread across europe and the world... and when researched the reason for expulsion is for the ritual rape and sacrifice of Gentile children, something they still do..

What remnant remains of the orginal lineages like Asher hide for fear of eradication, the same remnant is also who populates what little remains of Gaza having evolved variously into Christianity and the Muslim faith, those We oppose are usurpers and charlatans in every sense including what they claim to be their descent,

manly p hall gives some illumination (excuse the pun) to the 3 levels of judaism, im skimming through secret teachings at the mpment to try to find any relevance to current shitfuckery, really small type does not help..

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Where I am is in the path of totality for nearly 4 minutes. Local governments including the county have actually declared a state of emergency because they claim all shopping and services will be overwhelmed by the sheer number of people coming from everywhere to see it.

As you might suspect I am very suspicious about that being the real reason for the "emergency". This thing is going directly over 3 of the 4 largest population centers we have in Texas. The only big city left out is Houston. What they are saying about the large number of people coming from elsewhere makes no sense to me at all. Most people in Texas, about 35 million now, are already living in places that are going to get this without doing much or any traveling at all.

What I am actually most concerned about is if this event marks some major threshold for THEM, then what else might they be planning? Is this when all the hive mind tech gets "activated" or are they planning some Fatima like event while people are looking up at the sun? Or both? People are so easily manipulated now and this eclipse could provide some kind of heightened state and focus that would be highly useful in facilitating any


That is what concerns me. What kind of machinations are already in place for this? Anyway, I think in this case the Indians have the right idea. My advice is to stay inside and actively withhold the energy they are trying to harvest into this "activation". I don't even want my animals outside during this.

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frankly ET i do not envy You the front row seat, however thats the cards Youve been dealt, folk thought i was crackers herding my livestock and pets indoors of the 1999 eclipse, if memory serves from what i researched at the time the Indians view total eclipse light (or what there is of it) as a dark light that does no one or thing any good, that was enough for me..

Now, musk and his starlink have always perplexed me, for one, i never gave the bastard permission to place a network in the sky, i did not receive a consultation, nor was my opinion sought, but there the fucker is every night messing up my stargazing, i digress.

From early ponderings the relationship of the "thing seen by all on earth at the same time" and his holo-projector web seemed obvious in terms of "end-time" theories, its always looked like a holo-projector..

Again also repeated in many "teachings" is that sometime in 2024 an event comes that "changes the game forever more" something that defines the begininng of a "new era".

You and i and thankfully millions of others know that the way things are now, none of Us will trust to their bullshit, no fake sign of "god", no "messiah" is quite going to cut it, in this respect and judging from the many day to day happenchance conversations i have out in the world, very few are still blinkered about "covid", kike genocide in Palestine and please dont make me laugh.... nato in the lands formerly known as "ukraine".

Numerous "windsaar" mutterings are flooding the narrative here in the uk, as a pathetic attempt is trying to nudge wee willy fuckwit into centre stage, its all a bit half cock to be honest, 4+ years of "brexit", "covid" and then "ukraine" austerity with an extra dose of super fake "politicians" (stunak and sarmer) have brought the uk norms to near unseen levels of spontaneous nausea, in shiort even the twats know its all fake now..

i note that sana, sorry i mean "nasa" are urging those in the path of totality to "listen", therein i believe lies a very pertinent clue as to the frequency element of this "spectacle"

my cat Charlotte lets me in on when things are a bit "stranger things" i have no doubt Your keepers will be doing the same for You...being as We are pet monkey slaves for Our higher being charges... mine in increasingly benevolent mood is often leaving partially consumed baby rabbits next to my bed as offerings, should the monkey awake hungry, how fucking thoughtfull?

So approx 30 days to go, i doubt they will be free of shitfuckery, i maintain that humour is still one of greatest atributes and weapons We have against these fuckers, being far better for the body and Soul than sucumbing to anger, which weakens Us

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I just read about another eclipse that's taking place in October 2024 during Rosh Hashanah and is symbolically represented in I, Pet Goat II, in the character of the young blonde girl with the apple sitting in an eclipse of honey and honey in her hand. Apples and honey being the traditional foods of Rosh Hashanah.

Heliophant, the maker of I, Pet Goat II had taken their entire website down for several years and suddenly, it's back. No explanation.

Some are contemplating this is the one to actually watch for an event.

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my earlier reply was scant on evidence, i knew Oct 2024 had relevance, but it takes a minute or two to jog the grey matter, part of the relevance of Oct 2024 is that Pluto does its final, absolutely last soujourn back into Capricorn, given that Pluto is the final planet to actually enter Aquarius (and given Plutos nature to change/ re-arrange/re-design) it is arguable (by many, not just me) that Oct 2024 when Pluto finally crosses back into Aquarius this symbolises the actual start of "the age of Aquarius", yes i know impossible to mention withour humming that fucking tune and visualising twats in sarongs running around, impossible now anyway.... ;0)

What is still questionable is whether this final entry into age of A is good for them... or Us, or indeed neither, given that Pluto energy is impossible to truly contain, let alone predict, thus the steady, steady meovement to fuck society over beyond Our wildest dreams, (see for example moves towards making illegal questioning gvmnt narratives where people have been harmed/killed, point in CASE being the trial of journalist who investiagated Manchester arena psyop/flase flag)..

So, "they" know this will be a hard time to manage, the truth always having that nast habit of coming out...

As Jesus said ( i am told by those i trust) "beware the water carrier", so fkn what You say... ah at the time the "water carrier" was written gramatically (hebrew) as a male, men didnt carry water, this slight hiccup is only recently been realised, and its relevance..

Mycotoxins, i see You mention (up the page) , a subject i have some insight on, the incidence has increased dramatically over the last 10 yrs, so has the detection rate, ive only read on them as Ducks (and Geese) are severely prone to poisoning by these toxins and have very low tollerance, as low as 12ppm where in excess of 500ppm would be needed to fuck over a chicken, little solace for chickens used by satans little helpers to "wash away sin"??? whoda though that spitting image "pop song" all those years ago was so on point? assuming You are aware of it?:

sorry folks kiketube is the only version i can find


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I am thoroughly convinced that all of this has to do with when THEY think we have entered the Age of Aquarius. Pluto is very likely a marker for that. I don't think we have long to wait at any rate.

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I think ALL things work to the glory of God. Including the evil machinations of man coupled with Satan and Satan his own self. A dragon on a chain.

Agreed. Not long now methinks.

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Those fugly puppets freak me out. Here's a chicken dance I have actually done. It's an old fav at Country and Western family bars (yes, there are family bars...) in Texas. It goes faster and faster until people fall down or can't keep up and last man standing is the "winner".


Note the waving goodbye and flying away. Butt wiggles and clapping 4 times. Children do this dance with adults...

Only the poor satanists use chickens that are birds. The ones with resources use a different kind of chicken. Lil' Chicken Henny Penny. The sky is falling. Chicken Hawks.

Jesus did say look for the water carrier. Not beware, but "head's up". The water carrying man was an anomaly and a sign to follow to find the man who provided an upstairs space for the passover dinner for Jesus and the disciples. Famously known as "The Last Supper". The symbolic intake of the Holy Spirit.

I think the eclipse over the 8 Ninevehs is a big show to say, "Window of Opportunity", like the heathens of the old Nineveh received from Jonah at God's command. I think the US will be given one last chance, but a slim one of a few months and then the eclipse in Oct. will be the end marker of opportunity. Like the Nineveh of old that repented for a moment then went right back to their old corrupt ways and God destroyed them.

I doubt the US will repent, so...but God gives it anyway. Such is the nature of unconditional love. Some will repent. If enough do, I think there will be an action like withdrawal of support of the Israeli genocide in progress. Something significant.

I'm so sorry to hear about the mycotoxins killing the chickens and ducks. I wonder if it's contributing to the worldwide decimation of birds observed everywhere? I know mold is a great conductor of electricity, so coupled with EMF....Honestly, I think I'm ready for this crap world to go. It's been toast all my life and likely long before I interacted with it.

I've moved on. In this world but not of it. Jesus is right, BTW. God Bless and thank you for your insights and fugly puppets. ha...

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utterly agreed, i have seen reference to the Oct eclipse too, theres been such a huge amount of imformation flow of late, its hard to keep up, but it is very much the case that the "party is on" i feel?

Aside from ET`s amazing work i keep a regular eye on hidden in the crag, home page here:


his work on the red heifer/3rd temple/satans little helpers comes from a very genuine "born again" perspective, some his older posts relate heavily to his weed selling/criminal past which in turn brought him to this highly foccused perspective.

having grown up around junkies im all too familliar with the way non-corporeals fuck with and enter the pin pricked, i have witnessed more than a few times the intoxicated being taken over, for sure alcohol does this to billions every day, but never in quite the way the opiated are taken, the "improvement" of this "facility" is likely now coming on line via the graphene shots..... ne cest pas?

dark materials?

ok, time to do some work

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Very interesting! Will have to have another look at the film.

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More questions Dustin, What kind of agriculture is largely taking place in the areas adjacent to Port Kenny? I was able to look at some photos that looked very dry and brushy. Is this ranch land? Is this a big livestock area? I can see references online to this being a big agricultural area. What would I see if I was driving through the area? Are there crops? Port Kenny has a lot of buildings for a town they are claiming only has 100 people. It looks like there are more buildings than people if that's the case. Very strange.......

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Mainly dryland cropping, wheat and barley. Massive low yield farms, some just Merino sheep on saltbush.

Due to unseasonal rains, most of the harvest in that area was destroyed.

The attack on the livestock industry in Australia has been mainly by the big buyers like Coles and Woolworths. They hiked up the shelf price last year, then people stopped buying, which created a glut at peak time so the slaughter houses couldn't keep up and stock started dying.

Lamb price at the yard went from $6 to $4. Supermarkets then sold it below cost to the public.

At the processor they increased the liveweight requirements by about 1 kg so they could get underweight lambs for $1 per kg.

The unseasonal weather created prime conditions for foot- rot and parasites......

Lots of animals being shot.

Shutting down of processing plants making shipping to interstate unviable.

Don't start me on the beef industry.

So back to fire-

What I've just laid out means-

No stock to eat regrowth from late rains.

No rain for 5 weeks means it's ready to burn.

The area where Venus bay is is called the Ayre peninsula. It has low population.

I believe there is a DARPA station somewhere near Ceduna creating weather anomalies.

Just south of Venus bay is Elliston. There is a cliff there called" Black's" that apparently back in the day, all of the Aboriginals were rounded up and pushed off.


I've been there. Like all old fishing villages on the coast in South Australia, it's been turned into rich people's holiday shacks.

A fire started their would unlikely reach Adelaide.... But lots of fires started in a line by smart metres, drones, EMFS etc....

We have been told that more people will die in Australia from bushfires in the next decade than the total number of people that have died in Australia from bushfires since this country was colonized -

I wonder how they came up with a fatalities number?



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I wish I had a garden like that, ET!

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I got in under the wire 30 years ago when real estate prices were in the toilet in Texas. The same land I paid $5000 an acre for back then is now worth between 30 to 50,000 an acre or more. It is now very difficult for most younger people to follow a dream like I did in 1994. I had inherited some money, and this place is what I did with it. And I have never regretted it. I just was never really cut out for city life and was completely insane about plants and horticulture. What is the best about this place is the peace and quiet.

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I really enjoyed the walk thru of your property!

💥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4VFAwS2a7A 💥

Electromagnetic flux line is said to cause of fires. Energetic ley lines causing fires? Geomagnetic induction. 💫🤔 So many questions. Are the gods of this whirled just doing what gods do? Accepting sacrifices?

Aluminum dust is used in all fireworks... why do they drop it from the sky?

Fires going in opposite direction of wind. Wind to pick up Saturday in Texas.

Also, I looked into Juno Moneta which is a goddess ritual said to go thru Saturday which explains WHY they have only snuffed out 3% of the TX fires. They NEED to keep it 🔥 burning. She is also the Goddess of money.. DRUMP just got his likeness/image/idol put on the 1/2 shekel in ISRAEL !!

Did the HAARP get played by the NWO? The Angels wept.


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Everything I can find on Juno and Juno Moneta appears to indicate everything happens in June with her. Have seen nothing about February. Where did you hear this? I wouldn't be surprised at all to see activity with a Juno theme turn up when June arrives. Maybe an actual ritualized money catastrophe?

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I think it was a 3/3 date without the leap year involved. I'll re-go thru the stuff I was reading & try to find the exact article for you. I read a lot about June as well & I recall hearing last year...June was the target date for digi-crypto, But that came & went for 2023. Maybe 2024 for the ritual? Hope not.

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I'm thinking more and more that May, headed into June is when everything hits the fan.

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They don't call out May Day, May Day for no reason do they? ... S.O.S. 505 5/5 Cinco Daimyo

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I'll have to look into the Juno Moneta thing. I have heard it theorized more than once that all of these nano-metals make everything they touch more flammable. It's sounding more and more like some kind of electro-magnetic tech is being used to enhance these fires. I will watch your vid links from yesterday and today. I had no time to do it yesterday.

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OK, It' back to letting me reply now. Good. Maybe it will work for you now too?

Yep,Sparkler tech :( ... Flaming the fires fer sure.

I know your busy, take your time.

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There's always MORE to the STORY ....

"Moneta" retained the meanings of "money" and "die" well into the Middle Ages and appeared often on minted coins. For example, the phrase Moneta nova is regular on coins of the low countries and the rhineland in the fourteenth and fifteenth century, with the "nova", Latin for "new", not necessarily signifying a new type or variety of coin.[3]

New? as in "digital" currency??

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There are no issues replying to comments on the desk top either. So, it looks like the Jewgle Chrome device is no longer usable on Substack unless something changes.

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SHOOT. ...The chrome device. lol My Microsoft laptop is replying OK now. AND I got ANOTHER update that I fear so much. I hope it works itself out for ya soon :)

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Everything is working now it looks like. I always have to wonder when shit like this happens if it's on purpose. It's not like they haven't already fucked with me.

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Thanks so much for writing such an interesting stack!

I'm not sure if it's anything but April 8th is the new moon that starts this year's Hebrew/Messianic holy day calendar (counting then 14 days to Passover). So a lot of people will be observing this moon!

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Yes, 4/8 is not only the day this eclipse is occurring but is the last day of the Hebrew month of Adar 2 (29 Adar) or the 13th month in their leap year system. It is my belief there are likely big plans afoot for that day. This eclipse over the US now appears set to be the largest witchcraft, public emotional energy harvesting ritual in the history of the world. The propaganda around viewing it has become intense and the word "activation" is actually being used in that propaganda. The concept of Activation is a bedrock principle of actual witchcraft and in my opinion there is just no telling what may be in store for that day. What exactly will all of this harvested public emotional energy be used to "activate"? I am going to be writing extensively on this subject very soon and am still gathering information now. Thanks for taking the time to leave the nice comment!

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and.... meanwhile in e europe things are getting very volatile

for any that do not understand the relevance of "f-16" jets in the airspace of the territory formerly known as "ukraine", the relevance is that these jets are nuclear capable and images of ukros training with dummy nuclear payloads have been conveniently leaked onto the "internet"

Russia via the Medvedev mouthpiece have made it categoricaly clear that any such incursion will result in the airplane/s being downed (with subsequent detonation) and the airstrips they came from (all outside the former "ukraine" becuase no airstrips exiist anymore) will share the same fate..

The hand is being forced, yet Russia have repeatedly made it clear to the international community (much of which will survive after this "event") that his-story will record the "west" as the aggressor...

The takedown of western GPS during the on-going exercise is thus either a Grand Gesture or... another false flag, if the perceived take down of GPS is self inflicted does this confer the right of retaliation by the "west" over having their toys fucked with?


i`m not 100% on Mr Turner, with his background he`s possibly doing exactly the job he is meant to, however on inspection he often comes across as being "one of Us", i have read and listened to his work for several years and seen and heard his "awakening" which as We all know is a very hard thing to fake, he awoke to the true nature of "covid" (albeit slowly) and has shown great courage in speaking out against satans little helpers and their pet genocide project/oil stealing enterprise

With all the relevance of March being the true start of the year, for example "september"=7th, "october"=8th.... the recent start of the "lunar year", and April the 8th now ominously visible, to what degree do We need to focus... and on what?

Despite the mental process of un-ravelling, which is of course a virtual experience, to what degree do We need to be prepped..? and isnt it intersting how the very notion of "prepped" carries with it a sub-conscious element of ridicule, i felt it myself as i tyoed the damn word..

What fools they made of Us that We stumble as We consider what is in Our own best interests as We prepare for what "delights" "they" un-doubtedly have in store for Us..

i am always reminded of the incidences of actual violence in uk supermarkets at the inception of "lockdown", the public having been told that in a few short hours everything would be shut down tight and they fought in the aisles over fucking toilet paper and dried pasta... :0/

that litte dry run informed tptb exactly what to expect when the real operation "ordo ab chao" kicks off, interestingly uk politicians are almost literally tearing shreds out of each other in a blood bath of "semitic abeyance", the degree points to the fact that events are moving outside of their control as is required for the process of "burning it all down"

right, i have an appointment with my plumber friend who is helping me complete my instalation of a a multi fuel cooking and hot water appliance that we call a "rayburn", which in conjunction with a 2foot bar stihl=warmth and sustenance, so its high time i got my lazy arse outa duvet land and did something usefull,

Keep focussed folk, i think things are going to get a bit (more) strange

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FEMA IS very sinister but I don't believe anything from Real Raw News. Even they, in the small print, admit it's all satire. They specialize in all the phony "white hat" narratives.

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Well done. I live in San Diego, California, on a canyon, and have a large slope that is completely native -ized. That thing that puzzles me is that, with all of the spraying, the plants still seem to be in good condition. I also hike a lot in San Diego and while there is some evidence of tree die-off (mostly older oaks), the overall health of the coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities seems relatively okay to me. That being said, I drove up to the mountains a couple of days ago, and was surprised at the number of dead old oak trees. I also believe that in my neck of the woods, whatever is being sprayed, decreases, not increases, rain. It's the same pattern over and over now: A large storm is predicted, and it is nothing more than a drizzle. t's confusing.

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How would you characterize the level of spraying going on in San Diego? Are you seeing it every or nearly everyday? There are some localities being sprayed almost 24/7 with very few breaks. Much of the Midwest is like this. Then there are zones like mine that don't have much of it going on most of the time or any of the time. Someone I talk to in the vicinity of Death Valley tells me it is now nearly continuous even there. Apparently Death Valley is just not already dead enough to satisfy these people........

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I would describe as continuous, nearly every day. Very few blue sky days. Also, numerous times a week with rings around the sun and/or moon. It's incredible how much people post photos of this phenomenon almost every day now, apparently unaware that it was rarely seen as often in the past. I would like to know how this is being done so frequently in so many places, and who exactly is doing it. Good to know it's not happening in your part of Texas. I still stand somewhat perplexed about the apparent health of California native plants in light of the fact that so much spraying is going on.

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One of the things that I have theorized, and it's only a theory, is that because the vegetation here is already highly adapted to very alkaline conditions the alkalizing effects of all these nano-metals is blunted here. This is one of the recognized effects of all the spraying activity. Ambient alkalinity in the environment is raised substantially. Where I am the soil PH is already in the 8.5-9 range or higher and the natives are all adapted to thrive in it.

If you look at a place like Ohio the soil PHs are nearly all in the neutral to sometimes very acid range. Plants that are highly adapted to acid conditions usually have next to no coping mechanisms for increased alkalinity. In contrast the natives of even an area like mine can often adapt to much more acidity. Much of the answers to this may lie in the underlying, pre-existing chemistries in any particular area.

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Interesting observation. I am not completely familiar with the alkalinity vs. acidity in California coastal sage scrub, but I believe it is more alkaline than acidic. Our potted azaleas are thriving here though, and they are potted in acidic soil. But I would not expect potted plants to be as affected by spraying as those in the ground.

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I just did some quick searches and it looks like many of the soils in coastal California definitely lean alkaline. 7-8.5 range. Apparently this can be more so in areas that have been heavily irrigated. This may be your answer.

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Your place looks amazing, even without the absent critters...

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